Monday, November 28, 2011

A suspeita sempre persegue a consciência culpada; o ladrão vê em cada sombra um policial William Shakespeare

É saudável rir das coisas mais sinistras da vida,

inclusive do fracasso dos mortos - vivos.

O riso é um tônico, um alívio, uma pausa que

permite atenuar a dor.

Ariel Publicity on Facebook  @CyberPR on Twitter Sound Advice TV  Ariel Publicity on iTunes Ariel Publicity's Blog
November 28, 2011
Dear Sula
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Now that the turkey is cooked, it’s time to think about...
The Holidays!
Announcing Cyber PR® Holiday Music Campaigns!
We have a network of bloggers, podcasters and Internet radio station DJs who love holiday music and are actively seeking it out during this holiday season.  
We would love to help connect you to them.  
Your holiday music promotion will start from now and continue through New Years Eve.
We will: 
1.  Create an exclusive Cyber PR® VPK (Virtual Press Kit) that includes:
  • Your holiday song(s) (1-3 songs)
  • A description of each of your songs
  • Your video (if you have one)
  • A custom station ID / drop recorded by you
  • Your photo or album artwork
  • Your brief biography
2. Send this VPK out to a targeted list of hundreds of bloggers, podcasters and iRadio DJs who regularly include content from independent musicians and who are searching for holiday music.  
3. Send you to our exclusive list of seasonal (holiday only) Internet radio stations, blogs and podcasts, which we have carefully researched over the last few weeks, as new ones pop up every year. 
4. Include your music and image in our Pre-Cleared & Podsafe newsletter which goes out to over 4,500 new media makers.  
5. Send you a report of who is including your music on their podcasts and iRadio stations, and writing about you on their blogs.
6. Submit your music as a suggestion for holiday gift guide to bloggers making suggestions to their readers. 
Holiday Campaign Pricing:
$247 for one song
$347 for two songs
$447 for three songs
Campaign Duration:
Starts: this week and goes through Jan 1st, 2012

Since it's CYBER MONDAY for TODAY ONLY you can get a hardcopy of my proven process to help artists...
(it's usually $34.99 + shipping)
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Ariel Publicity on Facebook  @CyberPR on Twitter Sound Advice TV  Ariel Publicity on iTunes Ariel Publicity's Blog

Open Brasil de Kickboxing
04 de Dezembro - domingo
a partir das 13:30 hs
Ginásio Carlos de Pina
Informações e Inscrições
3098 - 4439 - Professor Willian
R$ 8,00 reais

Dia 30 de novembro encerram -se as inscrições para 8ª e última etapa do IIº Circuito Anapolino de Corrida de Rua. Os atletas que já se inscreveram para as etapas anteriores, já estão automaticamente inscrita para esta última, bastando portanto levar o número.
8ª e última etapa do IIº Circuito Anapolino de Corrida de Rua
Data da prova
04 de dezembro
Data da Inscrição.
Prazo termina dia 30 de novembro
Local da largada e chegada.
Parque Ambiental Ipiranga
Horário da largada.
08:30 hs
Todos os atletas devem chegar 30 minutos mais cedo para aquecimento e preliminares.

Quem ainda não pegou o número, chegar 1(UMA) hora mais cedo da largada, pra não acontecer atrasos.

Exhibitor Space Now Available
Meet thousands of business owners face-to-face!
Small Business Expo Promo
Watch our promotional video
May 10, 2012

10 AM - 5 PM

Penn Plaza Pavilion
(across from Penn Station)
SmallBizExpo2012-contract.jpgCLICK HERE to download Exhibitor Info & Prices
Why Book Early?
SmallBizExpo2012-check.gifSave up to $700 on your exhibitor space!
SmallBizExpo2012-check.gifBook before 12/31/11 and get a FREE half page ad in the showguide!
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