Thursday, January 16, 2014

As minhas ovelhas ouvem a minha voz, e eu conheço-as, e elas me seguem; E dou-lhes a vida eterna, e nunca hão de perecer, e ninguém as arrebatará da minha mão. Meu Pai, que mas deu, é maior do que todos; e ninguém pode arrebatá-las da mão de meu Pai. Eu e o Pai somos um. João 10.27-30 Este mistério entre Jesus, O Pai e o Espírito Santo realmente é complexo para nossas mentes humanas, mas devemos crer nos versículos abaixo e um dia será revelado tudo: Um só SENHOR, uma só fé, um só batismo; Um só Deus e Pai de todos, o qual é sobre todos, e por todos e em todos vós. [Efésios 4.5-6]

Hello, all --
Today, I met a young man named Troy.
Troy comes from New Orleans, where his family lived through the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. He couldn't read until he was twelve, and would regularly cut school because the other students would tease him. When he did attend, he'd shove desks, start fights -- anything to get him out of class.
But then Troy saw his younger siblings start down a similar path. And he decided to make a change. He connected with his fifth-grade teacher, and enrolled in a program called the Urban League College Track. With the support of College Track and his teachers, he worked hard and made his way into high school -- and today, he's a sophomore at Bard College, studying American Literature.
There are a lot of kids like Troy out there -- kids with all the potential in the world -- but far too many of them are slipping through the cracks. They're not making their way to college -- maybe because their parents never went, or because they've never been encouraged to believe they could succeed there.
It's on all of us to help change that.
That's why today, Barack and I hosted college and university presidents, business leaders, philanthropists, and representatives from organizations around the country who are helping more of our kids see their potential and pursue their education. They're helping them navigate the financial aid and college admissions process. They're working with them to find schools that match their ability and interests. And they've made real, concrete commitments to help make college a reality for more kids.
And here's the thing: You don't have to be a university president or an executive to do that. There is something that each and every one of us can do in our communities to help make sure our kids realize their potential and make their way into higher education. That could mean having a conversation with a young neighbor or a relative, serving as a mentor, or volunteering at a local high school to help students fill out their college applications.
I'm passionate about helping our young people because I see my story in theirs.
Neither of my parents graduated from college, but they always encouraged me to pursue my education and told me that college was possible. And I know that there are so many kids out there just like me: kids who have a world of potential but need some encouragement and support to make it through college.
That's why I was so inspired by some of the commitments I learned about today.
Universities are taking steps like helping underserved students with financial literacy, or finding innovative ways for academic advisors to better support students who could use a helping hand. And many colleges are working with organizations like the Posse Foundation to give kids the social and academic support they'll need to graduate.
These kinds of programs aren't just good for these young people. They're good for all of us. Because after everything these kids will have overcome to get to college -- and get through college -- they'll have all the skills they need to thrive in our businesses, and law firms, and labs. And that's not just good for them and their families, it's good for their communities and our country. That's why Barack is working every single day to expand opportunities to every single young person in America. And that's why we're working to rally the country around his "North Star" goal – that by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
Reaching that goal begins with each of us doing our part as parents, students, educators, and citizens.
We can all help a young person realize his or her potential, so I hope you'll learn more about the commitments that organizations and schools around the country are making -- and then make a commitment of your own:
Thanks in advance for everything you will do on behalf of America's young people.
First Lady Michelle Obama


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Join us at this special program on
Cyber Risks When Doing Business in Brazil, the US, and Around the World
“The expectation is that the government, in three different spheres, academia and civil society can map the social demands; discuss, present and improve policies and public services involving technology; and expand forms of citizen participation in monitoring decisions of public administration. It all comes with the promotion of the use of free software, a strategic resource for knowledge generation and savings for the public purse.” (Marcos Mazoni, President of Serpro)

Recent important developments in the cyber space environment have prompted a comprehensive discussion on “Cyber Risks When Doing Business in Brazil, the US, and Around the World.” This half-day program is designed to help organizations developing practical solutions to cyber investigations, digital forensics, threat management, legal challenges, and asset protection with doing business in cyber space, whether in the US, Brazil, or around the world. We invite data privacy, compliance, and cyber professionals to attend this program, which will include presentations, peer-to-peer exchanges, and panel discussions. More details on this program, including confirmed topics and additional speakers, will follow.
Ty FrancisVice President and Associate PublisherCorporate Board Member Magazine
Confirmed Speakers Include:
Brian FoxCyber Security SpecialistPricewaterhouseCoopersMarcos MazoniDirector-PresidentSERPRO- Brazilian Federal Data Processing ServiceKellie MeimanManaging PartnerMcLarty Associates
Carolina PaschoalAssistant General Counsel
DIRECTV Latin America
Neal PollardDirector, Forensic Technology Solutions
Nelson Murilo de Oliveira Rufino
IT Security Advisor, Banco do Brasil
Irina SimmonsChief Risk OfficerEMCLisa J. SottoPartner
Hunton & Williams LLP

Thursday, January 23, 2014

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM:  Registration, Breakfast & Networking
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Presentations and Q&A

Location:PwC Auditorium300 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

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We would like to inform you that the PLATINUM level sponsorship for the 2014 Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner is COMPLETELY SOLD OUT and the GOLD level sporsorship is ALMOST SOLD OUT.
We encourage all those interested in attending the event to make your reservation as soon as possible in anticipation of a very strong demand this year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and individual registrants for their support. 
Person of the Year Organizational Committee

Person of the Year Organizational Committee
509 Madison Avenue, Suite 304 • New York, NY 10022 • Tel: (212) 698-8520 • Fax: (212) 698-8519

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Amarás ao Senhor teu Deus de todo o teu coração, de toda a tua alma, e de todo o teu entendimento. Este é o grande e primeiro mandamento. E o segundo, semelhante a este, é: Amarás ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo. Nisto se manifestou o amor de Deus para conosco: em que Deus enviou seu Filho unigênito Jesus Cristo ao mundo, para que por meio dele vivamos. Nisto está o amor: não em que nós tenhamos amado a Deus, mas em que ele nos amou a nós, e enviou seu Filho para sofrer pelos nossos pecados. Todo aquele que ama é nascido de Deus e conhece a Deus. Aquele que não ama não conhece a Deus; porque Deus é amor. [Mateus 22.37-39, I João 4.7-11]

Mais um ano passou. Espero que tenha sido um ano de conquistas, saúde e paz para você e sua família.
Infelizmente não foi assim para todos. Existem crianças que vivem em meio à pobreza e à falta de cuidados adequados, expostas a várias formas de violência.
A sua mão pode ajudar a mudar esta realidade. Ajude.
Você pode dar a essas crianças um ano diferente. Elas precisam de apoio, e são muitas, são milhares. E não podem esperar.
A cada dia mais de 12 mil crianças morrem por causas que poderiam ser evitadas. Sua ajuda solidária pode salvar as crianças em risco. Clique e veja o vídeo.
Com a sua doação, vamos garantir imunização, nutrição e cuidados apropriados para meninas e meninos no Brasil e no mundo.
Precisamos de você e as crianças precisam muito mais.
Com a sua contribuição, somada à de outras pessoas solidárias, faremos nossa parte para um mundo mais justo, seguro e feliz.
Em nome de todas as crianças que serão beneficiadas, muito obrigado e Feliz Ano Novo.

Wim Desmedt
Diretor de Parcerias
Senado Federal: Balanço de Votações em 2013
Com recorde de votações e economia de 275 milhões, o Senado priorizou em 2013 aprovação de leis em favor de modernização e aperfeiçoamento social e de fortalecimento da democracia brasileira.
Em um ano de intenso trabalho legislativo, quando foram votadas 615 matérias – 45% originárias do Senado –, alguns projetos aprovados merecem destaque pela relevância no processo de modernização e aperfeiçoamento político, social e econômico, como o que reservou 75% dos royalties do pré-sal para investimentos em educação. Também foram privilegiadas leis para maior justiça e controle social, como o Estatuto da Juventude; a garantia aos trabalhadores domésticos dos mesmos direitos reservados aos demais empregados; a aposentadoria especial para deficientes; a transferência por herança na concessão de taxis; a regulação do programa Mais Médicos; e a exigência de que planos e seguros de saúde incluam 87 novos procedimentos na lista de atendimentos, entre eles, utilização de 37 medicamentos contra o câncer.
Foram definidos, ainda, a obrigatoriedade de o SUS realizar plásticas reparadoras imediatamente após a retirada das mamas, em caso de câncer; o atendimento especial no SUS para mulheres vítimas de violência, com imediata comunicação à Justiça, para a prisão preventiva do agressor; e o auxílio transitório às vitimas de violência doméstica.
No processo de transparência e aperfeiçoamento do exercício da atividade política, houve o fim do 14.° e do 15.º salário dos parlamentares. Também foram aprovadas leis para voto aberto nas votações de cassações de mandato e de vetos presidências, para exigência de ficha limpa no acesso ao serviço público, e para perda de mandato de parlamentares condenados, além de matérias que preveem redução de suplentes de senadores – para um – e de assinaturas nas propostas de iniciativa popular para mudanças na Constituição.
Ainda na lista de modernização e controle social, foram aprovadas leis de combate à corrupção, tornando-a crime hediondo, e de punição com multas de 20% do faturamento bruto para empresas envolvidas em atos corruptos. Essas organizações serão ainda inscritas em um cadastro nacional de empresas punidas, dificultando contratos futuros com governos e serviços públicos. Foi aprovada também lei acabando com as aposentadorias integrais para juízes e promotores condenados pela Justiça.
Leis que atenderam históricas demandas de minorias também foram criadas pelo Senado, entre elas, a nova regulação para o ECAD (Escritório de Arrecadação de Direitos Autorais); a redução dos impostos sobre CDs produzidos no Brasil; e a reserva de 40% da lotação de espetáculos para as meias-entradas. Além disso, foram definidas as profissões de vaqueiro e de árbitro de futebol e a permissão para que profissionais de saúde das Forças Armadas possam ocupar cargos no âmbito civil.
O Senado atuou ainda no resgate histórico, com a devolução do mandato a Luiz Carlos Prestes, histórico dirigente do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), que morreu em 1990; e com a anulação de sessão do Congresso, de 1.º de abril de 1964, que declarou vaga a Presidência da República, apesar de o presidente João Goulart, o gaúcho Jango, estar em solo brasileiro. Trinte e sete anos depois de sua morte, que ocorreu na Argentina, onde vivia exilado, o ex-presidente Jango também teve o mandato devolvido pelo Congresso.
Breakfast Seminar on
Cyber Risks When Doing Business in Brazil, the US, and Around the World
Recent important developments in the cyber space environment have prompted a comprehensive discussion on “Cyber Risks When Doing Business in Brazil, the US, and Around the World.” This half-day program is designed to help organizations developing practical solutions to cyber investigations, digital forensics, threat management, legal challenges, and asset protection with doing business in cyber space, whether in the US, Brazil, or around the world. We invite data privacy, compliance, and cyber professionals to attend this program, which will include presentations, peer-to-peer exchanges, and panel discussions. More details on this program, including confirmed topics and additional speakers, will follow.

Confirmed Speakers Include:
Brian FoxCyber Security SpecialistPricewaterhouseCoopers
Marcos MazoniDirector-PresidentSERPRO- Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service
Christopher PainterCoordinator of Cyber IssuesU.S. Department of State 
Carolina PaschoalAssistant General Counsel
DIRECTV Latin America
Neal PollardDirector, Forensic Technology Solutions
Ambassador Daniel A. SepulvedaDeputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business AffairsU.S. Department of State
Lisa J. SottoPartner
Hunton & Williams LLP
NYSE Governance Services, Corpedia (Name to be Confirmed)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM,  Registration, Breakfast & Networking
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Presentations and Q&A

Location:PwC Auditorium300 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

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Americans across the country have new health insurance that starts today, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.
Today, health reform is real in a new way for people like Daniel, a 22-year-old student who enrolled in a gold-level insurance plan and is paying just $70 a month after subsidies. It's real for Lucy, from Texas, whose deductible is dropping from $7,500 to $3,000 a year, and for Mark, a small business owner who says that keeping his health care costs down will help his consulting business thrive.
Today, these people are covered.
That means welcome packets and insurance cards in the mail. That means new appointments for check-ups are on the books. And it means the peace of mind, security, and dignity that comes with taking your health care into your own hands.
Making sure more Americans like Daniel, Lucy, and Mark can know that feeling in the weeks to come will take all of us speaking out.
With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, millions of young adults have been able to stay covered under their parents' plans. Tens of millions of Americans have gained access to free preventive services. More than a hundred million Americans no longer have lifetime limits on their coverage.
We've still got a lot more work to do. But after all the politics and rhetoric, we know the real bottom line:
Today, for the first time, many Americans for whom insurance wasn't previously a possibility can say that they are covered. And many folks who had insurance previously just saw their coverage improve: As of today, insurers can no longer cut off benefits when an individual reaches an annual cap. Insurers can no longer charge you more just because of a pre-existing condition or because you are a woman. And health plans sold to individuals or small businesses must offer comprehensive benefits, including things like mental health services and maternity care that plans used to sometimes exclude.
That's what the President has been fighting for, and why this law is so important.
Thanks -- and Happy New Year,

The White HouseTuesday, December 31, 2013
Lights. Camera. Education!
Are you a student filmmaker? Know someone who is?
We want your help.
If you're a student, we want you to make a short film -- and have the chance to show it right here at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the first-ever White House Student Film Festival. If you're a parent or a friend, pass this on to a student you know.
The topic? Technology in classrooms. There's huge power in what technology can do for education -- from taking a course online, to collaborating with students from across the country (or the world!).
We're looking for awesome student filmmakers to show the power of technology in classrooms in a short film.
Find out more about the White House Film Fest -- then submit your entry
But hurry! You've only got until January 29th to send in your submission. So if it's going to get "two thumbs up," you'd better start now.
Not a K-12 student? Forward this to someone who is:
Stay Connected

The White HouseMonday, January 6, 2014
Must see: The best photos of 2013
The White House Photography Office picked out some of the best photos from the past year to give you an inside look at the presidency -- and some of the best moments from 2013.
Here's what you can expect:
  • President Obama singing Happy Birthday to First Lady Michelle Obama
  • Lots of Sunny and Bo
  • Visiting South Africa to honor Nelson Mandela
  • Some very adorable kids with the President
You're going to want to see this one.
Our best photos
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We would like to inform you that the 2014 Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner is ALMOST SOLD OUT!
We encourage all those interested in attending the event to make your reservation as soon as possible in anticipation of a very strong demand this year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and individual registrants for their support.
Person of the Year Organizational Committee

Person of the Year Organizational Committee
509 Madison Avenue, Suite 304 • New York, NY 10022 • Tel: (212) 698-8520 • Fax: (212) 698-8519