Friday, June 19, 2020

Join us on Thursday, 25 June 2020 at 14:30 London | 09:30 New York for this webinar, where we will discuss the following topics:
  • Tracking high frequency growth indicators
  • Key revisions to our country, regional and global forecasts
  • A discussion around the shape of the recovery post Covid-19 for different countries and regions
  • Discussion on rising political and geo-political risks
You will also have the chance to participate in a live Q&A session where you can pose any questions you may have.

The webinar is free of charge and without obligation, register now to secure your place.
Kind regards,
Cedric ChehabGlobal Head of Country RiskFitch Solutions
Tel: +44 (0)20 7248 0468

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF)
& the BACCF Banking & Finance Committee
cordially invite you to a webinar on
Economic Challenges during the Crisis 
A Panoramic vision by Banco Central do Brasil

Roberto Campos Neto
President Banco Central do Brasil (BIO)
  • Brazilian economic outlook
  • Measures to face the Covid-19 crisis
  • Highlights of the Agenda BC# for 2020

Date: Friday, June 26th
Time:1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
(14h – 15h horário de Brasília)

Members Only Event

Connect with us
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231

National Democratic Redistricting Committee
MSNBC: Georgia elections show the voter suppression machinery is working as designed'. The New Yorker: Georgia Betrays Its Voters Again. Holder tweet: Closed polling places. Opposition to vote by mail and early vote. Purging voter rolls. Unnecessary photo ID. Gerrymandering. Here's the deal: many Republicans don't want certain people to vote. They want to pick their voters. Vote for change in November - up and down the ballot.
It's clear, Sula: When Republicans can't win, they cheat.
A.G. Holder and Stacey Abrams: If even one eligible voter's name is missing from the poll book or must leave a long line ... our elections are not truly free and fair
We're fighting back against Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $5 nowDonate $15 now
Donate $25 nowDonate $50 now
Donate $100 nowAnother amount

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

As COVID-19 is still a global concern, we would like to update you regarding our activities and events.
We reaffirm our commitment to our members and extended community.  We will continue to collaborate with our members on an extremely active calendar of virtual events.  Our webinars bring together a roster of professionals from the medical, finance, legal, business, non-profit, and government sectors to address the impact of COVID-19, as well as alternatives to navigate these unique and trying times.
Our members continue to enjoy a wide range of benefits, including access to our network of business leaders, discounted and complimentary invitations to events, listing in our membership directory, and access to member-only online resources, among others.
Your continued support is paramount to maintaining our activities.  We recognize that these are trying times and would like to offer our members up for renewal greater flexibility, especially for those facing budgetary restrictions.  Members will also receive complimentary access to all webinars through the end of the year (over six months of free events).  Additionally, we would welcome the opportunity, for current and prospective members, to schedule a virtual meeting to see how we can best serve you.  We encourage you to reach out to our membership team by e-mailing Fernanda Cataldi at
Membership connects us, and your membership is essential in furthering our mission of forging closer ties between Brazil and the United States.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce

NYC Event Spaces | MidtownManhattan, NY 10036
About Constant Contact
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Monday, June 15, 2020

All On The Line

As the Governor of Wisconsin and the former State Superintendent, I've seen first-hand the damage that gerrymandering has caused.

In 2018, the GOP won 64% of the seats in our state legislature despite only winning 46% of the vote. That same year, the people of Wisconsin said they had enough of Scott Walker's special interest-backed agenda by electing me by just 30,000 votes.

But Walker wasn't done quite yet. On his way out of office, he signed legislation passed by the GOP lame-duck majority in the legislature that stripped our administration of executive authority before I took office.

A minority party is desperately trying to hold on to power -- and it's coming at the expense of the values, hopes, and desires of the majority of people in Wisconsin.

I see the urgency of the work that All On the Line is doing. We are depending on work like theirs to restore trust in our democracy in Wisconsin and other states across the country.

But All On The Line can only keep up the fight to end map manipulation with your support -- can you chip in today to fund their mission?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

The voters that elected me want to see meaningful progress.

Wisconsinites want to undo the cuts passed by Walker and the gerrymandered legislature and build upon the investments that we made last year in our schools, expand Medicaid, and pass common-sense gun safety legislation.

These are issues that a majority of voters support -- but legislators won't act because they're too focused on winning primary elections in gerrymandered districts.

This is why I established the People's Maps Commission in Wisconsin to draw fair maps in 2021. This nonpartisan commission puts the power back into the hands of people and takes Wisconsin one step closer to fair maps -- and meaningful progress.

I need your help to make sure states across the country keep fighting for fair maps to move our agenda forward. We need public pressure campaigns to remind legislators that they're still accountable to voters. And ultimately, we'll need to mobilize grassroots communities and volunteers to be advocates for fairness so that we can put a stop to gerrymandering once and for all.

We need All On The Line's work to be successful. And that means we need it to be well funded. Will you donate to All On The Line's mission to bring public accountability to map manipulators?

Thank you for your work on this critical issue.

Governor Evers

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

18 June I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 What Lies Ahead No. 11: Legal Impact on Brazil of Government and Multilateral Policies(Click below for more information)
Registration Information
Save the Date!
More information will be posted soon on the Chamber website about the webinars below.

25 June I 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 Next Steps No. 1: Discussion with the Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, Mr. Gustavo Junqueira
30 June I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 Next Steps No. 2: Investing in the Brazilian Power Sector: Opportunities and Challenges

2 July I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 Next Steps No. 3: Energy Transition Post-COVID – with Cosan
9 July I Time TBA
Webinar Series - COVID 19 Next Steps No. 4: Opportunities and Challenges of Investing in Brazil's Tech Sector
16 July I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 Next Steps No. 5: Preparing for the Return to Regular Operations for Brazilian Corporations

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

All On The Line

June 19 holds a special place in history for many Black Americans. It's the day enslaved people in Galveston, Texas discovered their newfound freedom -- more than two years after President Lincoln had already signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Now, 155 years later, there's still work to be done to ensure everyone in this country is treated equally. As Black Americans and allies protest the systemic racism fueled by our country's dark history, we want -- and need -- to stand in solidarity with them.

Black Lives Matter.

The protests that spread across the world over the last few weeks have again surfaced for what many Black Americans have known for generations -- that the systemic racism built into the foundation of American society endures to this day. Its toxic persistence has resulted in the senseless murder of countless Black people in our country. It fuels disparities in our criminal justice system, in voting, in education, in health care, in employment, in housing, and in far too many aspects of everyday life. The recent tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many more brought into stark relief the racial injustices and inequities that pervade our nation's criminal justice system. The structural racism embedded in that system is a reflection of our society writ large. We must do everything we can to reform the criminal justice system and put an end to police misconduct and brutality against Black Americans. But, we can't stop there. We must commit ourselves to actively engaging in the difficult and sometimes uncomfortable conversations necessary to meaningfully address explicit racism and implicit bias, so we can finally root out systemic inequality.

Today we are asking you to support some of the organizations on the ground that are leading this fight for change and, in many cases, providing direct aid to communities.

We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the protesters who have been calling for change for far too long and with the community organizers and activists who have dedicated their life's work to demanding justice and dismantling systemic racism and oppression. Please join us in supporting this movement.

By donating, your contribution will be split among the Minnesota Freedom Fund, Black Visions Collective, Reclaim the Block, Black Lives Matter Global Network, Campaign Zero, Movement for Black Lives, Emergency Release Fund, and Community Justice Exchange.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

At All On The Line, we will continue to push for a more fair and equitable America that gives all people a voice in our democracy. And, we will work every single day to ensure this country lives up to its ideals of justice and fairness for all.

-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.

Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible.

All On The Line

This email will be short.

We can admit it. We send a lot of emails asking for your support -- but it's only because we know how relentless map manipulators are. We need to make sure that we have enough resources to continue producing advocacy tools to hold them accountable. Your support is key to our ability to outlast the other side.

Right now, it's our goal to make all attempts to restrict voting (see: voter suppression) fail -- badly.

We are asking because we know that having your support is instrumental in fighting against voter suppression. Can you donate now to help us hit our mid-month fundraising goal? We only need $4,345 to hit our goal by tonight.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

There's too much at stake. If the map manipulators have their way by suppressing the vote this year, then they'll be able to draw districts that will obstruct progress for another decade. Thankfully, we know you're standing with us in the fight to secure our elections.

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.