Friday, April 22, 2022



Days Remaining: 200

Last Updated: 04.22.2022

The clock is ticking: As of today, there are just 200 days until the midterm elections. So it’s all hands on deck!

We’re putting everything we have into electing state Democrats this November, but state Republicans are gearing up for a tough fight. They’re pouring millions of dollars into the state-level ballot and parading Trump around the country for MAGA rallies to endorse his GOP cronies.

It’s all a part of their scheme to fill state legislatures with Trumpist Republicans this November – but we still have time to stop them.

So for the next 200 days, we’re…

 Mobilizing grassroots Democrats

 Securing key resources for our incredible state Democrats

 Making targeted investments in key races

 Reaching out to voters by knocking on doors and phone banking

We won’t sugarcoat it – this work is vital, but it’s expensive. That’s why we’re asking now, with 200 days to go: Will you invest $7, $25 or whatever fits your budget into our movement to elect state Democrats and help our incredible state Democrats secure victories this November >>

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Our success on Election Day rests on what we’re able to accomplish in the next 200 days.

The funds we raise now will determine how many doors we’re able to knock on, voters we’re able to reach, and candidates we’re able to support. It all comes down to grassroots Democrats like you, owning a piece of this fight and supporting us when it matters most – today.

With the support of committed individuals like you, we can secure key victories for Democrats in state legislatures across the country this November. These incredible state Democrats will fight tirelessly to defend their state from right-wing attacks, and drive progress in their state.

But if we fail, it could have devastating consequences. You don’t want to wake up the morning after Election Day with any regrets. So we need your help today.

Can you chip in $7 today to help build our grassroots movement to elect state Democrats? Every single dollar goes toward our work to elect more strong Democratic voices to our state legislatures.

The clock is ticking – and the stakes couldn’t be higher.