Monday, November 25, 2024

 USO Supporter,

With Thanksgiving just over a week away, we wanted to make sure you saw this:

It’s up to us to help our service members celebrate Thanksgiving in any way we can — and that begins with providing them with a warm holiday meal.

But right now, we’re falling behind our goal to fund programs for service members at military bases and USO Centers around the world, including at least 2,500 Thanksgiving meals. Our generous match offer from the NFL is still active,* so your gift will be DOUBLED to provide programs for service members year-round, including Thanksgiving meals.**

We can’t let our service members eat only MREs or mess hall food on Thanksgiving, so please: Will you make a Thanksgiving gift of $37.50 or more right now and have its value DOUBLED to help ensure our service members get a warm holiday meal this Thanksgiving?

Thank you.

—Team USO

From: thanksgivi‌ng-meals‌@‌us‌o.‌o‌rg
Sent: Tu‌esday, Nov‌ember 19, 20‌24
Subject: Your support means service members can eat Thanksgiving dinner.

USO Supporter,

Next week, Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving with family, friends, food and fun. However you celebrate, we sincerely hope you enjoy this time with your family and loved ones.

But for service members deployed far from home, it’ll just be another Thursday. Another day in a lonely barracks, thousands of miles away from their loved ones. Another day of the same old mess hall food. Another day of hoping they’ll be able to find a secure internet connection to call home before their kids go to bed. It’s up to us to brighten this day for them.

The USO is determined to uplift our service members on this important day. That’s why we’ve set a goal to fund 2,500 Thanksgiving meals at military bases and USO Centers around the world.

And we’re so glad to share that the NFL is matching all gifts, but we’re counting on YOU to help us reach this ambitious goal by Thursday at midnight.

Spending Thanksgiving far away from their loved ones is just one of many, many sacrifices our military members make throughout the year in service of our country while asking nothing of us in return. We may not be able to bring them home or fully understand the challenges they go through — but we can make sure they enjoy a warm, festive Thanksgiving meal.

Please, will you rush $37.50 or more right now to DOUBLE the value of your gift to support our heroes this Thanksgiving and year-round? There couldn’t be a better time to donate this holiday season.


Thank you for supporting our heroes in uniform when it matters most.