Monday, April 11, 2022


"Not only did Democrats break this mini-streak of good redistricting cycles for Republicans, but they also reversed the effects of two pro-GOP redistricting cycles in one fell swoop."
-- FiveThirtyEight

Without All On The Line and other fair map advocates, Republicans could have easily repeated their 2011 gerrymandering power grab.

If you’re excited about these victories but ready to build on them over the next decade, will you support our team right now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

As FiveThirtyEight noted, the House playing field is shaping up to be “more balanced than it has been in decades.”

After years of mobilizing and engaging supporters like you, All On The Line and fair map advocates are finally seeing the pay-off of executing our strategic plan.

But there are still a few states finalizing maps -- including Florida -- which could impact this calculation if we allow map manipulation to go unchecked.

Will you make a one-time donation of $28 -- one dollar for each of Florida’s congressional districts -- to make sure we can continue fighting for fair maps and elections?


-- The AOTL Team



All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

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“We know Republicans have proven time and again that they will do whatever it takes in these states and elsewhere to preserve partisan gerrymandering so they can lock in their own power.” -- Eric H. Holder, Jr.
A.G. Holder is well aware that conservatives are turning to extreme strategies to get the upper-hand -- from stacking the court with hand-picked judges to promoting a radical legal theory that would undercut the branches of state government they don't control.

All On The Line and A.G. Holder have a plan in place to make sure they don’t get away with it.
Make a donation right now to help ensure our team has enough resources to continue the fight for fair elections and stop this GOP power grab »
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount



All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.


The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you'd like to make a contribution to support us, please click here.

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Paid for by the DSCC | PO Box 96047, Washington, DC 20090 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions or gifts to the DSCC are not tax deductible.



sáb., 9 de abr. às 13:08
“An outdated legal theory could let Republicans subvert election results and redistricting processes

– Michigan Advance

Help us fight back!

Sula – Republicans are trying to undermine our fundamental system of checks and balances. Here’s how:

The “independent state legislature” theory is a legal argument that says the only branch of state government that should have a say in how congressional elections are held is the legislature. In other words, the governor has no veto power, state courts can’t hold legislatures accountable for manipulated maps, and independent redistricting commissions have no place.

Sound extreme? It is. But Republicans in multiple states (that all have GOP-controlled legislatures) are pushing this argument hard, and a number of conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices have hinted that they’re open to it!

So what do we do? We fight back:

➞ By helping to elect Democrats so Republican state legislatures don’t have a chance to gerrymander

➞ By supporting independent redistricting commissions

➞ By, with our affiliates, supporting voters who challenge gerrymanders and defending fair maps in court

➞ By engaging the public in the fight against gerrymandering

➞ By staying vigilant and reacting quickly to underhanded schemes like Republicans’ promotion of the independent state legislature theory!

The bottom line is we can’t let this outdated legal theory allow the GOP to subvert fair elections. We need you with us in the fight for fair maps – will you chip in today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

– Team NDRC

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
Issue 101 / April 2022

2022 has already brought challenges none of us imagined as thousands of service members have deployed to Europe in response to the war in Ukraine. But thanks to military supporters like you, the USO has been there for them every step of the way, providing critical resources and boosting morale. We hope you enjoy these highlights from the last month — your support makes all these special moments possible.

Image of new temporary USO center
New USO center in Germany supports troops deployed to Eastern Europe
As troops stand ready to support our NATO allies as the crisis in Ukraine continues, we’re supporting them in every way we can — including building a brand-new temporary USO center in just 48 hours to give deployed troops a chance to relax and connect with their families back home.

Read more how our new Barton Barracks center is providing critical support to service members. »
Image of cake at the celebration of Seabees' 80th birthday at USO Guam
Celebrating the Seabees’ 80th birthday at USO Guam
In honor of the 80th birthday of the Navy Construction Battalion, also known as the Seabees, USO Naval Base Guam hosted a barbecue aboard Camp Covington. The party featured delicious food, a celebratory cake, outdoor games and fun prizes!

Learn more about how USO Guam supports our troops with morale-boosting programs all year long. »
Image of Volunteer
April is National Volunteer Month!
This National Volunteer Month, we stop to recognize the more than 30,000 USO volunteers around the world who help us keep service members connected to family, home and country. Without our amazing volunteers, the USO simply would not be able to carry out our mission.

Take a moment to learn more about USO volunteers and how they Give More Than Thanks through service to the military. »
Image of Garth Brooks
Military Virtual Programming Highlight: USO hosts Garth Brooks for a Q&A on Random Acts of Kindness Day!
Award-winning singer/songwriter and country music star Garth Brooks shared his words of love, encouragement and gratitude with America's service members during a recent USO virtual programming event for our military community.
USO Boston Marathon
Keep an eye out for Team USO at the Boston Marathon
A group of runners will represent the USO at this year’s Boston Marathon on Monday, April 18, including a military spouse and mom of three, former Bachelor Matt James, a 13-year Army reservist and an active-duty Army Master Sergeant.

We’re so excited! Learn more about how USO Northeast will be celebrating ahead of and on the day of the race! »

Read more about Mary Vaughn, the military spouse running for the USO to support her husband. »
As the war in Ukraine continues and thousands of American troops remain on high alert, we’ve received so many messages from military supporters asking how they can help.

Click here to find five ways you can support troops in the wake of emergencies like the conflict in Ukraine. »

“The USO stands for happiness — that’s what we are there for. We want to bring happiness to the troops, especially during times like these. It’s the least we can do for those who are serving.”
– USO Regional Vice President for Europe-Middle East-Africa on USO’s response to crisis in Ukraine
Southern New Hampshire University
Veteran serves his community after completing online MSN program

After serving 13 years in the military, Tyler Crouch’s goal as he transitioned to civilian life was to become a nurse. Once he completed his BSN and started working at a VA Medical Center, his nursing mentor and fellow Marine suggested that he enroll in SNHU’s online MSN program. This inspired him to start a journey that would transform his life — and the lives of those around him.

Learn more about Tyler’s story and how SNHU offers flexible higher education options for veterans. »
Be the Change
Lowe's: “Be the change. Donate yours.”

When you pay in cash at Lowe’s stores between April 4 and June 26, 2022, you can support our troops by donating your change to the USO!

Your coins can help make a big difference by helping the USO support our military service members and their families.
Help make sure our troops have the support they need the moment they need it
As our service members put their lives on the line around the world to keep us safe, it's up to patriotic Americans like you to have their backs. Your monthly donation will go so far in ensuring our military heroes have the resources they need no matter what they're facing.

Set up a monthly donation now »
There are many ways you can support our nation’s heroes as they work to ensure our safety, health and security. Some gifts allow you to make an impact for service members today, while others allow you to extend your support into the future for the brave men and women who protect our country. Explore smart ways you can stand behind our service members in 2022 »
From all of us at the USO,
thank you for being a dedicated
and proud military supporter!
 The USO is a nonprofit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DOD). The appearance of DOD visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.


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New York Times: A Potential Rarity in American Politics: A Fair Congressional Map "This year's congressional map, despite continued gerrymandering, is poised to have a nearly equal number of districts that lean Democratic and Republican."

But A.G. Holder warned about the dangers of growing complacent, especially with these state updates over the last month:

→ The SCOTUS’s ruling reversed the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision picking legislative maps.
→ Ohio’s Republican-controlled redistricting commission passed its FOURTH set of gerrymandered legislative maps.
→ Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed gerrymandered congressional maps because they apparently weren’t manipulated enough for him.
→ The Louisiana Legislature voted to override the governor’s veto on their unfair congressional map that limited Black voters’ ability to elect candidates of their preference.

If you’re able, will you make a donation to All On The Line? We’re helping voters challenge gerrymandered maps in court while continuing to advocate for a fair process in states that are still drawing maps.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

-- The AOTL Team


  On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.




RGENT: Roe v. Wade is in SERIOUS danger of being overturned -- putting millions of Americans' rights in jeopardy -- and Justice Sonia Sotomayor is raising the alarm:
Sotomayor: 'Will this institution survive the stench this creates?'

Team -- We MUST show the far-right majority on the Supreme Court that we will not stand by while Republicans wage a war on abortion rights in this country.

The latest case before the Court could be the one that OVERTURNS Roe v. Wade and erases a vital constitutional right. The threat is so dire that Justice Sotomayor is DIRECTLY calling out the dangers.

Stand with Justice Sotomayor: Sign our Democratic petition calling on the Supreme Court to DEFEND reproductive rights and SAVE Roe v. Wade!

Please help us reach 100,000 signatures by midnight!
85% to goal



* If you've recently responded or done so with a different email address, thank you! Online records may not be up to date, but don't worry -- your responses have been recorded.

Sula – FiveThirtyEight just confirmed what The New York Times reported a couple of weeks ago: Redistricting will be fairer this cycle than in 2011!

They’re both right. And we have this movement to thank! If you can, will you rush a donation right away to help us keep fighting for fair maps all over the country? Our work isn’t over by a long shot.

Rotating GIF w/headline and excerpt: FiveThirtyEight: 'The House Map’s Republican Bias Will Plummet In 2022…' | The New York Times: 'The surprisingly fair map defies the expectations of many analysts [and] reflects a decade-long effort by progressives to combat Republican-led gerrymanders in courts, legislatures and at the ballot box.'
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

We’re celebrating, but we’re not resting – because even at this stage, Republicans are refusing to let go of their gerrymandering! They’re pulling every trick in the book, they’re whining to the U.S. Supreme Court, and when that doesn’t work, they’re investing in stacking state supreme courts with their handpicked candidates. If we let up now, they could reverse all the gains we’ve made toward fairness.

So we need you to stick with us, Sula. If you’re proud of our victories but know the fight isn’t over yet, will you pitch in now to help us keep working hard for fair redistricting?


A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

