Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Wanted to share some incredible news in the ongoing fight over redistricting:

NYT headline: “A Potential Rarity in American Politics: A Fair Congressional Map” with rotating quotes: “The relatively fair congressional map reflects a decade-long effort by progressives to combat Republican-led gerrymanders in courts, legislatures and at the ballot box.” and “While proposals to reform redistricting are nothing new, they took on new urgency for Democrats in the aftermath of the last redistricting cycle, when Republicans enacted aggressive gerrymanders that gave the party a considerable structural advantage.”
Help us keep up the fight – with button: Donate Now

Thanks to the diligent efforts of A.G. Holder, the NDRC and our affiliates have helped make a huge impact on this redistricting cycle. The work we’ve put in — and the funds you’ve donated — are helping to ensure the maps that govern our elections for the next decade are fair.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves: The fight to end gerrymandering isn’t over yet. Court challenges are still being heard, others are still being planned, and there’s a lot that can still be done to affect the outcome of this fight. Republicans are still working tirelessly to gerrymander, and we need to work until the very last minute to stop them.

But Sula, we need your help to keep going. So please, pitch in anything you can now to help the NDRC continue our fight to end GOP gerrymandering and PROTECT our democracy:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

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Let's talk about the Supreme Court!

Last month, a 5-4 majority decision allowed Alabama's 2022 election to take place on a congressional map determined by a lower court to dilute the equal voting power of minority voters. Bad news.

But then, two more redistricting cases came before the Supreme Court, and the justices made a different decision:

Tweet from the NDRC that reads: 'ICYMI—SCOTUS refused to grant emergency relief to Republicans in North Carolina and Pennsylvania who were making a last-ditch effort to block fair maps approved by their state supreme courts. This means the ‘22 congressional elections in these states will be held on #FairMaps'
Help us end GOP gerrymandering!

Takeaway #1: We never know how SCOTUS is going to rule. So, with our affiliates, we’re planning to keep doing what we’re doing, which is challenging manipulated maps everywhere we can, in every way we can. Will you help?

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Takeaway #2: The GOP is willing to do anything to keep gerrymandering. As A.G. Holder said:

“Republicans are making it quite clear that they will do whatever it takes – even if it means eroding our federalist system as we know it – to circumvent the will of the people so they can lock in their own power.”

We don't know how this will end, Sula. All we know is that we have to keep doing everything we can, on the ground, in the courts, and at the ballot box, to defend fair maps and prevent gerrymandering across the country.

Pitch in!

Thank you,

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

NPR:“The 2020 census had big undercounts of Black people, Latinos and Native Americans” ADD YOUR NAME →

A new report from the Census Bureau confirmed that 2020 undercounts of Black, Latino, and Native American communities were "larger in magnitude" than 2010 undercounts.

We must do better. Even after the 2021 redistricting cycle is completed, we must stay engaged and demand an accurate census count to serve as the foundation for fair redistricting for the next map-drawing cycle.

The Trump administration proved that Republicans are determined to manipulate the census count at the expense of communities of color.

Add your name to our petition and let us know you’ll stay engaged after this redistricting cycle to ensure fairness in the next census count.


-- The AOTL Team


All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.




“How Democrats are winning congressional redistricting fights”

It’s not an accident that we’re winning these fights, Sula. It’s because of A.G. Holder and the NDRC’s intentional strategy, which grassroots supporters help us execute. Can you make your first donation today to help us keep it up?

The Washington Post just announced that the GOP gerrymandering scheme is backfiring. That may be true – we’ve had a number of big wins on redistricting – but that doesn’t mean it’ll continue to happen on its own. It’s about cause and effect. For example:

Cause: Our movement refused to let Republicans get away with gerrymandering
Effect: Voter-led lawsuits against gerrymandered maps. Court wins in states like NC, OH, WI, PA, MN, OR, etc.

The point is, we have to keep fighting – or Republicans will be able to gerrymander the remaining maps, advance dangerous legal theories that undercut our federalist system, elect judges who will let them get away with anything, and completely escape accountability.

I know you’re not going to let that happen, Sula. Will you make your first gift today to help the NDRC keep executing our winning strategy?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

Our movement may have blocked Republicans from replicating their 2011 gerrymandering in many states, but that doesn't mean our work is done.
'The second we take our eyes off the ball, Republicans will take advantage.' — Eric Holder
The GOP is now trying to:
— gerrymander as many maps as they can
— reelect gerrymandering politicians in 2022
— stack state Supreme Courts that don't rule their way
— appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court
So our work continues, and it's as urgent as ever.
'With swing states like Florida still in the midst of contentious redistricting battles, we need your help.' — Barack Obama
Will you CHIP IN today?
A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

If you think the fight for fair redistricting is over, think again.

We still have a long way to go – and as Republicans get more desperate to hold elections on manipulated maps, we can expect more extreme and "ruthless" schemes from them. (Rush a donation to help us fight back >>)

The 2022 elections will be an inflection point:

Phone alert-type headline graphic: Politico: GOP vies to keep statehouse control in these 2024 battlegrounds

In 2022,

→ Republicans will fight to keep legislative control over the states they think will secure them the presidency in 2024.
→ They will try to stack state Supreme Courts with justices who they think will rule their way on gerrymandering.
→ They will promote dangerous legal theories that undercut our federalist system.
→ They will try to reelect gerrymandering politicians like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
→ And they will attempt to avoid accountability for their map manipulation.

But we can stop them with your help, Sula, and secure fair maps in as many states as possible.

Pitch in now >>

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– Team NDRC

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

twitter link facebook link linkedin link

National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

Vice: Dems Just Got Huge Wins (for Now) on Gerrymandering

Recently, state supreme courts in Pennsylvania and North Carolina ruled against Republican gerrymandering and for fair maps. Republicans were pretty unhappy about that, so they asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn those results, presenting extreme and dangerous legal theories that could give state legislatures the ability to gerrymander with impunity.

But SCOTUS has denied them relief! This means the 2022 congressional elections in Pennsylvania and North Carolina will be held on fair maps – a huge win for fair redistricting!

Help us keep the progress going!

Sula, it’s clearer than ever that our movement for fair maps is getting results – and your support has been a HUGE part of that. Will you help us achieve even more by pitching in now as we move into the next phase of our work?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
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Donate $150Another amount

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States