Monday, March 16, 2020

Eric H. Holder, Jr.

sáb., 14 de mar. 09:15 (há 2 dias)
para Sula
All On The Line

I wanted to send a note of solidarity to all of you as our country and the world confronts the COVID-19 global pandemic. We are entering what will be a stressful time for many Americans, and I want you to know that I am keeping all of you and your families in my thoughts. My heart goes out to those who have already lost loved ones.

I encourage you to listen to the health professionals who are asking all Americans to be vigilant about controlling what we can -- wash your hands, try not to touch your face, and avoid large social gatherings. Our team is actively following these guidelines. The All On The Line team and the staff of its affiliates will be working from home and working with local volunteers to ensure that no events take place that conflict with guidelines coming from public health professionals. Social distancing may feel isolating, but it is one of the best ways that we can all help drive down the spread of COVID-19 and make sure that those who need care can receive it. You can learn more about the best way to help stop the spread of this virus from the CDC's website.

This will be a challenging time. But it is a time for us to support one another and put trust in each other. This is an opportunity for us to come together as a nation. And it is, as much as any moment in my lifetime, a time that calls for public policies and decisions driven solely by facts and science. The American people -- all of us -- deserve local, state, and federal governments that look out first and foremost for the best interests of the people. That is the essence of what we have all been fighting for together -- the people.

We must also be mindful of the needs of our friends, family, and neighbors who may be particularly vulnerable during this time. Now is a time to show the generosity that has always defined the American people at our best.

These challenges may make our reform work more difficult, but certainly not impossible. All great movements face difficulties. Ours is no different. We will prevail.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.


All On The Line
The Trump administration and his campaign have a history of attempting to undermine the accuracy of the 2020 Census -- we need to take action against these kinds of direct attacks on our democracy.
FIRST: Trump's administration attempted to add a citizenship question to the census as a scare tactic to discourage traditionally underrepresented communities from standing up to be counted.

THEN: The Supreme Court blocked the administration from including the question. Since they could no longer undermine the census count through official channels, they shifted to a new approach.

NOW: The Republican National Committee sent mailers that could easily cause confusion and mistrust of the census. The Trump campaign also ran misleading campaign ads on Facebook that asked people to take an "official" survey that they dubbed to be a "census." These deceitful campaign communications even asked for donations!
Protecting the integrity and accuracy of the 2020 Census has been an uphill battle and the fight is not over. Add your name to take a stand against the Trump administration and campaign's attempts to undermine the census.

The census is the foundation for redistricting. Without an accurate count, it will be impossible to create fair maps that truly represent the communities who live there. We need to take action now to ensure a fair count.

We've set a goal of 100 signatures from New York by the end of the weekend. Add your name to our petition here.

-- AOTL Census Working Group

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


Friday, March 13, 2020