Friday, May 13, 2016

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We cordially invite you to EARTH CONTEMPORARY ART SALON
At  the United Nations - NYC

Special Reception - May23 at 6pm

“Earth” is Back to New York
Contemporary Brazilian Art Show at the United Nations will displays
the beauty and the challenges of the environments


PARTICIPANT ARTISTS: Alice Niel, Amaro, Ana Junkeira, Anderson Bolcato, Azol, Antti Raitala, Aulikki Nukala, Cassandra Fortes, Carl Clarke, Carla Cortez, Cilmara Tamochunas Bittencourt, Cheryl Appe, Claudio Cupertino, Carmen Thompson, Daniel Silveira Lopes, Deise Figuccia, Denise Berbert, Diego Mendonça, Eda Miranda, Eunice Dias, Eunice Khoury, Edoardo Pacceli, Eileen Joyce, Elisa Carreno, Eila Ekman-Björkman, Juliana Pavanelli, Hanna Varis, Hilária Rato Zanadrea, Ilona Rytkönen, Iria Ciecka Schmidt, Jane Ferrari, Jari Järnström, Juliana Pavanelli, Giovana Casagrande, L. Lazarotti Ogg, Leila Alberti, Ligia Barros, Luzia Castaneda, Luíza Alves, Mariá Mallmann, Mauro Marques Kersul, Marcio Pontes, Marie Marcier, Mounia Boutaleb, Muriene Ribeiro, Mizael Lima, Moosa May Delaró, Maaria Märkälä, Maarit Björkman-Väliahdet, Marja Hakala, Marjatta Ranta-Iso, Minja Revonkorpi, Nonna-Nina Mäki, Odair Mindello, Osvaldo Chiquesi, Patricia Figueiredo, Panu Ruotsalo, Päivyt Niemeläinen, Priscila Schott, Raquel Lima, Rebeca Sá Figueira, Rosa Stalleikem, Sandiá Antoinette, Saila Seppo, Sirkka Laakkonen,Tereza Vianna, Vanda Ribeiro, Vera Reis, Vara Pavanelli, Urho Kähkönen, Marcio Pontes, Flavia Pinheiro Costa, Jo Kawamura and Celia Anahas.
Period: May 23 – 27, 2016
Location: UN New York headquarters
Reception: Monday, May 23rd
Time: from 6pm to 9pm
Curator by: Alcinda Saphira
Co-Curator byLouis Ventura & Edson Cardoso
Curator Assistant: Luciana Morais, Beatriz Deruiz
 UNSRC Portuguese Language Society, KOTA Events, Beatriz Deruiz Photography Studio, Community Channel Web TV, Angela Oliveira Art, Rose de Paulo.
For more
Contact Phone: +1 (914)433-0121
R.S.V.P Required - Subscribe now for Free Entrance
Copyright © 2016, Saphira&Ventura Gallery, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4 W 43rd Street, Suite 415,
New York City, NY 10036 


President Obama and Macklemore: A conversation about addiction
Today, President Obama and Grammy Award-winning artist Macklemore teamed up to discuss a disease that affects far too many Americans: addiction.
President Obama and Macklemore
Here are the highlights:
Macklemore opened up about his own experience with addiction:
"I’m here with President Obama because I take this personally. I abused prescription drugs and battled addiction. If I hadn’t gotten the help I needed when I needed it, I might not be here today. And I want to help others facing the same challenges I did."
President Obama laid out why opioid abuse is a problem that affects all of us:
"Drug overdoses now take more lives every year than traffic accidents. Deaths from opioid overdoses have tripled since 2000. A lot of the time, they’re from legal drugs prescribed by a doctor. So addiction doesn’t always start in some dark alley -- it often starts in a medicine cabinet."
Drug overdoses vs traffic accidents over time
And the President talked about what we all can do to help:
"I’ve asked Congress to expand access to recovery services, and to give first responders the tools they need to treat overdoses before it’s too late. This week, the House passed several bills about opioids -- but unless they also make actual investments in more treatment, it won’t get Americans the help they need. On top of funding, doctors also need more training about the power of the pain medication they prescribe, and the risks they carry. Another way our country can help those suffering in private is to make this conversation public."
"The good news is, there’s hope. When we talk about opioid abuse as the public health problem it is, more people will seek the help they need. More people will find the strength to recover, just like Macklemore and millions of Americans have. We’ll see fewer preventable deaths and fewer broken families."

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The White House, Washington
You've probably heard news reports about Zika, a virus that's been spreading across South and Central America as well as the Caribbean.
Zika is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes. In past outbreaks, the vast majority of people who contracted Zika didn't experience symptoms. For those with symptoms, they were relatively mild.
Zika infection in a pregnant woman can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly, as well as other severe fetal brain defects. Zika has also been linked to neurological disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome in those infected, and we have learned that it can also be spread from a man to his sexual partners.
We're learning more about this virus every day. As Surgeon General, my job is to make sure that you have the information you need to stay safe and healthy.
So here are three things you can do to protect yourself and your families from the Zika virus:
Learn more about the Zika virus
We are responding to local transmission of Zika by mosquitoes in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa -- and we are taking steps to prepare for any transmission within the continental United States. Right now, researchers are working hard to develop a vaccine that will prevent Zika infections.
The federal government is also working closely with the states and private partners to ensure that adequate testing capacity is available so that anyone who may be infected -- especially pregnant women -- can find out quickly and take steps to prevent further spread of Zika. We are also working with states to help them refine and implement Zika preparedness and response plans for their jurisdictions.
But this work takes resources. And we will need more resources to make sure that communities across our country can address a potential Zika outbreak.
That is why President Obama has requested funds to help us prevent, detect, and treat this virus. It is my hope that Congress will act quickly to provide funding so we can protect the American people from the spread of Zika.
As the summer months approach and mosquito season begins, know that there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from Zika.
For the latest information and resources on the Zika virus, please go to
Dr. Vivek Murthy 19th U.S. Surgeon General

Venha participar conosco!
*Este documento e um convite para artistas plasticos brasileiros. 
Sera lancado no proximo semestre, um projeto cultural para o Brasil em formato,
"documentario" , voltado a artistas plasticos.

As gravacoes serao feitas em New York durante as exibicoes de arte que serao produzidas durante  as exposicoes de arte neste ano 2016.
 Portanto, se voce e um artista e quer participar deste projeto,entre na pagina de contato do nosso site, clique aqui e nos envie uma mensagem com a seguinte frase: "Quero estar na lista dos artistas plasticos de 2016."
Automaticamente sera enviado para seu email um formulario inscricao. Isso sera o seu cadastro!
Voce so tera que preenche-lo e reenvia-lo para o com a ficha cadastral preenchida!
Se preferir, voce tambem podera enviar toda documentacao para o endereco dos EUA que esta na nossa pagina de contato!
O grupo selecionado sera comunicado pelo site da COSTA CONSULTING CO.
A validade para o cadastramento sera ate o dia 08 de agosto de 2016.
Serao selecionados 27 artistas brasileiros, um de cada estado  do Brasil mais um distrito (DF).

A promocao sera valida para artistas plasticos de todo Brasil!

Sobre o projeto
"Das exposicoes de arte às salas de estar, o universo brasileiro das artes visuais vai ganhar mais um espaço ,so que agora na TV. Dentro de uma série de documentários no Brasil visual, atualmente em fase de planejamento, com previsão de pre-producao para meados deste ano, e estreia na TV no Brasil ate dezembro. O projeto, idealizado pelaDiretora de Conteudos Audiovisuais - Sula Costa  em parceria comprodutor de tv de Gil Becker, tera como objetivo traçar um panorama da cena artística de todas regioes do Brasil.
A primeira temporada do projeto será a apresentacao  de uma apresentadora multimídia que contara com programação visual de inumeros artistas plásticos .Serao episódios de 20 minutos, em que  o público ira entrar em contato com o mundo das artes visuais em seus principais expoentes de diversas gerações, abrangendo variadas expressões artísticas: da instalação ao grafite, transitando entre pintura, gravura, site specific (quando o local da exposição faz parte da obra), videOarte, e urbana, escultura e body art.
*Este projeto conta com apoio de empresas viabilizam a cultura no Brasil e preserva patrimonio publico e social.

Visit our website
COSTA CONSULTING CO |NEW YORK | Phone: (61) 4042-3635 | info@sulacosta.comVisite nosso site!
COSTA CONSULTING CO | 316 W 14 Street, Suíte 14. | BTW 8th AVE | New York | NY | 10014 |

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