When Congress reconvenes, we have the chance to make a huge difference
in the fight for safe elections. Congress should be considering whether
to allocate additional funding for election safety efforts -- this is
the money our states would need to modernize online voter registration,
staff additional early vote locations, or mail absentee ballots to all
registered voters amidst COVID-19.
Contact your member of Congress and demand they #ProtectOurVote by supporting funding for fair and safe elections.
We know that common-sense reforms like expanding vote-by-mail and
increasing early-vote are essential to safe, fair, and accessible
elections -- but we also know that many entrenched conservative
politicians have refused to support these efforts. Some of them have
already shown that they would rather make voters choose between their
health and their vote by opposing efforts like voting at home. We need
to stand up to this blatant voter suppression.
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
Wisconsin’s state Supreme
Court election earlier this month made national news. People around the
country were horrified by the choice voters were forced to make: go to
the polls and risk getting seriously ill, or stay home and have their
voice silenced.
The fact is,
what happened in Wisconsin was the result of a
decade’s worth of malfeasance by state and national Republicans. I’m
going to lay it out below -- but first, can you make a donation to help the NDRC continue our fight against voter suppression and gerrymandering?
Here’s the timeline:
In 2011, former Governor Scott Walker signed manipulated maps into
law. This gave Republicans lasting majorities in the state legislature,
even when they won less than 50 percent of the vote.
Walker also “reduced the state’s non-partisan elections office to a
largely gridlocked bipartisan agency,” according to an expert
interviewed by ProPublica.
In 2018, after Democrat Tony Evers beat Walker (with our help!),
the gerrymandered Republican legislature forced through bills that
“neutered the authority of the incoming Democratic governor in emergency
situations.” Then, a couple of weeks ago, Republican legislative
leaders challenged Gov. Evers’ order to postpone the April 7 state
Supreme Court election, calling it “executive overreach.”
Just hours later, the state Supreme Court -- which Republicans have
packed with hard-line conservatives -- ruled that the election must
proceed despite the public health emergency.
And Trump and McConnell’s U.S. Supreme Court picks, Neil Gorsuch and
Brett Kavanaugh, sided with the Wisconsin Republican legislators, who
refused to extend the deadline for absentee ballots -- which some voters
hadn’t even received by Election Day!
The roots of the Wisconsin debacle were planted long before April 7.
This was the culmination of a decade-long effort by Republicans to
undermine democracy to serve their own political ends.
fighting back, Sula. The NDRC is committed to ending voter suppression
and gerrymandering so that what happened in Wisconsin never happens
again. Can you make a donation to help us achieve truly fair and safe elections?
Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
There are now fewer than 200 days remaining until the 2020 elections,
and we need to win big in target states all over the country to secure
fair maps for the next decade. But recently, our mission has become
significantly more challenging -- here's why:
Despite these challenges, we've made a lot of progress in the fight to
end gerrymandering, and we're building on our scope of work to protect
voters' access to the ballot box. But to keep it up, we need your help
to reach our end-of-month goal!
Please donate now, if you can, to help us reach our $75,000 goal and END Republican gerrymandering.