Monday, October 20, 2014

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October 20, 2014
Announcing the eMarketer Retail Weekly Newsletter. Sign up in time for the next issue.
YouTube Content Creator Channels Help Marketers Get in on the Right Action
YouTube's unmatched range of content means marketers can find nearly every interest group and demographic among the site's visitors. The top content creators on YouTube have their own channels, and that structure gives marketers a distinct focus for ad placement. According to a new eMarketer report, the value of these specific content creators and their channels is their ability to give marketers a worthy mix of context and audience. Full Article

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Last Chance to Register: Marketer's Guide to High Converting Social Campaigns

What's stopping brands from getting the most out of their social advertising strategies? Join AdRoll's Senior Director of Marketing, Jackie Lamping, and Percolate's Director of Growth, Chris Bolman, as they share strategies for unlocking social ROI on Facebook and Twitter. Register today!

Branches Still Trump Digital for Banking ... Sometimes
Consumers are still most likely to go to a branch to conduct banking activities, but when it comes to frequency, online banking wins in weekly usage—by a long shot. Even mobile banking—not nearly as popular as online or physical, likely a result of security concerns—tops the branch in weekly usage.Full Article

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New York Digital Collective is Nov. 5, 2014

Please join us for the New York Digital Collective, an exclusive, regionally driven, peer-to-peer event that facilitates and fuels networking opportunities. Meet with fellow executives in the digital marketing space, exchange ideas and share best practices. Request your invitation today.
Europe's Online Video Market Poised for Further Growth
As Netflix expands in Europe, avid consumers are watching more video than ever before, boosting associated revenues to new highs. Most of the revenue growth in Europe will be associated with online subscription video-on-demand and ad-supported video. Full Article

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October 21-22, 2014, London, United Kingdom
eMarketer is a research partner of ad:tech London.
October 26-28, 2014, Atlanta, GA
eMarketer is the official research partner of iMedia Breakthrough Summit.

SAPHIRA STUDIO Newsletter # 2-9
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Evento traz uma mistura de artes visuais, exibições de filmes e apresentações musicais do Brasil e de outros países latino-americanos
 De 6 a 8 de novembro de 2014, a cultura latino-americana, em especial a cultura brasileira, estará em evidência durante a primeira Feira de Arte Latina, que será realizada no Ballroom do edificio Learning Center, localizado no 4W 43rd St., New York City, de 13hrs às 21hrs.

Artistas que vivem na cidade e no exterior irão expôr pinturas, esculturas, fotografias, artesanatos, livros, jóias, roupas e móveis. Exibição de filmes e apresentações musicais de artistas brasileiros e latino-americanos também fazem parte da agenda do evento.

Na ocasião a cineasta Tizuka Yamazaki será homenageada. Brasileira, com raízes japonesas, Yamazaki tem uma obra diversificada e bem sucedida na TV e no cinema. Suas peças são particularmente conhecidas por explorar a história de imigrantes japoneses que chegaram ao Brasil durante o início do século XX em busca de melhores oportunidades. A sequência "Gaijin: Caminhos da Liberdade" e "Gaijin 2: Ama-me Como Eu Sou", serão exibidos durante a Feira. Veja o nosso calendário para mais detalhes:

Feira de Arte Latina faz parte do calendário oficial da Semana Cultural Latino-Americana 2014, que será realizada entre 1º e 9 de novembro em diferentes locais na cidade de Nova York. Este evento é promovido anualmente pela Pan American Musical Art Research, Inc (PAMAR).
Feira de Arte Latina é produzida pelo Saphira Studio-Seigreen, em parceria com Sciacco Studio eInternational Art Coalition (IAC), com o apoio do Portal Saber Cultural e Revista DASartes.
Ainda estamos aceitando inscrições.
Para maiores informações sobre como participar da FEIRA DE ARTE LATINA 2014, visite o nosso 

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                                                                   2014 LATIN ART FAIR
Latin Art Fair Debuts in New York City
Event will bring a mixture of visual arts, movie screenings, and musical performances from Brazil and other Latin American countries

From November 6 to 8, 2014, the Latin American culture, particularly the Brazilian culture, will be in evidence during the first Latin Art Fair that will be held at the ballroom of the Learning Center Building, located at 4W 43rd Street in New York City, from 1pm to 9pm.

Artists living in the city and abroad will display paintings, sculptures, photographs, arts & crafts, books, jewelry, clothing, and furniture. Movie screenings and musical performances by Brazilian and Hispanic artists are also part of the event’s calendar.

On the occasion, the filmmaker Tizuka Yamazaki will be honored. Brazilian, with Japanese roots, Yamazaki has a diversified and successful work in both TV and cinema. Her pieces are particularly known for exploring the history of Japanese immigrants who arrived in Brazil during the early 20th Century in search for better opportunities. The sequence “Gaijin: Roads to Freedom” and “Gaijin 2: Love Me As I Am”, will be screening during the Fair. See our calendar for details:

The Latin Art Fair is part of the official calendar of the 2014 Latin American Cultural Week, which will be held from November 1 to 9 in different venues throughout New York City. This event is annually promoted by Pan American Musical Art Research, Inc (PAMAR).
The Latin Art Fair is produced by Saphira Studio-Seigreen, in partnership with Sciacco Studio andInternational Art Coalition (IAC), with the support of Portal Saber Cultural and DASartes Magazine.  


An Ebola update from President Obama
Today, President Obama spoke to the nation about Ebola -- how the Administration is responding, and what you should know.
The Ebola virus is a public health and national security priority, and the President has directed the Administration to continue to take aggressive measures at every level of government.
President Obama reiterated that, while Ebola is a serious disease, Americans need to understand the facts and be guided by the science: Ebola is not easily transmitted. And we know how to fight it.
Watch President Obama and get the facts on Ebola here.
Join us for a breakfast seminar on

Brazil's New Bankruptcy Law: Recent Experience and Expected Developments

November 6, 2014
Brazil's new bankruptcy law has been in effect for a few years, but it was not until recently that it was tested in large restructurings involving foreign creditors. OGX's reorganization was the largest ever in Brazil, and triggered the review of a number of key issues under the new law. Join this panel of experienced speakers for a discussion on OGX's and other leading cases such as Rede, Celpa and Independência, including issues such as shareholders' rights, creditors' negotiation leverage, and DIP facility. The panel will also discuss investment opportunities in connection with distressed assets and acquisitions of claims/debts, and how to navigate through related legal and financial issues. 

Jasmine Ball
Partner, Restructuring, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

David S. Kurtz
Vice Chairman U.S. Investment Banking - Head of Global Restructuring, Lazard Freres & Co., LLC
Jay M. Goffman
PartnerGlobal Head of Corporate Restructuring, Skadden, Arts, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Ricardo Knoepfelmacher
Managing Partner, RK Partners
Eduardo Munhoz
Partner, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
        To see their bios, please check the event page on our website:

                                      Hosted by:                                           
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
919 Third Avenue (entrance at 55th Street), 35th Floor
New York, NY 10022
8:00 AM -- 8:30 AM - Registration, Breakfast and Networking
8:30 AM -- 10:30 AM Presentations and Q&A
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É possivel

E, chamando a si os seus doze discípulos, deu-lhes autoridade sobre os espíritos imundos, para expulsarem, e para curarem toda sorte de doenças e enfermidades...e indo, pregai, dizendo: É chegado o reino dos céus. Curai os enfermos, ressuscitai os mortos, limpai os leprosos, expulsai os demônios; de graça recebestes, de graça dai. [Mateus 10.1,6,7]
Na verdade, na verdade vos digo que aquele que crê em mim também fará as obras que eu faço, e as fará maiores do que estas, porque eu vou para meu Pai.
E tudo quanto pedirdes em meu nome eu o farei, para que o Pai seja glorificado no Filho. Se pedirdes alguma coisa em meu nome, eu o farei.  [João 14.12-14]
“Por isto que o nosso Deus diz: Tudo é possível ao que crê”. Se você pode crer, Deus pode fazer !
Sabedoria do Céu: Impossível é somente uma palavra !
Acesse nosso Blog e tenha acesso a Palavra do Ceu diária: