Monday, August 29, 2016


Celebrating 100 years of national parks:
This month marks the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service -- and Americans are celebrating at parks around the country. Part of this celebration is thanking the men and women who conserve these natural and cultural places.
Here at the White House, we're honoring a National Park Service that cares for a park a little closer to home -- the White House grounds.
The National Park Service has been taking care of the White House grounds since the 1930s -- all 18 acres of it -- and many of these staff have served here for over 35 years.
Watch the National Park Service talk about what it’s like to work at the White House, and read their stories of service:
Don't forget -- national parks across America are free this weekend, so get outside and explore.
Happy 100th Anniversary, National Park Service!

The White House, Washington
In June, the White House convened women from around the world for the United State of Women Summit -- an effort to celebrate all the progress women have made on gender equality issues so far, and to tackle the obstacles that still remain.
As part of this effort, the White House launched the Equal Pay Pledge, encouraging companies from across the U.S. to take action to advance equal pay.
As CEO of Visa, I did not hesitate. Today, I want to tell you why.
At Visa, we have made it a priority to advance diversity and inclusion in our workplace. My leadership team and I believe that this value is not only non-negotiable, but is a strategic business imperative. It's good for our business because it harnesses the broad perspectives and diversity of thought needed to create and deliver better solutions for our clients. It's good for our organization because we need a talented workforce that reflects the communities in which we work and serve every day.
Promoting an environment that values diversity and inclusion also means a commitment to paying all employees fairly and equitably.
I am proud to sign this pledge, which affirms our commitment to pay equity for women at Visa.
Other businesses interested in signing on are encouraged to take the pledge. I hope that many will join us in this effort -- I firmly believe it is the right thing to do.
Charles W. Scharf
CEO of Visa
6 de SETEMBRO · 22H · participação gratuita
2 de Junho
Aprenda a negociar com Oliver Vélez
Inscreva-se jáAprenda já a investir com o líder do mercado nacional em CFDs

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dentro da Mata - Cipós, nova exposição - venha visitar

Convite exposição, Miguel Penha


Sobre a Exposição: exposição de pintura, leva a uma reflexão sobre a preservação de nossas matas que dialoga com o espaço expositivo do MARCO,  onde o artista apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre espécies em extinção.

De descendência indígena cria seus trabalhos com base em conhecimento das plantas, seus usos e costumes, em especial do cerrado e das matas de transição existentes no centro oeste e o Amazonas.

Painéis de grande tamanho comporão um ambiente quase natural, onde a estrela é nossa natureza;  Ao recriar as matas, o objetivo é que o visitante se sinta de verdade na natureza; A sensação é de estar do lado de fora, mesmo estando dentro do local expositivo.

Dentro da Mata é um projeto vem sendo desenvolvido desde 2010, nesses 6 anos de trajetória já foi visto por mais de 5 mil pessoas em 12 Estados brasileiros.

 O projeto foi finalista do prêmio Rodrigo de Melo Franco, e recebeu Moção de Congratulação do Governo do Estado do Mato Grosso, é uma exposição única, original, que trata de temas atuais, usando como suporte a pintura aliada a tecnologia, e documentação online sobre o projeto feita no Blog

Catálogo das obras da exposição já está disponível

para saber mais sobre o
projeto acesse

Sobre: nasci na beira do rio Cuiabá/MT, meu pai era um índio boliviano da etnia Xiquitano minha mãe filha de índia Bororo com Português, meu primeiro contato com a natureza foi onde nasci e cresci com meus pais e  irmão: tomando banho de rio, caçando pescando plantando a roça e coletando frutos do Cerrado, em 1979  em Brasília/DF,  que conheci obras de vários pintores brasileiros como Antônio Parreiras, Manuel Santiago, Di Cavalcante, Alfredo Volpi entre outros,envolvido por esse universo da arte começa seus primeiro desenhos influenciado pelo surrealismo de Salvador Dali faz uma série de pinturas.
saiba mais clique aqui

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Cyber PR

What's the trendiest thing in music PR? Music premieres. It seems everyone from independent to major label artists are jumping headfirst onto the bandwagon. Many artists I speak with want a premiere or multiple premieres around a release, but more often than not the artists don't know exactly what a premiere is and how it will help them.

Below is an expert from our The Musician's Guide To Premieres: 
Premiere has become quite a buzzword in the digital PR space. If you take a tour of the blogosphere you’ll see the word pop up in headlines quite a bit. We’re attracted to the word because it sounds fancy, regal and quite literally, exclusive. In the arena of emerging artists, premieres are often revered as some sort of magical key to unlocking popularity, however few artists who ask for them understand exactly what they are, how to get them, and the reality of their value.

The following is a guide for everything you need to know about the coveted music premiere.

What a premiere is not:

A magical key to unlock renown.

What a premiere is:

A premiere is offering a blog exclusive content (i.e. a track, music video, album stream) in advance of its release for them to host solely on their site for an agreed upon period of time. It can be an excellent tool and event within a larger strategy.

What you need for a premiere:

You cannot get a premiere if you have no exclusive content to give. If you have an unreleased track, music video, or album that you are willing to stream, you may want to consider a premiere as part of your release strategy. Note that other content (photos, lyric videos, behind the scenes extras) are not usually content that a blog has any interest in premiering. The release of those assets require different tactics.

In addition to unreleased content you will need patience, a strong familiarity of music sites in your genre, and a sense of where you are in the ecosystem.
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