Monday, September 14, 2015

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Vive la France, I love NY

Art Exhibition 

                                                                                                    ART/ MUSIC/POETRY

Saphira & Ventura Gallery in partnership with Artitude Galerie are honored to invite you and guest for the Reception of Vive La France, I Love NY  Art Exhibition.

Curated by Alcinda Saphira, Jean Pierre Lorriaux and Louis Ventura

Come and joy us a special Soiree evening and toast to ART

Artists: Laurence Bourdon, Anne Broitman, Calo, Régine Caudwell, Marie Chardiny, Laure Charvet, Pascal Coignard, Christine Dumas De Rauly, Annie Galipot, Sylvie Gesbert de Linea, Aurélien Hild, Falola, Stella Kaloudis, Jacques Ligoureaud, Nicodi, Philippe Pagani, Vera Steel, Anypol, Mary Chaplin, Collete Gimie Collin, Nicole D’Arexy, Nicole Decote, Beatrice Gaucher, Eliane Hurtado, Mariza Jonath, Sylvie Julkowsky, Seak Kae, A Nana, Paula, Jean Pierre Querin, Mercedes Soret, Pascal Stutz, Wablex, Gregoire de Mont-Marin, Fabienko, Sofia-Christina Lanteric, Carole Le Pers, Mabris, Tran Nam, Jotape, Marcos Amaro, Fátima Campos, Ricardo Raposo, Isabela Couto, Marita Wolff, Stalleikem, Doris Geraldi, Acacio Pereira, Pietrina Checacci, Gregory Fink, Beatriz Deruiz, Julia Equi, Vera Hermano, Berenice Valverde and Judite Pimentel.
Music / Poetry & Silent Auction
Tuesday,  September 22,2015
Soirée   From 6- 9:30 PM
R.S.V.P by September 22
Saturday,26 September, 2015
Saturday, 26 September 2015
From 2 - 8
SAPHIRA & VENTURA GALLERY: 4W 43 Street Ground Floor and Suite 415- NY -NY 10036
Between 5º & 6º avenues
Brasileirinho News Paper 
As the U.S. diplomatic relationship with Cuba continues on its path of normalization and the possibility for increased economic opportunities for U.S. companies with the island increase with the potential further loosening of restrictions prohibiting engaging in business in Cuba, U.S. businesses looking at the Cuban market have begun taking steps to register their trademarks in Cuba.  If this is a possibility for your business, then you should consider protecting your trademarks in Cuba because Cuba is a “first to file” jurisdiction, which means a Cuban trademark registration will be awarded to the first applicant, even if that applicant has not previously used the mark.  Presently, U.S. businesses may register their trademarks in Cuba in one of two ways. First, a national trademark application may be filed with the Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial (OCPI) – the Cuban counterpart to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  Alternatively, a U.S. business that currently owns a U.S. registered trademark may file an international application based on the U.S. registration through the Madrid Protocol Treaty.


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Houston, Minneapolis, Phoenix, & San Diego
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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Perdoe seus inimigos, mas não esqueça seus nomes. (JFK)

Para você que gosta de Arte
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Olá tudo bem? 

Para você  que gosta de artes plásticas visite nossa galeria online

Conheça trabalhos artísticos, e artistas de todo o Brasil no conforto da sua casa.
artista: José Lisbran
nome; Chamego de onça
técnica; mista
tamanho: 90x70cm
Preço: R$ 1200,00
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artista: Miguel Penha
Chapada dos Guimarães/MT
nome: Rio Krahô
técnica: acrílica sobre tela
tamanho: 40x50cm

Preço: R$ 2500,00
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artista: Renato Araújo
nome: Chairs 
técnica: acrílica sobre papel
tamanho: 100x50cm
Preço: R$ 1200,00

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Artista: Elis Inácio
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
nome: Árvore xadrez II
técnica: Acrílica s tela s chassi
tamanho: 83x95 cm.
Preço: R$1.650,00
artista: Vitor
nome: Sem titulo 
Tamanho: 50x70cm
Preço: R$ 280,00

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artista: Rodrigo Savio
nome; sem titulo
técnica; óleo sobre tela
tamanho:  62x92cm
Preço: R$ 1.500,00
para ver mais clique aqui

artista: Pedro Galvão
nome; Carmem Tropicália
técnica; acrílica sobre tela
tamanho:  130x70cm
Preço: R$ 800,00

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Artista: Rimaro
colheita do cacau
técnica: acrílica sobre tela
tamanho: 90x70cm
Preço: R$ 1500,00

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Artista: Dia Brasil
técnica: Acrílica s lona
190×80 cm.
Preço: R$4.500,00

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Artista: Osvaldo Oliveira
nome: Buganville em Flor
técnica: Aquarela 
tamanho: 32x24cm
Preço: R$ 350,00
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Faça sua exposição com a gente veja como funciona clique aqui
COMUNIÓN - mostra coletiva artista Rede de Arte
Comunión mostra coletiva, vem para fechar a ano de 2014, a palavra do espanhol significa comunhão ou confraternização - acesse
Arte e Fé, Vitor Fabiano
Arte e Fé, Fé e Arte, a ordem não muda a essência, não muda a forma não muda o fato de ambos serem ou fazerem parte de nossas vidas.
Elas, Dias Brasil
Quais são as essências de um pássaro? Voar e cantar; Quando você aprisiona um pássaro em uma gaiola você tirou a metade de sua essência; 
CAMINHOS - Renato Araújo
A exposição apresenta 13 trabalhos do artista que representam momentos em nosso cotidiano como na praia, no parque ou simplesmente descansando. 
MOMENTOS - Osvaldo de Oliveira
Osvaldo Oliveira é aquarelista, estudou na Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo 

Dentro da Mata - Miguel Penha

Com um trabalho primoroso e mais de 30 anos de dedicação a pintura, Miguel Penha vem sem destacando no cenário brasileiro de artes,

Colheitas e Festas -  Rimaro

Colheitas e Festas trata-se da exposição da artista plásticas Rimaro e conta com 15 trabalhos, todos feitos em acrílico sobre tela, usando como técnica o naif (arte ingênua).

Próximas exposições


The White House, Washington
This week, critics of the Iran deal -- including Former Vice President Dick Cheney -- are gathering in Washington.
It's a safe bet that they will call for abandoning our diplomatic deal with Iran and the world, and call for a dangerously simplistic vision of American "leadership" based on unilateral action that would ultimately leave us with a choice between accepting a nuclear Iran or using military force.
This is no abstract debate. Those, like me, who have served, understand all too well the sacrifice that is required when diplomacy is abandoned. I have spent much of my adult life attempting to redeem the aftermath of a deeply unnecessary and misguided war in Iraq in the name of non-proliferation. Having served in Iraq myself as an Army officer, and then worked with Iraqi refugee families facing desperate circumstances in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, I believe we must ask a simple question of anyone wishing to be taken seriously on matters of national security today: What have you learned from the Iraq war?
Some of the same people who supported premature military action in Iraq, based on faulty intelligence, remain eager to reject tough diplomacy now. Remarkably, many of them have made clear that they reject the very idea of negotiating with Iran at all.
We must remember how radical that view truly is.
Presidents from Eisenhower to Nixon to Kennedy, from Reagan to Bush Sr., knew that sometimes, facing our adversaries across the negotiating table is a better way to advance our interests, promote our values, and improve our security than rushing to face them on the battlefield. They understood that tough, principled diplomacy is a hallmark of our strength -- and that exhausting diplomatic options before asking our men and women in uniform to confront the awful face of battle is a basic responsibility of leadership.
Embracing the use of force as a first option, while rejecting the very idea of tough negotiations with dangerous countries, is a departure from our nation's best strategic traditions and most essential moral values. The costs of that departure have been great, and remain with us to this day. We who have spent our lives since 9/11 on the front lines of a dangerous world have learned from our shared experience that America can -- and must -- do better, and be smarter.
Using tough, principled diplomacy, backed by strength, to reduce the threat posed by our enemies is one of America's greatest bipartisan traditions.
You can learn more about how the Iran deal reflects that tradition and how it will work here:
This deal with Iran reflects the painful lessons of our recent past, and represents a higher form of renewed American leadership. America rallied support for sanctions around the world, forced Iran to the table, and delivered a tough deal based on verification -- not trust. If Iran abides by the terms, that leadership will have improved our security and safeguarded our allies without putting American lives at risk. If Iran cheats, or threatens our security in other ways, we will be watching – with every tool of our national power remaining at our disposal, much better intelligence, and the world committed to standing with us in our response.
We must remember our essential goal: To prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. This deal accomplishes that goal.
And if Iran does choose conflict, there is nothing in this deal that gives away the power and resolve of our military, or our commitment to defend our nation and our allies. Make no mistake. The men and women I was once privileged to serve alongside will fight and win on any battlefield our elected civilian leaders may choose. That is their responsibility. Ours is to learn from painful experience, and choose with wisdom worthy of their service.
The radical worldview that led to the Iraq War belongs to the past. Our generation has charted a new course for the future. Embracing tough, principled diplomacy as a first resort is the best way forward for our nation and the world.
Thanks for listening,
Mike Breen
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

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I spent more than half of 2005 in Iraq. I was four years into my service in the Marine Corps and as is the case with most of our young enlisted military members, I had enormous responsibilities for being twenty-two years old. Grateful for the opportunity to serve, and thankful for the experiences the Marine Corps gave to me, I left active duty in 2006, excited at the prospect of new cities, new jobs, and the chance to go to college.

The White House, Washington
I spent more than half of 2005 in Iraq.
I was four years into my service in the Marine Corps, and as is the case with most of our young enlisted military members, I had enormous responsibilities for a twenty-two year-old. Grateful for the opportunity to serve, and thankful for the experiences the Marine Corps gave to me, I left active duty in 2006, excited at the prospect of new cities, new jobs, and the chance to go to college.
The Marine Corps gave me excellent job skills, world-class leadership training, and a ton of willpower and ambition. Still, academia was somewhat intimidating. Trading a base for a campus, and military leaders for professors felt like a huge step. To make the transition a bit easier I moved back to my home state of Florida, and found Valencia Community College -- where I was able to use my GI Bill education benefits to attend for free.
I found diverse classrooms full of people with varying backgrounds and experiences -- from kids straight out of high school to seasoned professionals pursuing a career change. I fit right in. Community colleges were made for people like me; they're designed to take persons from all walks of life and help them embark on their next adventure. People like Dr. Brooks and Professor Zuromski made me love learning and sparked a hunger for knowledge I didn’t know I had.
More Americans should have this opportunity. Today, the President is announcing a campaign called “Heads Up,” and the idea is simple: Let’s make two years of community college free for anyone willing to work for it.
Watch the President announce it -- and ask Americans to join the movement.
At Valencia, I wasn’t just in the classroom -- I was leading fellow students in groups like Model UN, where I studied diplomacy and foreign affairs. I was an editor for The Phoenix, Valencia’s annual literary magazine, where I honed my writing skills and learned the value of creative expression. While I was there I also earned my place in the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. It was all a valuable part of my academic, personal, and professional growth.
Valencia Community College also prepared me to tackle classes at one of America’s oldest and most rigorous academic institutions -- Columbia University, where I finished my undergraduate degree. I majored in philosophy, a discipline I wasn’t exposed to until I took Professor Wallman’s amazing Intro to Philosophy class at Valencia. Not only did community college make Columbia possible for me, it gave me the tools to experience it to its fullest measure.
Today I work at The White House as an Associate Director in the Office of Public Engagement. I have the privilege of being the President’s liaison to military service members, veterans, and their families. I can’t express in one message how grateful I am to have been given this opportunity, and how fulfilling it is to work with, and for, a group as deserving as they are.
It’s hard for me to fully grasp the incredible things that have happened in my life in the eight years since I first stepped foot on a community college campus, but I feel confident that taking that step made it all possible.
More people should have that chance. That’s what the President thinks, and I agree.
Watch him launch a new campaign to make community college free for anyone willing to work for it, and call on Americans to join the movement.
Up until now I’ve shared my story with a largely military and veteran audience, encouraging those with the ambition to take advantage of their education benefits because you never know where it’s going to lead. I’m sharing my story with you now because we have the chance to make sure that everyone has the opportunity I did. We should do what we can to ensure everyone in America who wishes, has the chance to go to community college for free.
Thanks for listening.
Ryan Robinson
Associate Director of Public Affairs
The White House

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Confira a agenda do 11º Seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado
Norte-Americano" em Miami, e
inscreva-se já! 

A 11ª edição do seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano", organizado pela Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF), que será realizado nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de Setembro em Miami, no Hotel Westin Colonnade Coral Gables, está se aproximando.  O seminário é destinado a executivos, empresários, e empreendedores brasileiros que tem o interesse de expandir os negócios de suas empresas, desejo de iniciar um novo projeto, ou o intuito imigratório profissional nos EUA. Sendo completamente em Português, este é um evento de três dias, onde os primeiros dois são compostos por palestras informativas por profissionais experientes em diversas áreas de negócios e apresentações de "Case Studies" de empresas brasileiras que se internacionalizaram e profissionais brasileiros que desenvolveram seus projetos nos EUA, e mais um dia de visitas técnicas a empresas localizadas no Sul da Flórida.
Palestras, Eventos e Visitas Técnicas: 

Segunda-Feira (28/09)
  • Como internacionalizar uma empresa Brasileira (Ubirajara Marques Curto - Sócio Diretor, Center Group Brasil)
  • Investimentos por pessoas físicas e jurídicas no exterior (Roberto Justo - Sócio, Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados)
  • "How-To" importar para os EUA (Christian Luque - CEO, Luque Trading)
  • As facilidades que o Banco do Brasil Américas oferece aos Brasileiros nos EUA (Cassio Segura - CEO, Banco do Brasil Américas; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Como operacionalizar uma empresa e fazer negócios nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Vantagens e Desvantagens do Programa EB-5 (Jackson Hwu, Sócio, Private Advising Group, P.A.)
  • Evento - Happy Hour/Business Card Exchange - Networking com empresários da Flórida (Hotel Westin Colonnade Coral Gables) 
Terça-Feira (29/09)
  • Estruturas Corporativas nos EUA (Alexandre Piquet - Fundador e Sócio-Gerente, Piquet Law Firm; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Case - Processo de exportação de perecíveis aos EUA (Frederico Tavares - Gerente de Comércio Internacional, UGBP: Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya)
  • Case - Processo de internacionalização do Giraffas (João Barbosa, CEO, Giraffas Brazilian Kitchen & Grill)
  • Os prós e contras de adquirir uma franquia nos EUA (John Canaday, Sócio Diretor, Americas Franchise Group)
  • Case - Processo de internacionalização de uma empresa de móveis brasileira com abertura de loja nos EUA (Claudio Faria - Diretor, Ornare Miami)
  • Contratação de pessoas e mercado de trabalho nos EUA (Jonathan Hall - Sócio, PrideStaff)
  • Case - Desenvolvimento da AB Catering nos EUA (Deborah Rosalem - Fundadora, AB Catering Inc.) 
Quarta-Feira (30/09)
  • Visita Técnica - FedEx
  • Visita Técnica - Escritório de Advocacia Akerman LLP, Miami (Felipe Berer - Advogado responsável pelo "Brazil Desk", Akerman LLP; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Entrada no mercado e Empreendendo nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Programação Opcional 
(*Agenda sujeita a alterações - custo adicional - para grupos acima de 10 pessoas)
Quinta-feira (01/10)
  • Visita ao Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
  • Apresentação pelo The Beacon Council
  • Apresentação pelo Port Miami
  • Apresentação pelo Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
  • Apresentação pela Enterprise Florida
  • Almoço - Perguntas & Respostas
  • Visita ao Porto de Miami
Para mais informações clique aqui
Ou entre em contato via 
Data limite para inscrição no seminário: 21 de setembro de 2015
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