Adalto Barros pays tribute to Djavan in Rio de Janeiro.
DUE to the success of his first performance, the musician Adalto Bastos will be back at Ba Cariocando, in Catete, with his show "O Amor Não Cabe em Si" in homage to Djavan, on the next 6af (09/06), at from 8 pm
The musician Adalto Bastos will present a vast repertoire of this great name of our MPB, among them, classics such as 'Sina', 'Pétala', 'Eu te Devoro', 'Oceano', 'Ilha', 'Fato Consumado', 'Se', 'Lilac', 'Seduce', 'Flor de Liz', 'Sawn'...
The musician pays tribute to the singer and composer DJAVAN at the Show “O AMOR Não CABE EM SI” in the same place of his first performance, and will still be accompanied by musicians Gilmar Santos (drums), Zaza Marsoa (bass), Rico Farias (guitar) and Eduardo Candido (sax and flute).
Adalto Bastos is passionate about Djavan's work!
In addition to being a singer and songwriter, he is a musician with extensive experience. Since childhood, he discovered his passion for music and began to be inspired by the great names of MPB, having Djavan as his biggest idol.
Throughout his career, Adalto participated in several festivals, always promoting his own compositions.
In 1991, Adalto released his first CD and released it in several cities, in theaters, at SESC and SESI. He performed in memorable shows, which showed all his talent and musical quality.
In 2016, Adalto entered the studio to record his second CD entitled "Pele". This authorial work showed even more the musical maturity of the artist, who managed to improve his work even more.
In addition to his authorial compositions, Adalto continues to perform around the country with an eclectic repertoire of quality and good taste.
With a lot of personality, he presents the best of MPB and manages to charm the public in each performance.
Adalto Bastos is an important artist for the current independent music scene and deserves all the recognition for his talent and dedication.
In the show's repertoire, hits like 'Sina', 'Pétala', 'Eu te Devoro', 'Oceano', 'Ilha', 'Fato Consumado', 'Se', 'Lilás', 'Seduzir', 'Flor de Liz ', 'Serrado' among many other pearls of this one that is one of the biggest names in our MPB.
In addition to these songs, Adalto Bastos will present his own compositions such as 'Caruru com Angu', 'Do Alto do Farol' and 'Homenagem a MPB' composed exclusively in honor of Djavan.
Show ‘O AMOR Não CABE EM SI’, a tribute by singer-songwriter ADALTO BASTOS to the great DJAVAN, accompanied by musicians Gilmar Santos (drums), Zaza Marsoa (bass), Rico Farias (guitar) and Eduardo Candido (sax and flute).
June 9, 2023 (Friday) from 8 pm
Producer and Press Officer: João Luiz Azevedo
Duration: 80 min
Rua Silveira Martins, 139, Catete
Cover charge: R$ 35.00 (in advance by Tel/zap 021-9.9605-3074) / R$ 50.00 on site
Source: João Luiz Azevedo
Fine Art Mariah
Campolina is featured at 8th Salon
International Brazilian Festival Art in Liechtenstein for the year 2023.
It will take
place this coming June 17th to July 2nd at : Gasometer Cultural Centre,
the 8th Salon of Brazilian Art in Liechtenstein. The event promoted by
Casa Brasil
Liechtenstein, curated by: Bruno Portella & Petra Büchel.
Casa Brasil
Liechtenstein was founded on 12.12.2012 as a non-profit
non-profit organization, located in Liechtenstein, which aims to
purpose of
promoting and disseminating Brazilian culture, literature and arts in their
dimensions, seeking to stimulate cultural cooperation. If, on the one hand,
we emphasize the
singularity of our culture, on the other hand, we reveal the affinities that
unite with other
manifestation is an important instrument to promote mutual integration
and create
trust, interest and respect among nations. This cultural dissemination is
fundamental for
the differentiated construction of the image of Brazil abroad and opens
for many Brazilians around the world.
The jurisdiction
of the Consulate General of Brazil in Zurich involves all Swiss cantons
of German and
Italian expression (Aargau, Appenzell Exterior, Appenzell Interior,
Basel-Country, Bern, Glarus, Grisōes, Lucerne, Nidwalden,
Obwalden, St.
Gallen, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Solothurn, Thurgau, Ticino, Uri,
Zurich, Zug), in
addition to the Principality of Liechtenstein.
About the artist
Campolina, is a native of Formosa - Goiás, based in Brasília - DF since
1976. Her first
contact with art was in 2004. Since then she has never stopped
enrich your
knowledge and explore the mixed techniques, textures and colors in
construction of
her works.
Inspired by the
biodiversity of the cerrado, which is portrayed in most of her works.
A hyper-realistic
landscape that takes you through the works of Mariah Campolina
bringing a
simple notion in 3D, without a doubt impeccable.
In the artistic
field, she also served as Director of the Candanga Association of Artists
Visuals - ACAV,
in the Federal District from 2015 to 2018.
COSTA CONSULTING CO Rua Antônio Carlos, #396
Consolação | Suite
302B São Paulo– SP | CEP: 01309-010
Phone: +5511 94270-2218
Antonio Carlos, #396
Consolation | Suite 302B
São Paulo– SP | ZIPCODE: 01309-010 Phone: +5511 94270-2218
The artist is
part of a group of artists who have achieved privileges in their artistic
for optimizing
their works in the global market.
She gained
prominence in the Burle Marx Tribute Show promoted by the World Art Show in
São Paulo
(2020-2022), have presented their work in consecutive exhibitions such as
International Salon D’Art that takes place in Paris – France, annually by Ava
Brazil Gallery |
She regularly
participates in national and international art exhibitions and salons,. Your
works range from
the academic to the contemporary and already has works sold in
United States,
by Mostra Show de Bola 2021, curated by Leda Maria,
of the Aha Fine Art Gallery. in Williamsburg, in Brooklyn, NY.
The artist has
just been selected to participate in the group of artists that make up the
where every
year, the jury formed by 3 jurors of notorious knowledge define the 1st, 2nd,
places. Winners
receive a trophy and a certificate.
The 8th Salon of
Brazilian Art in Liechtenstein defines the image of artist Mariah
Campolina as a
mission criterion to spread the best of Brazilian Art in
Artwork: Waiting, Oil on Canvas, 45 x 75 cm
from the 17th June
to the 2nd July
Gasometer Cultural Centre, Liechtenstein.
Produced by:
Source: Press
Photo: Personal
Edition : COSTA CONSULTING CO | Sula Costa MTB 0003600|GO