Monday, February 1, 2016


Tomorrow is the deadline:
You're going to want to pay attention to this.
Sunday is the last day of open enrollment. That means you have just today and tomorrow to find an affordable health care plan that will cover you in 2016.

Head over to to find a plan that works for you.
Nearly 18 million Americans have found the health coverage they need. For the first time ever, more than 90% of Americans are covered.
Know someone who might still need to health insurance? Maybe a friend who just changed jobs, or a niece or nephew who recently turned 26?
Forward this email right now and make sure they go to to get covered.
Get Covered

Friday, January 29, 2016

Reestruturação ajusta companhia à nova realidade do setor de óleo e gás e amplia controle sobre decisões de executivos

Nosso Conselho de Administração aprovou, em reunião realizada nesta quarta-feira (27/01), a nova estrutura organizacional e o novo modelo de gestão e governança da companhia.
A reformulação ocorre como parte da nossa resposta à nova realidade do setor de óleo e gás, que tem nos levado a priorizar atividades mais rentáveis, tornando-nos mais competitivos.
A reestruturação envolve a redistribuição de atividades, a fusão de áreas e a revisão do modelo decisório. Um dos objetivos centrais é ampliar os mecanismos de controle e conformidade. Adicionalmente, estima-se uma redução de custos de até R$ 1,8 bilhão por ano.
Saiba mais sobre os novos mecanismos de controle e conformidade e estimativas de redução de custos na matéria completa.
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The White House, Washington
One day last year, two female executives in my company came to me and said we might be paying women less than men.
This was a complete surprise to me. It didn’t occur to me that inequality could creep into our company culture at Salesforce. We then looked at the salary of every employee in the company, and it turned out we did have a pay gap.
Now, we are spending $3 million on closing the gap so that women and men are paid equally at Salesforce, and we’ve instilled equality as one of the core values of our company.
The President has said that a world in which women are treated as equal to men is safer, more stable, and more prosperous -- and I wholeheartedly agree. I believe that businesses are more successful when equality is built into the fabric of the company.
But we will never solve the issue of pay inequality if CEOs and business leaders continue to turn a blind eye to what’s happening right in their own organizations.
Businesses are the greatest platforms for change in the world -- and business leaders, as well as government leaders, must set an example when it comes to equal pay for equal work.
Today, the government is taking a big step toward building a better world where every woman is paid the same as her male counterpart. Under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's proposal, many businesses would be required to report their pay data by gender and race so that we can know when and how wage discrimination is happening.
Watch live at the White House today at 12:10 p.m. ET to hear President Obama talk about new steps the administration is taking to promote equal pay.
It’s time for every leader to make equal pay for equal work a top priority. Going forward, we will be judged on whether we made the world a more equitable place for all.
I applaud the President and his team for continuing to look for ways to close the pay gap and bring more attention to this important issue.
Marc Benioff
Chairman and CEO, Salesforce

The White House, Washington
Growing up in Buffalo, New York, I was lucky to have teachers in my local public school who found creative and exciting ways to introduce me to all of the STEM (science, tech, engineering and math) disciplines. Hands-on experiences with innovative technology built my confidence and skills for the future and helped me understand that STEM, especially computer science, could be used to make the world a better place.
And now, we have the chance to work together to expand that hands-on learning experience to all children across America, with President Obama's new Computer Science for All (#CSforAll) initiative.
The President's bold new proposal will empower students from kindergarten through high school to learn computer science, equipping them with the analytical skills they need to be creators in the digital economy, not just consumers, and to apply their passion and enthusiasm to solving problems using technology.
The United States has been home to so many amazing digital inventions -- from Silicon Valley to its counterparts like Austin, Boston, Eastern Kentucky, Louisville, Boise, Salt Lake, Atlanta, and more. Last year, there were more than 600,000 high-paying jobs across a variety of industries in the United States that were unfilled, and by 2018, 51 percent of all STEM jobs are projected to be in CS-related fields.
Our economy and our children's futures can't afford to wait.
Elementary students in Baltimore, Maryland with the author.
We’ve made real progress, but we have a lot of work left to do. In 22 states, computer science still doesn’t count toward high school graduation requirements for math or science, and 75% of schools don’t yet offer a single high-quality computer science course. Plus, stereotypes perpetuated by media portrayals, unconscious bias, the unsung history of CS heroes like Grace Hopper, and outdated classroom materials often discourage many from taking these courses -- they often 'opt-out' of CS even when it is offered.
The good news is innovators in education are already solving these challenges and leading the way all over the country. We recently recognized just a handful of these Americans at the White House Champions of Change for Computer Science Education event. These students, teachers, and community leaders are proving what’s possible, like the Spanish teacher in Queens who co-created a “Digital Dance” experience, bringing code into school dances. Or the high school and college students who tutor their younger peers in these skills, solidifying their own knowledge through mentoring.
As a kid, I was lucky to be exposed to CS -- but a lot of my generation didn’t get that chance. Let’s get all-hands-on-deck to make sure every child is learning to code as a new 'basic' skill ­-- so they can all be part of the next generation of American ingenuity, problem solving, adventure, and deep economic impact.
Find out how you can get involved today, whether you are a student, teacher, techie or an interested citizen. There's something we all can do.
Megan Smith
U.S. Chief Technology Officer

Photo by SulaCosta/Costa Consulting Co

Orchestra of Contagem is part of a non-governmental organization that provides free classes for string and wind instruments, music theory and English for more than 250 children and adolescents from socially vulnerable communities in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Music education is the main power that directs their work, whose goal is to act in the awareness and training of the fundamental principles of citizenship: respect, solidarity and human dignity. This directly reflects upon the family, making many of these family values that perhaps may have been overlooked, renewed through art, in this case the music making.
The results can be confirmed during the working years: students are placed in courses at universities, technical courses and as teachers in public schools.
In 17 years of operation the orchestra counts over 200 concerts in Brazil and 70 international concerts, It already totals about 200 thousand spectators, and since its foundation, 1,400 students passed through this NGO.
This year, for the first time, the Orchestra will perform in American soil. Through this project, these young musicians have been in countries such as Austria, France, England, Germany and Luxembourg. This time, the 2013 Tour has the Youth Orchestra performing six concerts at Casa do Brasil in New York City, Pennsylvania State University, as well as in Washington DC, Winchester, Chicago and Miami.
2013 also marked the year that the Orchestra reached higher artistic and recognition levels. To celebrate that, "The Orchestra Jovem de Contagem" changed its name to "Orquestra das Gerais" as a tribute to the state of Minas Gerais, the home state of the orchestra and to consolidate its musical direction and goals
Casa do Brasil is honored to be the site of their New York Debut Concert.

Any proceeds from this concert will help in part to minimize some expenses - Casa do Brasil New York, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promote the overall well-being and sustainable socio-economic development of the Brazilian community in the United States through culture, information, education and citizenship.

Press contact: promohauzny@gmail.comOrchestra Director: Carlos Aleixo
General Coordinator: Renato A. Almeda
Master Teacher: Rosiane Reis
Guest Pianist: Cenira Shreiber
Cultural Producer: Gabriel Henrique