Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fine Art - Mariah Campolina from Brasilia - DF , gained spolight in the art market in exhibition at NYC.

Fine Art -  Mariah Camppolina

For the12th time in New York,  Women in Art is the centerpiece at Plaxall Gallery in the Month of March, to celebrate women’s Day. And it shows to the world the art work of 29 artists, from all over in the world The mix of nationalities brings a unique contemporary atmosphere. The exhibition takes place at  Plaxall Gallery, NY, from March 07th through April 07th 2019, and it will delight the public with a variety of colors and detailed sculptures.

Curated by Leda Maria, an American born Brazilian artist herself, curator and Art Historian.

Women in Art  is open to all of the art lovers and to those who want to dive in a colorful and vibrant world.

Featured Artists are: Mariah Campolina
Ana Ulate • Anne de Suède • Anne Vignau
Beth Parin • Cândida Soares • Céline Pellerin •
Christine Marie Nobre • Conceição Pombo •
Elisa Pinto • Fatima Moura • Fátima Sá Pereira •
Filipa Macedo • Florence Thibaut • Gabriela Graça
Gladis Reveilleau • Isabel Matos • Joana Silva
Johanne Kourie • Leda Maria • Luma Sanos
Madalena Lei • • Marie Lauzon •
Nati Sáez • Roselena Campos • Saori Kurioka •
Silvia Vale • Steffie Wallace • Vania Valdo •

Located in Long Island City ,NY, Plaxall Gallery is a non-profit space specially created for an artist in The United States. The gallery exhibits from traditional to experimental art forms. Thousands of artists have started their career at Plaxall Gallery.

Works by Mariah Campolina

Works by Mariah Campolina

Women in Art 2019

On view:
March 07th through April 07th 2019
Plaxall Gallery – 5-25 46th Ave, LIC, NY, 11101

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The Queen of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Diambi 

Kabatusuila Mukalenga Mukaji of Nkashama (Queen of the

 Order of the Leopard) made a tour in Brazil from February 

27 to March 16, passing through 4 states, Bahia, Minas

 Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo and more than 20 


Accompanied by the entourage of prince, princess and 

intellectuals, Queen Diambi visited Brazil in order to value 

and celebrate African peoples and traditions and to promote

 intellectual encounters with descendant communities.

According to the Queen, Brazil is a country rich in Afro 

culture and  very special for the Afro culture.When finishing 

her visit to Brazil, the African Queen came to New York 

where she had scheduled meetings.

Her first meeting was in the town of Mount Vernon, New York

 where she was welcomed by Mayor Richard Thomas 

during a dinner hosted by producer and photo / journalist 

Denny Silva.

In this dinner, the Queen was honored with a proclamation

 where it was recorded that on that day the community would

 be celebrating the "Queen Diambi's Day" (March 18th).

On March 19, the Queen appeared at the UN (United 

Nations) and spoke about her visit to Brazil.

On March 20,  Queen Diambi met again at the UN 

headquarters with the leaders of the African Union, where 

she was honored by the president of the African Union 

along with several ambassadors leaders, Kings and 

Queens of several African countries.

We can not forget to mention that all this work was 

coordinated by one of the most important Afro-descendant 

producers in the USA, Mr. Christian Ruart, whom our team

 is very grateful for the privilege of coordinating the Queen's 

media in Brazil and USA.

Article by Denny Silva/Photos Rose Lima

BACCF Chamber News March 2019
Dear Members, Partners and Friends:

As we reach mid-March with Carnaval just behind us, the Chamber is proud to have accomplished many goals in this period.

Over 450 guests have joined us for high profile and educative events. We didn’t have to wait to after Carnaval to move!!

And more is on the way! On March 22 join us for a very interesting and informative networking luncheon discussing why Brazil is Back in the game. Click here to register.

See you there!!!

Cassio Segura
BACCF 2019 President
BACCF members in the spotlight
March 13, 2019
Brasileiros com bens no exterior e estrangeiros (Expatriados)
March 12, 2019
A Experiência Da Cidade De Guanzhou
March 11, 2019
March 7, 2019
Embaixador Rubens Barbosa analisa governo Bolsonaro
March 5, 2019
Money without Barriers
February 27, 2019
American crops used over 550 million tons of fertilizers compared to 228 million tons used in Brazil

February 21, 2019
Calculate what you should be paying talent in your market
February 15, 2019
BACCF se reúne com o Secretário de Governo e Relações Institucionais do Estado do

Connect with us

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231


Fri, Mar 15, 5:28 PM (8 days ago)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


ROSELENA CAMPOS was born in Belém, Pará, and has lived in Brasilia
since 1984.
Academic training in Law (bachelor's degree), Visual Arts (idem) and
graduate studies in Political Science (latu sensu) and Public Administration
(Master’s degree).
Thoroughly immersed in cultural life, beyond her work with museums and
galleries, Roselena partakes in debates, group production, theoretical and
practical art courses, thereby sharing experience with artists and great

Academic education along with personal experience have warranted a flux
of diversified plastic artwork, especially painting on varied support base
(cotton, paper, wood, porcelain) and sculpture.

   Impressive and amazing work by Roselena Campos

Pictorial artwork bears influences from some classic techniques, as
perceived in attention dispensed to use of light, shadow, color disposition
and, in subtle ways, structure of composition.
Thematic approaches are drawn on natural beauties, whereof the poetic
of lines, forms, colors, presence and absence is absorbed.
With sensitive regard, the artist’s works stem from a singular process of
interpretation and communication over thematic subjects like flowers,
landscapes and human figures.

With unique feature the works by Roselena has gained notoriety in the world scenario of art visual market 

In sculptural artwork, mainly bronze material is used for small-scale
pieces, iron for bigger ones.
Watercolor and engraving draw the artist’s attention, engaging her in a
regular production.

  with unique tecnique the artist reveals her impressive work

Participation in individual and collective exhibitions take place in a regular
basis. Her work has been displayed in national/domestic (Distrito Federal,
Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina) as well as
international circuits (Chile, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Portugal, Italy,
France and the USA).

Know more Roselena Campos through Instagram @roselenacampos


Join us for a luncheon discussion on
 Brazil: back to the game?
Presented by Luis Miranda
Portfolio Manager, Director & CIO
Belvedere Capital Advisor Corp.

Four Seasons Hotel, 1435 Brickell Ave., 6th Floor,
Miami, FL 33131 

Date/Time Information:
Friday, March 22, 2019
12:00 noon to 2:00PM

Connect with us

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231
DATAGRO is proud to be a Sponsor of the 71st Annual Sugar Club Banquet in New York, taking place at the American Museum of Natural History, and highly recommend your participation.
Reserve by April 25, 2019, contact

DATAGRO tem o prazer de anunciar o seu apoio ao 71st Annual Sugar Club Banquet in New York, a ser realizado no American Museum of Natural History, e recomenda fortemente a sua participação.
Reservas até 25 de abril de 2019, contato
The Sugar Club
Enviado por DATAGRO Conferences
Calçada das Magnólias, 56 - Telefone (11) 4133-3944 - Barueri - SP

The Dimmer Twins: Mike Cooley and Patterson Hood of Drive-By Truckers

Patterson Hood and Mike Cooley, a.k.a. the “Dimmer Twins,” formed the Drive-By Truckers in Athens, Georgia in 1996, though their musical collaboration began in the 80s with the band Adam’s House Cat. The name Dimmer Twins is a nod to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who are sometimes known as the “Glimmer Twins.” This stripped-down duo setting features original solo and duo material penned by both Hood and Cooley, with some classic Drive-By Truckers songs.
April 2019
$30 - $40

PO Box 663

5º Fórum Anual de Corporates
Brasil 2019

Quarta-feira, 17 de Abril de 2019 às 14hHotel Unique
Avenida Brigadeiro Luis Antônio, 4.700
São Paulo

13:00 – Credenciamento dos Participantes

14:00 – Abertura e Boas-Vindas 
Rafael Guedes, Diretor-executivo da Fitch Ratings, Brasil
Nathalia Seoane, Diretora sênior para a América Latina

14:10 – Visão Geral sobre o Rating Soberano
Rafael Guedes, Diretor-executivo

14:30 – Cenário das Empresas Brasileiras: Já é Momento de Otimismo?
Ricardo Carvalho, Head da Equipe Analítica de Ratings Corporativos 

15:00 – Perspectivas e Desafios para os Setores de Varejo e Açúcar & Álcool
Claudio Miori, Analista sênior, Açúcar & Álcool
Gisele Paolino, Diretora, Varejo
Renato Donatti, Diretor, Varejo
Moderador: Mauro Storino, Diretor sênior 

15:30 – ESG:  Como os Riscos Ambiental/Social/Governança são Capturados nos Ratings – Caso Vale 
Fernanda Rezende, Diretora

15:45 – Coffee Break

16:15 – Perspectivas e Desafios para os Setores de Energia, Saneamento e Locadoras
Gustavo Mueller, Diretor, Saneamento
Renato Mota, Analista sênior, Transportes
Wellington Senter, Analista sênior, Energia
Moderador: Mauro Storino, Diretor sênior 

16:45 – Eletrobras e Petrobras: Construindo Uma Nova História
Wilson Ferreira Junior, Diretor Presidente da Eletrobras
Rafael Grisolia, Diretor Financeiro e de Relações com Investidores da Petrobras
Moderador: Ricardo Carvalho, Head da Equipe Analítica de Ratings Corporativos

17:30 – Encerramento

Rafael Guedes, Diretor-executivo
O evento é gratuito e as vagas são limitadas.
Contamos com sua presença!
Registre-se aqui
30 North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5GN
33 Whitehall Street, New York, NY 10004