Wednesday, September 7, 2011

‎"Pessoas com vidas interessantes não têm fricote. Elas TROCAM de cidade. INVESTEM em projetos sem garantia. Interessam-se por gente que é o OPOSTO delas. Pedem demissão sem ter outro emprego em vista. ACEITAM um convite para fazer o que nunca fizeram. Estão DISPOSTAS a mudar de cor preferida, de prato predileto. COMEÇAM do zero inúmeras vezes. Não se assustam com a passagem do tempo. SOBEM no palco, tosam o cabelo, fazem loucuras por AMOR e compram passagens só de ida..." Martha Medeiros

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ALMA Awards
Hispanic Heritage Month
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Comedy Connoisseurs,

Just wanted to reach out before FALL officially begins and bring you all up to speed on what's been going on with me! First off, I am a married man. I don't know why people say that marriage is hard - I've been doing it for three weeks and this is easy! I'm not going to lie, it was an amazing experience and it has truly been a growing process for me and my career. So if you haven't seen me lately, do yourself the favor and come on out to show.

I know tons of my fans on the East Coast have been asking me when I'm coming back to New York to do a show. I'm happy to report that I'm currently working on that, so stay tuned for more info. In the meantime, you can check my website at for current LA and traveling dates.

I am fortunate to have so many GREAT things happening - just check out the NEWSLETTER below. Huge thanks to all of you for your continued support and laughs!

Erik Rivera

Erik @ the ALMA's!
ALMA AwardsI am honored that the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) has not only extended an invitation for me to be a guest at this year's ALMA Awards, but has also asked me to be a SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTER at the awards ceremony. So set those DVR's, TiVO's or watch online to catch your favorite comedian alongside celebrities like George Lopez, Eva Longoria, Antonio Banderas, Eva Mendes, Zoe Saldana... and MORE!

As if that weren't enough, they have also chosen me to be the OFFICIAL NCLR REPRESENTATIVE for engaging with this year's Star-Studded Guest List. We will be discussing current Latino issues and trying to make NCLR the bridge to bring a solution to the forefront. Latinos Unidos!

The NCLR is the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy
organization in the United States and works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Support and check out their website at -

Hispanic Heritage Month
NUVOStarting September 15th, 2011, tune in to NUVO TV and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This year they have named me their OFFICIAL
SPOKESPERSON for Hispanic Heritage Month! Each day watch as I bring you a SPECIAL moment in Latino History - FACTinos! You can also watch online on their website at

League of California
Los Angeles City Councilman Tony Cardenas and The League of California Cities have requested yours truly to be the SPECIAL MASTER OF CEREMONIES for this year's Latino Caucus VIP Dinner and Gala.

On Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 at the Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco, I'll have the privilege of entertaining the mayors and council members from 480 cities and also the 1,500 people in attendance.  I'm truly honored to be a part of this year's "Cities Standing Strong for Cities" event. 
09.09 - Elms College  
Chicopee, MA

09.16 - The College of New Jersey  
Ewing, New Jersey
09.16 - The ALMA Awards on NBC  
Check your local listings

09.22 - Annual Latino Caucus VIP Dinner
San Francisco, CA

09.27 - Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT 

09.29 - 10.01 Playboy Comedy Club @ The Palms
Las Vegas, NV

10.04 Elgin Community College
Elgin, IL

10.28 APCA Midwest Conference
Coralville, IA

Check for updates * Show Dates * Videos * BLOGS * Pics *      and more SURPRISES

Pessoas Frustradas

Existem pessoas que realmente carregam consigo uma enorme frustração em sua vida. E nem mesmo são capazes de dizer o porquê desse estranho sentimento. Simplesmente sentem-se frustradas e nem sabem explicar com o quê.
A parte mais triste é que alguém assim não se limita a carregar sua frustração pela vida, pois além de viver amargurado, deseja que o mundo todo também o seja. Não suporta ver pessoas bem-sucedidas na vida. Não consegue tolerar que outros obtenham sucesso. Faz-lhe mal saber que alguns têm competência, têm capacidades e fazem coisas que ele gostaria de fazer, mas falta-lhe capacidade para tanto e muito mais, falta-lhe força de vontade para mudar seu jeito mesquinho de viver.
Em vez de procurar fazer algo de bom em sua vida, limita-se a criticar tudo o que os outros fazem. Claro, é muito mais fácil criticar, apontar presumíveis erros no trabalho alheio, do que fazer a coisa certa. E assim, avoca-se esse direito. O de tecer críticas e comentários desairosos contra tudo o que os outros fazem.
Ora, se tem essa competência toda, se conhece tudo sobre a vida, se sabe apontar todos os erros cometidos, por que não procura fazer a coisa certa, em vez de se limitar a dizer que o mundo está errado?
É fácil afirmar que ninguém sabe fazer as coisas como devem ser feitas. Apenas ele, o supra sumo da capacidade e inteligência o sabe. Sabe, mas não faz. Aliás, nada faz para comprovar a assertiva de suas críticas. Limita-se a dizer que todos são incompetentes e burros.
Pessoas assim acabam se isolando do mundo, não conseguindo fazer amigos, salvo pessoas que compartilhem de suas ideias, que pensem da mesma maneira tacanha e passam a vida apenas destilando a peçonha de suas palavras. Tanto criticam, tanto ofendem, tanto magoam pessoas, que caem em descrédito total. Todos se cansam de sua amargura e terminam por não mais dar atenção, deixando-os falar sozinhos.
Devemos viver de uma maneira construtiva. É lícito ajudar outrem a corrigir seus erros, desde que a ajuda seja solicitada. Se percebermos que alguém está fazendo algo de uma maneira errada, podemos particularmente procurar apontar-lhe as falhas. Mas nunca procurar expor em público que não sabe fazer a coisa certa.
Criticar construtivamente é uma ajuda por vezes inestimável, mas fazê-lo destrutivamente, apenas provoca revolta. Existem diferentes maneiras para dizer que algo está errado e devemos fazê-lo de maneira a não ferir susceptibilidades. É muito mais agradável ouvir um agradecimento por uma correcção feita do que perceber que magoamos alguém.
Ninguém gosta de ser chamado burro ou incompetente em público. Mesmo que o seja, nada ganhamos ofendendo-o.
Assim, para essas pessoas frustradas, cabe um ligeiro aconselhamento, sem criticar suas atitudes. Apenas recomendar uma reavaliação de suas atitudes. Procurar mostrar quantas inimizades já deixou em seu caminho e o que ganhou com isso. Quantas reacções negativas já conseguiu com seus desmandos. E, principalmente, que pense bem. A melhor maneira de vencer suas frustrações é fazer algo de construtivo. E principalmente que causa muito maior satisfação íntima espalhar amizades do que inimizades nestes mares da vida.
Vamos procurar amar mais a vida adoçando-a com carinhos e boas atitudes do que a amargando com a mesquinhez de críticas destrutivas.

Por Marcial Salaverry.

Learn Portuguese this fall with the
Portuguese Language Institute
Join us this September, October and November for our intensive fall Portuguese language course!

Take Portuguese classes and enjoy the fall with our supplementary Brazilian cultural events in New York.

Classes will take place in our comfortable location on
East 44 Street at Two United Nations Plaza, Room 2000

For further information visit or contact Rosely Saad at (212) 532-3994 or by email at

©2011 Portuguese Language Institute | East 44th Street | Two United Nations Plaza | New York, NY

Friday, September 2, 2011

"A verdadeira lei do progresso moral é a caridade."

We're about to change the way Americans engage with President Obama and his Administration by launching a new way for you to join with fellow Americans to petition the federal government on a range of issues. 
It's called We the People and you can learn more about it, and sign up to be the first to know when it's live here:
President Obama believes that government should be open and accountable to its citizens, and that's the goal of We the People. This online platform gives Americans a direct line to the White House on the issues and concerns that matter most to them.
Soon, anyone will be able to create or sign a petition at seeking action from the federal government on a range of issues. If a petition gathers enough signatures, the White House staff will review it, make sure it gets to Obama Administration policy experts, and issue an official response. President Obama will even answer a few himself.
While this is a big change for the White House's website, the idea is actually written into our founding documents. Throughout our history, Americans have used petitions to organize around issues they care about. We the People gives you a new way to join together with others to ask your government to address a problem, change a policy, or take action on a range of issues.
We the People will be launching very soon so start thinking about the issues that matter to you and the people you'll ask to join you.
We're looking forward to hearing from you.


A vida me ensinou...
A dizer adeus às pessoas que amo, sem tirá-las do meu coração;
Sorrir às pessoas que não gostam de mim,para mostrá-las que sou diferente do que elas pensam;
Fazer de conta que tudo está bem quando isso não é verdade, para que eu possa acreditar que tudo vai mudar;
Calar-me para ouvir; aprender com meus erros.Afinal eu posso ser sempre melhor.A lutar contra as injustiças; 
sorrir quando o que mais desejo é gritar todas as minhas dores para o mundo.
A ser forte quando os que amo estão com problemas;
Ser carinhoso com todos que precisam do meu carinho;Ouvir a todos que só precisam desabafar;
Amar aos que me machucam ou querem fazer de mim depósito de suas frustrações e desafetos;
Perdoar incondicionalmente, pois já precisei desse perdão;Amar incondicionalmente, pois também preciso desse amor;A alegrar a quem precisa;
A pedir perdão;A sonhar acordado;A acordar para a realidade A aproveitar cada instante de felicidade;A chorar
de saudade sem vergonha de demonstrar;
Me ensinou a ter olhos para "ver e ouvir estrelas", embora nem sempre consiga entendê-las;
A ver o encanto do pôr-do-sol;A sentir a dor do adeus e do que se acaba, sempre lutando para preservar tudo o que é importante para a felicidade do meu ser;
A abrir minhas janelas para o amor;
A não temer o futuro;
Me ensinou e está me ensinando a aproveitar o presente,como um presente que da vida recebi, e usá-lo como um diamante que eu mesmo tenha que lapidar, lhe dando forma da maneira que eu escolher...
Charles Chaplin

Olimpíadas Rio 2016 "BRASIL"     
LOVE HER SEPTEMBER!               
                                            SEPTEMBER 2011  

Haiti To Brooklyn  
NEW YORK CITY - OCT. 8th          
I'm shooting my 1 hour special title "Wil Sylvince -From Haiti To Brooklyn".  I'm gonna be talking a lot of smack! 

One University Plaza, (Flastbush Ave. btwn Dekalb & Willoughby)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2011 - 7PM & 9PM

Short Cuts 2011  
NEW YORK CITY - SEPT 20th - SEPT 21st        
Short Cuts Festival  is back for the 6th Annual Film Festival! Come and view with us some diverse shorts from future film/television makers that are on the rise!

Tickets are FREE
but you have to RSVP to:


Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Panel Discussion "How to Pitch, Market, & Fund Your Project"
92Y Tribeca (Main Stage)
200 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013

Wednesday, Sept. 21st
NBCU Short Cuts Festival - Semi-Finals Screening
Hosted by JB Smoove

School Of Visual Arts Theatre
333 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10011 
Sept. 8 Manchester, NH - Southern New Hampshire University 

Sept. 9-12 San Jose, CA - Improv- Gabriel Iglesias   
Sept. 17 Los Angeles, CA - Crown Plaza Hotel - Caribbean Comedy Series
Sept. 15-18 Las Vegas, NV - MGM Grand Hotel  - Gabriel Iglesias

Sept. 19  New York, NY - Stand Up For Diversity - Gotham Comedy Club

Sept. 20-21 New York, NY - NBC Short Cuts Festival Begins! - SVA

Sept. 22-25 Phoenix, AZ - Stand Up Live Wayans Brothers 
Sept. 26  Miami. FL - Florida Internation University - Wayans Brothers      

Wil Sylvince ONE HOUR Special in Brooklyn New York City Oct 8, 2011    


Childern Are NOT the Future (At this rate)  

School is back in session which means the Freshman fifteen begins!
The Freshman fifteen refers to an amount of weight (average 15 pound hence "15") often gained during a student's first year at a college or high school.  Well it seems like the Freshman are getting fresher or younger and younger. We now have preteen 15 &  toddler 15!

Childhood obesity is at epidemic proportions. Way back in the day (the 90's and before) it was unheard of that young kids developed diabetes. Now it's on the rise due to an abundance of sugary foods & snacks, artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, fruit juices, processed foods, uncontrolled portion sizes, etc. With an over consumption of sugar comes a spike in your insulin levels which can send your system into shock, which is the breeding ground for obesity related illnesses.
My friend Toni's niece is only 9 years old and has acid reflux from drinking soda, snacks & a love for vienna sausages -yeah those little franks in cans (I didn't think people actually ate that stuff).

Due to the recession, many public schools are no longer offering physical education (P.E.) so now kids are more inactive! You know they're not working out or playing at home because they're playing video games or on the Internet getting persuaded by pedophiles. I remember I used to come home dirty, tired, and sweaty from playing a game of Freeze Tag, or Catch & Kiss, or Hide & Seek, or Red Light Green Light 1-2-3, or Hot Peas & Butter! So this school year send your kids off to school with more healthier snacks in their backpacks.

-Fruit/Veggie Kabobs
-Unsweetened apple sauce or fruit without added sugar
-Baby carrots, celery sticks, or apple slices with dips made from yogurt or low fat sour cream
-Baked chips or pretzels are a better choice than high-fat potato chips or cheese snacks
-Drinks made from water with a splash of cranberry, peach, grape, or other fruit juice are healthier than sodas.
-Air-popped popcorn
-seedless grapes
-Cold strips of grilled chicken with honey mustard dip
-Dried cranberries or cherries are a sweet alternative for kids bored with raisins
-Peanut butter and vegetables or crackers
-Almonds or cashews
If they can't get P.E. in school then make them get it at home!  
-Dance with kids
-Musical chairs with your kids
-Jump rope with your kids
-Bike ride with your kids
-During the commercials breaks, opening credits & closing credits of a TV show get up and dance with your kids.
-Wii (if you have to play video games then only exercise & dance games)
-Hold Home Competitions: Hula-Hoop Comp, Dance Comp, Jumping Jack, Jumping On the Bed, etc.

Notice I said do these "with your kids" because kids do what they see NOT what you say and chances are the apple don't fall far from the pig's mouth.
Allow the kids to cook and clean.  Have them assist you when doing tasks around the house like making dinner, doing laundry, or other household chores.

Instill good habits in your children NOW:
Example -Have them do 10 to 15 minutes of exercises right before bed. A workout will put them right to sleep instead of them playing sleep when really, they're using their blankets to cover the light from the T.V.!  

We have to reshape the future!

***(fine print stuff) Always check with a doctor/physician before doing this or exercise. I tried this and it worked for ME, so I'm simply relaying.

When in doubt - laughter is the best medicine!
by Wil Sylvince 

Please don't forget us in Haiti. 


Minha Aninha!