Friday, December 3, 2021

 Criptoart pays tribute to singer Marília Mendonça. 

The insertion of new technologies in the market was created to be a production channel for alternative investments, including: NFT and Metaverse, Criptoart and Conpliance Digital.

Therefore, companies in the cryptocurrency sector are creating platforms for NFTs in an online environment, which is a kind of digital certificate, established via blockchain, which defines originality and exclusivity to digital goods.

But what would NFT be?

NFT stands for “Non-fungible Token” which, in loose translation, would be something like “Non-fungible Token”. The key to understanding what NFTs are and their application lies in the idea of ​​whether or not a good is fungible. In economics, goods of this type are those that are not unique and are interchangeable: a BRL 1 coin is a fungible good because, if you exchange it for another, you still have BRL 1.


The idea is to establish a new business model for the cultural sector with these encrypted images, in order to promote art through technology in a metaverse environment.

The integration of images produced by these encrypted digital assets such as: photos, videos, collections or other types of products that need a certificate of ownership and can be considered unique.

That's what has made NFTs hit record minute values ​​at specific cryptoart selling portals at luxury auction houses.

The Executive Director of Eteryu1 – Walter Contreras, released on 01.12 an image titled “Queen of Sofrencia”, a simple tribute to singer Marília Mendonça, who died due to an air accident, this last November 5th.

Top Tourist Destinations evolves, at the service of national tourism.

ADBV and SKAL INTERNACIONAL are representatives of the event that promotes Tourism in Brazil



It took place on 11/30 at Palácio Bandeirantes, seat of the Government of the State of São Paulo, whose governor João Dória awarded the Top Tourist Destinations Award, which focuses on cities in the interior of the State of São Paulo. It is the result of distinct and complementary skills, which increasingly contribute to the indispensable and effective sustainable development of Brazil.


On the one hand, the World Association of Tourism and Travel Professionals – Skål International São Paulo, directed by Walter Teixeira, present in around 100 countries and made up of nearly 13 thousand members who play a leading role in all segments that make up the sector.


On the other hand, the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil – ADVB SP, an entity that honors success stories written by entrepreneurs recognized as Top in the various branches of economic activity. ADVB, very well represented by Aristides Skaf, became the official promoter of the Top Destinos Turísticos awards.


In addition to distinct and complementary professional skills, other factors give relevance to the award, which is rigorously audited by Russell Bedford Brasil, which guarantees the fairness and validates all stages of the vote counting process on the internet and the technical criteria adopted to choose the body of jurors.


Regulatory Developments

in Financial Services




Tuesday, December 14th
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
(Eastern Time - U.S. and Canada)
The volume of Brazilian cryptocurrency trading has exploded with Brazilians acquiring consistently USD350mn in bitcoin each month and over USD4bn year-to-date in 2021. With the adoption of bitcoin as the official currency of El Salvador, Brazilian authorities are looking at cryptos with increasing scrutiny. The Chamber brings together a panel of experts to explore the growth and role of cryptocurrencies in Brazil, including their use in the payment system, decentralized finance and exchanges, and cryptocurrencies as a unique asset class. We will discuss the regulatory treatment of cryptos, including tax, securities, and banking – and examine how Brazilian regulation fits in and compares to international regulation, including that in the United States.
Join us via Zoom, for this informative and practical discussion.
Evan Koster, Partner, Hogan Lovells LLP
Fabio Araujo, Economist, Central Bank of Brazil
Pedro Erole, Partner, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados LLP
Barbara EspirHead of LegalBitso
Fabricio Tota, Director, Mercado Bitcoin


Registration Information

Members: Free
Non-Members: $15

Webinar information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691
Dear BACCF Members:

We are delighted to invite you to attend the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting. Meet your fellow chamber members and the Board & Advisory Council Members.
The purpose of the meeting is to elect the 2022 Board of Directors. Plans for the upcoming year will be outlined and we welcome your suggestions to continue building our Chamber. We are pleased to enclose the BACCF 2022 Proposed Slate for Board of Directors (click here).
In the event you are unable to attend the meeting, kindly fill out the attached proxy, Click Here, scan and return by email to
Your registration will be used as your proxy in the event you are unable to attend.
We look forward to greeting you.
In the event you are unable to participate, you appoint Carlos Mariaca, Cassio Segura or Eduardo Santos, who will be attending the meeting, to act as Proxy to vote in your stead. 
Thank you!
Thursday, December 16th, 2021, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Yellow-Fi Management LLC - 1001 Brickell Bay Dr. Suite 3200
Visit our website
Connect with us
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida <>
Date: ter., 30 de nov. de 2021 13:02
Subject: BACCF 2021 - Workshop Choaib, Paiva e Justo Advogados Associados
To: <>

A Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce (BACCF) & Choaib, Paiva e Justo Advogados Associados
lhe convidam para um workshop sobre:

Reforma fiscal no Brasil
Criptomoedas, Legislação fiscal e Sucessória
Investimentos em Portugal, Golden Visa e residência não habitual

Apresentado por:
Samir Choaib (bio) & Roberto Justo (bio)

Participação especial: José Archer (bio) & Miguel Archer (bio),
Correia Afonso, Archer & Associados – Lisboa, Portugal
O uso de máscara é recomendado

*Please note that this webinar will be held in Portuguese
Inscreva-se aqui
Sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2021
08:30am - 11:30am EST

Four Seasons Hotel
1435 Brickell Ave., 6th Floor

BACCF Membros: $65.00
Não membros: $95.00

Join the BACCF!

Connect with us
Online Directory
Facebook ‌ Instagram ‌ LinkedIn ‌
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231

Monday, November 29, 2021


From day one, the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress have been delivering for the American people on issues like COVID relief, infrastructure investment, and climate action. There’s still much more to be done -- but all of our progress could be on the chopping block if Republicans recapture the House majority in 2022.

Republicans are determined to do just that, and they’re counting on gerrymandering to help them do it.

'Redistricting, gerrymandering loom large over Biden agenda with midterms in sight' -- Spectrum News 1

Here’s the bad news: Experts are warning that Republican state legislatures could all but guarantee a GOP majority for the next DECADE simply by redrawing maps to be less competitive.

But here’s the good news: The NDRC is fighting back in every corner of the country by demanding fair maps, mobilizing communities, and when necessary, supporting plaintiffs in lawsuits.

It's not too late to join our fight against GOP gerrymandering, but time is of the essence. Will you rush a contribution now to power our fight for fair maps across the country?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

-- The NDRC Team

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

A new AP report said Republicans in North Carolina are well-positioned to gain extra seats in the House -- and not because “the state is getting redder” but due to the GOP map drawers who control the redistricting process there.

AP: Gerrymandering surges as states redraw maps for House seats
“Experts and lawmakers tracking the once-a-decade redistricting process see a cycle of supercharged gerrymandering.”

Our movement is advocating to pass the Freedom to Vote Act because it would outlaw partisan gerrymandering like the maps just passed in North Carolina.

Can you make a donation right now to support our movement? We need to fight back against this “cycle of supercharged gerrymandering.”

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

When the GOP-controlled legislature finalized maps, the districts gave a lopsided advantage to their party despite election results that show North Carolina is a competitive battleground state.

That’s one of the reasons why we want to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Some of the law’s provisions would also go into effect immediately. And according to an analysis by our team, the maps passed in states like North Carolina and Texas wouldn’t pass muster as fair maps as outlined in the law.

Will you help us fight back?


-- The AOTL Team


All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.


  “Exhibition Meetings” curated by Juliane Mai


“Meetings exhibition” under the curatorship of Juliane Mai. The “Meetings Exhibition” took place this last year (November 5) at the Casa das Artes Regina Simonis, with all its exuberant style loaded with history, in the charming city of Santa Cruz do Sul – RS. The exhibition environment was minimally planned to create a warm, inviting atmosphere, based on the idea of ​​a square, a place that is usually a meeting point for conversations, celebrations, meditations, games and distractions. The French-style benches, garden lamps and plants, combined with the lights and the aroma of the environment, make up this space. Curated by Juliane Mai, who since 2008 has closely followed the trajectory of incredible artists in the region. The young artist, well known in São Paulo – SP, claimed to feel honored in doing this curatorship.