Thursday, September 8, 2022



Sen. Bernie Sanders is echoing our warning about state Republicans parroting Trump’s election lies:

Our democracy is under attack when many Republicans... increasingly call into question the results of any election they lose - Bernie Sanders

He’s 100% right. Did you know that over 700 Republican state legislators played a role in the January 6th insurrection? Some were in attendance, others supported the Big Lie – all while advancing anti-democratic legislation and sowing the seeds of doubt into our democracy.

That’s why we’re reaching out. With more than a dozen insurrection enablers representing swing districts, we’re stepping up to flip seats like these from red to blue.

If you agree with Senator Bernie Sanders that our democracy is under attack at every level of government by Trump’s Republicans, can you donate a triple-matched gift of $7 to the DLCC today to defeat state Republicans? Remember, we’re the only official Democratic Party organization dedicated to electing Democrats to state legislatures >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
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Sen. Sanders’ warning is more urgent now than ever – CNN report says that Trump is gearing up to endorse and elect “officials at local, state and national levels.” So our state Democrats could be under siege by Trump Republicans during this year’s midterm elections!

We can’t win this fight without you. Please, chip in $7 now and have TRIPLE the impact to DEFEAT the state Republicans fueling the Trump’s Big Lie across the country >>

Please donate,


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Rep. Jamie Raskin issued an important warning:

We can't let the party of insurrection and corruption retake power.

He's so right. Earlier this month in Arizona, Trump-endorsed Republican Rep. Mark Finchem won the Arizona primary for Secretary of State – despite being at the insurrection on January 6th! And, in Georgia, seven of his handpicked candidates won their primaries.

We’ll be blunt: Trump’s endorsements still hold great power. His MAGA supporters are emboldened and ready to go to the polls – so we need to meet this moment.

We can’t let Trump’s Republicans win and have election deniers and insurrectionists in office. Can you heed Jamie Raskin’s warning and chip in a triple-matched gift of $7 to elect state Democrats across the country?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Your donation today is crucial in helping us defeat corrupt, Trump-endorsed state Republicans on Election Day. Why? State legislative elections are often overlooked and sometimes come down to just a few votes, so a little investment goes a long way.

With Election Day only 71 days away, donating today is your BEST chance to take on MAGA Republicans running for state legislatures in critical swing states across the country. Donating early ahead of the election will help us finalize our fall budgets, organize volunteers, and conduct vital polling.

Now more than ever, it is crucial to help elect state Democrats to office and keep Trump’s insurrectionists out of power. Will you join us in the fight? Chip in $7 right now and have TRIPLE the impact to defeat Trumpist state Republicans >>



Newsletter Agosto 2022 

Dr. Alexandre Piquet recebe Medalha Exército Brasileiro

em Washington D.C.

Em solenidade comemorativa ao Dia do Soldado em Washington D.C., o Dr. Alexandre Piquet foi agraciado com a Medalha Exército Brasileiro, comenda concedida pelo Comandante do Exército. 

O Adido do Exército Brasileiro nos Estados Unidos, General Ulisses de Mesquita Gomes, entregou a alta honraria ao Dr. Piquet em reconhecimento aos serviços prestados, por mais de 20 anos, à comunidade brasileira na América.

Estavam presentes na solenidade integrantes do Itamaraty, do Exército, Marinha e Aeronáutica brasileira, Ministério da Economia e Polícia Federal.

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Nova Sede Própria em Miami

Inauguramos nosso novo escritório.

Espaço amplo e moderno para melhor atendê-los.

1000 Brickell Avenue, Suite 700

Miami, Flórida.

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Dr. Alexandre Piquet é co-autor do livro "A Reforma da tributação das empresas"

Foi lançado no dia 22 de agosto, na sede da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo - Fiesp, o livro A Reforma da tributação das empresas - Uma visão para o empresariado brasileiro - Volume II. A obra tem a coordenação e coautoria dos advogados tributaristas Dr. Fabricio Alves Quirino e Dr. Marcelo Jabour Rios.

O ex presidente da república, Dr. Michel Temer, é o prefaciador do livro. O artigo inaugural ficou por conta do empresário Josué Gomes da Silva, presidente da Fiesp. 

A obra é composta por 35 artigos que foram produzidos por 55 especialistas nas áreas fiscal e tributária, com apoio de 30 entidades.

O evento contou com a participação do Dr. Alexandre Piquet, coautor do livro. Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Milton Campos e Direito Americano (Juris Doctor) pela Saint Thomas University em Miami, Florida, Piquet é advogado licenciado no EUA, especialista em Direito Internacional, Empresarial, Imigratório e Imobiliário, e Presidente da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Florida nos Estados Unidos - Baccf. O texto publicado abrangeu o uso eficaz de estruturas Offshores no planejamento tributário e proteção patrimonial, de coautoria do Professor Dr. Reginaldo de França, Pós-Doutor em Direito Tributário.

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Road Show BACCF - Florida

O presidente da Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF), Dr. Alexandre Piquet, participou do Road Show anual “Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano”, nos dias 9 e 19 de Agosto. As palestras tiveram o intuito de dar uma visão panorâmica, resumida e prática sobre diferentes assuntos para empresários e/ou executivos que tem interesse em fazer negócios nos EUA.


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Próximos Eventos - Setembro 2022

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