Wednesday, March 12, 2014

O Ajudador ! Mas, se esperamos o que não vemos, com paciência o esperamos. E da mesma maneira também o Espírito ajuda as nossas fraquezas; porque não sabemos o que havemos de pedir como convém, mas o mesmo Espírito intercede por nós com sons inexprimíveis. E Deus que examina os corações sabe qual é a intenção do Espírito; Sendo assim, o Espírito intercede pelos santos conforme a vontade de Deus. E sabemos que todas as coisas contribuem juntamente para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus, daqueles que são chamados segundo o seu propósito. [ROMANOS 8.25-28]

Seminário Futebol como ferramenta de Desenvolvimento Educacional
27.03 | 12h30 às 17h30
Centro Cultural Joaquim Lavoura(Av. Pres Kennedy, 721 - Centro, São Gonçalo, RJ)
São Gonçalo debate
educação e futebol
Às vésperas da Copa do Mundo no Brasil, o CIEDS convida a todos para debaterem junto a especialistas as novas dimensões do esporte no Seminário "Futebol como ferramenta de desenvolvimento educacional".
O país do futebol reúne experiências de instituições e projetos sociais sobre novas formas de pensar educação, por meio do esporte.
Venha participar.
Inscreva-se em

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The Trade & Business Investment Committee invites you to attend a panel discussion on
How to Enter the Brazilian Market
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
Brazil’s fast-growing, dynamic economy and rising middle class would seem to offer many profitable opportunities for American firms to serve this increasingly sophisticated consumer and business market. But what exactly does a U.S. company need to do to get off to a good start, and what are the risks involved? How does one best leverage the opportunities? What is the best way to get started?
A panel of Brazilian experts will share what you need to know about the promise and the pitfalls of doing business with and in Brazil.
Introductory Remarks:
J. Roberto De AzevedoExecutive Director, Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Andrew L. OdellPartnerDuane Morris LLP

Miriam O. HymanPartnerDuane Morris LLP 
Mauricio ConsuloDirector- Latin America Business DevelopmentClever Devices
Nicole M.H. TerpinsForeign Law ClerkDuane Morris LLP
Helena WongPresidentTop Trend International
Additional Speakers Will Include:
Head of TradeHSBC
More information to follow!
1540 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

Ana e outros 29 colegas foram levados à cadeia pelo Serviço de Segurança da Rússia, depois que fizeram um protesto pacífico contra a exploração do petróleo no Ártico.
Junte-se a nós
Oi tudo bem Sala?
Você conhece o Greenpeace? Em mais de 40 anos de história, atuamos em todo o mundo de forma independente pela proteção das florestas e combate aos gases estufa, propondo um cenário energético mais limpo com investimentos em energias renováveis.
Nós precisamos de você ao nosso lado e é por isso que gostaríamos de convidá-lo a tornar-se um colaborador. Junte-se a nós e ajude a salvar o Ártico e suas espécies.
Junte-se a nós
Com você ao nosso lado podemos continuar a denunciar crimes ambientais em todo o mundo e trazer soluções mais verdes e limpas para essa e futuras gerações.
Abraços,Equipe Greenpeace Brasil
Facebook Twitter Google+

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Forty-Fourth Annual Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner
Rubens Ometto Silveira MelloChairman of the Board of Directors, Cosan

Sergio MarchionneChairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chrysler Group LLC
Chief Executive Officer, Fiat S.p.A.

Thursday, May 15, 2014The Waldorf=Astoria301 Park Avenue, New York City

Proceeds from this event will go toward the Person of the Year Fellowship Program in associationwith Institute Ling and Lemann Foundation
509 Madison Avenue Suite 304 | New York, NY 10022 US
New York City's Early Exhibitor Discount Ends
THIS FRIDAY March 14th.

Exhibit your product/service in front of 

thousands of business owners at

Thursday June 12, 2014
Pier 92

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Don't miss out on New York City's
biggest business networking event of the year!

Does your company have a unique product and/or service that helps a small business? Exhibit your company at the largest and only national business to business trade show and conference for small business owners where Expo attendees shop for products & services from vendors like you. Our exhibitor hall has a wide range of exhibitors, from start-up to Fortune 500.

Early Exhibitor Discount Ends Friday 3/14/14
Save on your exhibitor space!
Call us Today at 917-525-4954 or Download Exhibitor Rates.

Thank you to our fabulous sponsors and exhibitors
for supporting small business!

Friday, March 7, 2014

E estando ele sentado no Monte das Oliveiras, chegaram-se a ele os seus discípulos em particular, dizendo: Declara-nos quando serão essas coisas, e que sinal haverá da tua vinda e do fim do mundo. Respondeu-lhes Jesus: Cuidado, que ninguém vos engane. Porque muitos virão em meu nome, dizendo: Eu sou o Cristo; e a muitos enganarão. Vocês ouvirão falar de guerras e rumores de guerras; Se se pertubem porque é necessário que assim aconteça; mas ainda não é o fim. Porquanto se levantará nação contra nação, e reino contra reino; e haverá fomes e terremotos em vários lugares. Sê fiel até a morte, e dar-te-ei a coroa da vida. [Apocalípse 2.10] Quem crer e for batizado será salvo [Marcos 16.16]

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Junte-se a nós

Oi tudo bem?

Você conhece o Greenpeace? Em mais de 40 anos de história, atuamos em todo o mundo de forma independente pela proteção das florestas e combate aos gases estufa, propondo um cenário energético mais limpo com investimentos em energias renováveis.

Nós precisamos de você ao nosso lado e é por isso que gostaríamos de convidá-lo a tornar-se um colaborador. Junte-se a nós e ajude a salvar o Ártico e suas espécies.

Junte-se a nós

Com você ao nosso lado podemos continuar a denunciar crimes ambientais em todo o mundo e trazer soluções mais verdes e limpas para essa e futuras gerações.

Abraços,Equipe Greenpeace Brasil

3rd Annual Corporate Finance Conference
Thursday, 27 March 2014, Hotel Unique, S�o Paulo. Reduced registration rates available for chamger members
Chaired by
José Eduardo Carneiro Queiroz, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga Advogados andJuan Giraldez, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

Register now

António AiresDemarest
Carlos AizaCreel, García Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez
Guillermo CabanellasCabanellas Etchebarne Kelly
Grenfel S. CalheirosSimpson Thacher & Bartlett 
Claudette ChristianHogan Lovells
Giuliano ColomboPinheiro Neto
Pedro DaltroBR Properties
Ricardo FandiñoGómez-Pinzón Zuleta
Stuart K. FleischmannShearman & Sterling
Nicolas GrabarCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Timothy GraulichDavis Polk
Luis A Nicolau GutiérrezRitch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau, S.C.
Eduardo Secchi MunhozMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga
Breon S. PeaceCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
José Olympio PereiraCEO of Credit Suisse Brazil
Enrique Felices SaavedraMiranda & Amado
Luis SouzaSouza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch
Marcelo TrindadeTrindade Advogados
Nei ZelmanovitsMachado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice
10.30 – 11.00: Welcome coffee and registration
11.00 – 11.30: Opening keynote: José Olympio Pereira, CEO of Credit Suisse Brazil
11.30 – 12.30: Latin America's equity markets: Where are we now?
A panel of leading bankers and regulators will assess the evolution of the region's equity markets over the last 10 years, using the discussion to predict future trends, as well as areas in which development is still required.
Moderator: José Eduardo Carneiro Queiroz, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho Marrey Jr e Quiroga
José Olympio Pereira, CEO of Credit Suisse Brazil
Marcelo Trindade, Trindade Advogados
12.30 – 14.00: Networking lunch sponsored by Demarest Advogados
14.00 – 15.00: Corporate infrastructure financing: public and private working together
Moderator: Claudette Christian, Hogan Lovells
Luis Souza, Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch
Ricardo Fandiño, Gómez-Pinzón Zuleta
Enrique Felices Saavedra, Miranda & Amado 

  • How can infrastructure companies access private money – resolving the collateral issue
  • The role of private companies in developing projects
  • Balancing public and private sources of funding – making banks more competitive
15.00 – 15.20: Coffee break sponsored by Gómez-Pinzón Zuleta
15.20 – 16.20: Resolving creditors' rights disputes in insolvency cases
  • Balancing the rights of different creditors and the conflicts issues presented
  • The impact of inter-company relationships on core company creditors
  • Resolving disputes between creditors
Moderator: Timothy Graulich, Davis Polk
Carlos Aiza, Creel, García Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez
Eduardo Secchi Munhoz, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga
Guillermo Cabanellas, Cabanellas Etchebarne Kelly
Giuliano Colombo, Pinheiro Neto
16.20 – 16.40: Coffee break sponsored by Gómez-Pinzón Zuleta
16.40 – 17.40: Assessing the regulators: enforcement
  • Comparison of how, and how well, regulations are enforced across the region
  • What are the regulators' priorities?
  • Settlement agreements – a viable route?
Moderator: Stuart K. Fleischmann, Shearman & Sterling
Breon S. Peace, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
António Aires, Demarest
Cristián Eyzaguirre, Carey
Luis A Nicolau Gutiérrez, Ritch, Mueller, Heather y Nicolau, S.C.
17.40 – 18.00: Coffee break sponsored by Gómez-Pinzón Zuleta
18.00 – 19.00: How to raise money in Latin America
A panel of finance directors and CFOs from around the region will debate various corporate financing mechanisms, the pros and cons of each and to what extent Latin American markets provide the necessary alternatives to plan corporate financing.
Moderator: Nicolas Grabar, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Grenfel S. Calheiros, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Nei Zelmanovits, Machado MeyerPedro Daltro, BR Properties
19.00 onwards: Cocktails for the Latin Lawyer 8th Annual Charity Awards Ceremony
Lunch sponsor
Refreshments break sponsor
Conference supporter
Hi, everyone --
We never know what curveballs life is going to throw at us. But we do know that those curveballs come. That's why it's so important that everyone -- including healthy young adults -- sign up for health insurance and get our friends and family to sign up, too.
Yesterday, I traveled to Miami to meet with folks doing extraordinary work on the ground to get more people health coverage -- and I took over the @MichelleObama Instagram account to share it all with you.
Take a look at my day
Take a look at my day
Take a look at my day
Take a look at my day
If you still need coverage, you only have until March 31 to sign up, so go to right away and get covered.
And if you've already signed up for coverage, be sure to find those people in your lives who still need to sign up, and make sure they do it.
This matters, and it's going to take every single one of us to get it done -- so let's get to work.
Thank you.
First Lady Michelle Obama

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Latin America in 2014: Economic Growth, Challenges and Opportunities 
What are the challenges facing emerging markets in 2014 and what factors will drive economic growth in Latin America during the coming year?
Join us for our free webinar as we explore how global economic rebalancing dynamics are impacting Latin America.  We’ll highlight the economies which are most vulnerable to the slowdown in China and look at the winners from faster growth in the US.

We’ll also discuss the region’s most volatile economies, Argentina and Venezuela, before revealing our list of markets with the potential to stand out amid ongoing reforms.

Register now to discover:

  • The economic growth drivers in Latin America, viewed in a global context
  • The major inflection points in the economic trajectories of large frontier economies, and how these could affect the economic landscape in the region
  • Opportunities for investors in frontier economies including Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay

This webinar is free to attend. Register now to reserve to your place.
About UsBusiness Monitor Online is a data and intelligence tool delivering analysis and forecasts across developed, emerging and frontier markets.  We offer custom daily news alerts, risk/reward rankings, proprietary databases, 1,500 sector and country reports and over 1 million lines of macroeconomic data.  Request a free trial to discover how we can help your organization. 
Tuesday, March 18
11:00 - 11:45 EDT
Mark SchaltuperHead of Americas Research

Katherine WeberAnalyst

Calvin GarnerAnalyst
Click here to Register

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Este sábado, dia 08 de março, será especial!
Nós mulheres seremos homenageadas por todos os programas da Globo.
E você merece nossos parabéns por tudo o que você já fez, faz e fará!
Um beijo de todas as mulheres da Globo!

Mato Grosso do Sul
Seen Around the World

The Portuguese Language Institute (POLI) requests the pleasure of your company at the opening reception in honor of "Mato Grosso do Sul - Seen Around the World" to be held at the United Nations' Secretariat North Lobby on Friday, March 14th, 2014 at 6pm.


New York City's Early Exhibitor Discount Ends
THIS FRIDAY March 14th.

Exhibit your product/service in front of 

thousands of business owners at

Thursday June 12, 2014
Pier 92

Save on your exhibitor space & get a prime booth location!  

Call us Today at 917-525-4954 
Download Exhibitor Rates Chat with us online

Watch these Video Testimonials to see why you should exhibit.
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Don't miss out on New York City's
biggest business networking event of the year!

Does your company have a unique product and/or service that helps a small business? Exhibit your company at the largest and only national business to business trade show and conference for small business owners where Expo attendees shop for products & services from vendors like you. Our exhibitor hall has a wide range of exhibitors, from start-up to Fortune 500.

Early Exhibitor Discount Ends Friday 3/14/14
Save on your exhibitor space!
Call us Today at 917-525-4954 or Download Exhibitor Rates.
The White HouseMonday, March 10, 2014
The 2015 Budget Whiteboard
In case you missed it, the President released his Fiscal Year 2015 budget last week.
Brian Deese, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is pretty handy with a dry-erase marker, and he took some time to sketch out the nuts and bolts of the President's budget.
Want a better sense of exactly what's in the budget? You should probably watch this whiteboard video.
Watch: Brian Deese explains what's in the budget.
Want to know how the President's budget will continue to steadily bring down the deficit for the next ten years? You should watch this whiteboard.
Watch: Brian Deese explains how the President's budget will bring down the deficit.
Take a look, pass it on, and stay tuned for more.