Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coletiva à Imprensa - Aliança das Civilizações

Coletiva sobre o III Fórum da aliança das Civilizações


Supporting Groups

Brazilian Foundation of America

                                                       Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

The Brazilian Foundation of America is a Non Profit Organization under the 501.C.3 status which was established in New York and has two primary goals: the first one is to provide benefits to the Brazilian communities in the United States and abroad. The second goal is to help other Non Profit Organizations in the United States, Brazil and in any other countries to set up and accomplish beneficial projects to further aid the children and their families.

United Nations

                                                           Intergovernmental Organization

The purposes of the United Nations are to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these ends.



"A guerra, a princípio, é a esperança de que a gente vai se dar bem; em seguida, é a expectativa de que o outro vai se ferrar; depois, a satisfação de ver que o outro não se deu bem; e finalmente, a surpresa de ver que todo mundo se ferrou." (Karl Kraus)

A paz, se possível, mas a verdade a qualquer preço. (Lutero)


Monday, May 31, 2010

"Não se pode confortar o afligido sem afligir os confortáveis." [ Princesa Diana

8º Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil - NY

                                                                    5 a 12 de junho

O 8º Cine Fest Petrobras Brasil – NY, evento oficial do verão nova-iorquino, voltará a Manhattan, entre os dias 05 e 12 de junho, para apresentar filmes que se destacaram no cenário cinematográfico brasileiro em 2009/2010.

A mostra oficial acontecerá no Tribeca Cinemas, com a exibição de longas-metragens, seguida de debates com representantes dos filmes após as sessões. Serão apresentados 15 longas-metragens, 12 deles em competição.

Na noite de encerramento, no dia 12 de junho, a música e o cinema unem-se para um tributo aos 50 anos de Brasília, com a apresentação de uma das bandas mais admiradas do Brasil, Os Paralamas do Sucesso e a nova revelação da MPB, Maria Gadú, numa participação exclusiva, além da exibição do filme Oscar Niemeyer – a vida é um sopro, de Fabiano Maciel. O prêmio Lente de Cristal será oferecido ao melhor longa-metragem escolhido pelo júri popular

                          Marcado jogo do Cruzeiro FC no RedBull Arena

         Jogo será dia 18 de Junho no RedBull Arena em Harrison

O clássico amistoso internacional entre o Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, de Belo Horizonte e o Red Bull.
Como muitos dizem será uma briga de cachorro grande entre a rapousa mineira e o touro vermelho.
       O Cruzeiro que vêm atingindo um crescimento espetacular nesses últmos anos, pelo numero de  jogadores que têm emprestado para times de futebol de todo mundo.
Os Red Bulls vem de uma excelente vitória contra a Juventus da Itália, vitória essa sem contestação, sem dar margem a questionamentos.
O comportamento dos New York Red Bulls e suas vitórias sobre essas equipes servem como vitrine para mostrar ao mundo a força e a garra do futebol nos EUA, e este papel os Red Bulls tem feito muito bem, com vitórias que enchem os olhos do torcedor colorado e dos amantes do bom futebol com gols, objetivo máximo do esporte bretão.

O Cruzeiro por sua vez, virá com todos os seus titulares e estrelas como Kleber, Fábio, Roger e Thiago Ribeiro, que na última quarta-feira, dia 26, marcou o gol da vitória contra o Botafogo do Rio de Janeiro em mais uma rodada do Brasileirão 2010 realizada no Mineirão.
A raposa mineira contará com todo o apoio dos cruzeirenses radicados nos EUA e também de toda a torcida brasileira, pois o Cruzeiro em campo representará o futebol pentacampeão, que neste mês de junho buscará o hexa nos campos da África do Sul. Portanto, temos certeza de que todos os brasileiros estarão no estádio com as cores de suas paixões, e a máfia azul com o seu grito de guerra,tradicional zerooooooo!



What Is IREO?

Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization, IREO is an Intergovernmental Organization that works to promote the use of affordable, clean sources of renewable energy worldwide. It strives to make Alternative Renewable Energy sources a key-driver to eradicate the current depletion of our environment by the use of fossil fuels that has led to the climate change and energy crisis due to high prices and other factors we are now facing. IREO strives to achieve global energy security, and bridge the energy divide with a special priority for the Developing and the Least Developed Countries with a South to South Sustainable Development Approach.

IREO is formed through a Constituting Treaty between the Official Members States depicted in box below that agreed to form a Collaborative Intergovernmental Cooperative Free Agreement for the promotion of Alternative Renewal Energy Resources to promote scientific research, initiatives, and education in favor of international cooperation.

The term "Intergovernmental" means that the organization is formed by a Formal Legal Agreement between the Member States / Countries that have agreed to realize a specific set of goals.

IREO is headquartered in New York, USA.

IREO is led by a Secretary-General under Article Five of the Constituting Treaty.

IREO Adheres to: The Directives Associated with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961

IREO UN Status: IREO has a de facto status within the UN and the U.S.A. Its Multilateral Treaty will be submitted for registration on the early part of 2009 under Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. IREO will be submitting a petition for inclusion as an Intergovernmental Observer to the Economic and Social Council and the UN General Assembly in 2009.

IREO in Promoting the United Nations System strives to uphold the Directives Associated with the following UN GA Resolutions: Acknowledging the relevance of Alternative Renewable Energy Sources in the sustainable development agenda, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (A/S-19/2) Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 Energy Articles 42-46. UN GA Resolutions: 62/209 South-South Cooperation, 62/161 The Right to Development.

Functions of IREO

Based on the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations and the outcomes and declarations of the various United Nations Conferences and Summits convened over the last 10 years, I.R.E.O developed the following goals:

Promote energy efficiency and conservation;

Foster the collaboration of governments, NGOs, IGOs, academia, and the private sector at the most basic community level to educate the citizenries of the world on the dire need to change its current patterns of energy production and consumption;

Build alliances with scientists, universities, associations, think tanks and groups that have as an objective: the development of new technologies, to serve as a repository of information on new developments in the area of alternate renewable energy generation, including the results of actual applications either done as pilot projects or in general usage;

Create awareness to the public via newsletters, IREO's website, summits, conferences of local, regional and international scopes;

Encourage the greater use of renewable energy sources as a mean of reducing global warming and its negative impact on the environment, economies and people's lives;

Work collaboratively with governments to promote the use of renewable energy sources that are readily available to their respective countries and to propagate the use of proven technologies to other countries;

Facilitate the transition from a dependence on carbon based energy sources to renewable sources, particularly in the underdeveloped countries where tradition and economic conditions make it difficult to achieve. In this regard, IREO will assist in creating the alliances necessary to establish pilot projects in those developing countries that wish to start the process;

Greening the coal toward energy chain;

Promote and implement renewable energy for agriculture.

 "Ela não é feita de pedra, ela não é o que tem sido escrito sobre ela, ela tem emoções e sentimentos como todos os outros e isso realmente a incomoda.
E ela está constantemente combatendo essas coisas,tentando   esclarecer tudo"
                                                                                                       [ Kurt Cobain ]