Friday, December 9, 2016

Intermezzo Collections

  •  08-10 Jan 2017
  •  Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New YorkUSA
Intermezzo Collections runs January 8-10, 2017 at the Javits Convention Center in NYC. Intermezzo Collections is the perfect opportunity between the major women’s fashion markets for retailers to discover and shop the current trends in all ready to wear classifications - contemporary, active wear, casual and denim.

Join us for our opening reception for Complex Psychology on Monday, December 12th at 7 pm!

We look forward to kick off the festive season, come see artwork that would serve as excellent and unique gifts for your loved ones this holiday.

Please RSVP by replying to this email. 

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Organizing for Action

Ready? It's time to channel our frustration and passion into action.

This movement is about what we can accomplish when we come together. From big fights to small ones, the path toward progress on some of our country's most important issues starts with regular people like you and me.

Now, more than ever, we can't afford to slow down -- we can't afford to ease up in our efforts to create the kind of change we want to see in our own communities.

It's time to get involved, and yes, it's time to get your friends, family, and neighbors involved, too. It's up to all of us to come together and have thoughtful conversations about the ways we can take meaningful action.

Here's one easy way to get the ball rolling: Sign up today to host a community action meeting, and we'll help you get started.

In-person meetings like these are a simple but powerful way to discuss the issues that matter most to each of us and to figure out next steps. These conversations will help determine the path forward and will turn change-seekers into change-makers. You can even do it over pizza or wine -- you're the host!

Hosting an action meeting like this is your chance to play a crucial role in this fight.

And don't worry about the details -- once you sign up, we'll guide you with resources to make your event a success.

Say you'll host a community action meeting with your friends and neighbors, and we'll follow up soon with more information.

Share your story


Traci Wile
Director of Community Programs
Organizing for Action


Join Us on December 15, 2016Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, New York

New Rules on Brazilian FIPs: A Welcome Sign to Investors
While Brazil’s legal and regulatory environment remains complex and comprehensive reforms still seem to belong to the future, significant progress may come from apparently small changes, which may contribute to a more “market friendly” environment.  The new regulation adopted by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to FIPs (Fundos de Investimentos em Participações, Brazil’s version of private equity funds) appears to be one of those changes and moves the country one step closer to a regulatory framework more familiar to international private equity investors.  FIPs are now allowed to invest in a broader class of assets (including assets located outside Brazil), General Partners will have more discretion to make capital calls and bring additional investors to the fund, and restrictions regarding governance rights have been eliminated. On the flip side, FIPs will have to comply with higher reporting standards and new mark-to-market requirements may have significant tax implications.
Please join us as we bring to our breakfast roundtable and a select group of leading practitioners from the legal and private equity industries in Brazil and the U.S., to discuss the new FIP rules and the expected impact such new regulation will have for international investors interested in the Brazilian market.

Daniel W. Maeda
Director, Institutional Investors Division (SIN)
Comissão de Valores Mobiliàrios
Ana Carolina L. Nomura
Mattos Filho Advogados

Peter A. Furci
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP  

Jonathan Adler
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Registration Period: Nov 22, 2016 to Dec 15, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Soccer Life Experience Portugal
Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

Para mudar o cenário atual do futebol brasileiro, e aumentar a chance de acesso de jovens talentos ao esporte, surgiu o Projeto SLE (Soccer Life Experience).
O projeto é amparado por um grupo de negócios com expertise em formação de atletas, composto por empresas brasileiras e parceiros europeus, e atua proporcionando aos jovens atletas amantes do futebol a oportunidade de treinar em um clube Europeu.
Ficou interessado? Acesse o site, conheça mais sobre o projeto e solicite a sua participação!
Clique no link e saiba mais

Are you free to chat at 4pm Eastern – TODAY?
I’m going to be hosting a Facebook advertising Q & A session with John Oszajca, at 4 PMEastern, 1PM Pacific – TODAY.

Come here at 4 PM to join us for the live call:

You’ll have the ability to either call in, or listen in via the web - and you’ll be able to submit questions via the broadcast hub, or call in and chat with us live on the phone.
 In case you missed the email I sent out about this last week, here’s the deal…
As you know John is one of the smartest people I know for strategy on Facebook.  I hired him to help me with my book launch this past fall and even though I know a LOT about Facebook Ads he knows more!
John has just released a new program called Music Ads Workshop 2.0.
In Music Ads Workshop John pulls back the curtains and lets you in on the exact strategies he has used to help numerous artists top various Billboard, Amazon, and iTunes sales charts, as well as set the all-time single day sales record at CD Baby… And he even helped me get to #1 on Amazon a few weeks back.
And... just yesterday one of the artists John works with landed a GRAMMY NOMINATION…

"John Oszajca was the digital sales and marketing director for my latest album “Love Wins Again”. The album debut at #5 on Billboard’s Blues Chart, with a #1 album AND single at Blues Radio. Today I learned that the album has been nominated for a GRAMMY! Facebook advertising played a huge roll in the album's success and I couldn't have done it without John's help” – Janiva Magness
I know that many musicians use Facebook advertising to get their music and brand out there, and I also know that many musicians struggle to actually profit with the platform.
I’ve convinced John to join us for a LIVE Q & A to take all of your questions about Facebook Advertising, and explain how to use the platform RIGHT.
That’s about it for now. We go live at 4PM Eastern / 1PM Pacific TODAY.

Click here to join us on the call

Ariel and John Q&A.png
Talk to you at 4 PM EST Today!
Ariel & John



Cyber PR   389 12th Street    Brooklyn,  NY   11215   USA 

Addressing Brazil’s Economic Challenges: The Difficult Road Ahead

December 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Brazil Brown Bag Seminar Series invites you to its discussion titled, “Addressing Brazil’s Economic Challenges: The Difficult Road Ahead” with Alessandro TeixeiraProfessional Fellow at the Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University.

Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira  holds a PhD in Technological and Industrial Competitiveness from the University of Sussex (England), a master’s degree in Latin American Economics from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
Mr. Teixeira was the president of the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development – ABDI  from January 2015 to March 2016 and was part of its founding. Later, from 2003 to 2007, he also presided over the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development – ABDI. Teixeira is the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Council for Industrial Development – CNDI, which gathers senior Brazilian Ministers and civil society representatives – CEOS and labor leaders.
Mr. Teixeira took office in 2011 as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, in Brazil. He was also Counselor of the Brazilian Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES, Counselor of the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises – SEBRAE, and Chairman of several Brazilian institutions, such as Apex-Brasil and Suframa (Superintendency of Manaus Free Trade Zone).
From 2007 to 2010, Mr. Teixeira was the President of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency – Apex-Brasil. From 2008 to 2012, he also held the presidency of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies – WAIPA –, an association of investment that holds promotion agencies of over 160 countries. And from 2009 to 2011, he was the President of the Iberian-American Network of Commercial Promotion Organizations – REDIBERO –, an association of commercial promotion agencies of Latin American and Caribbean countries (affiliated to the Inter-American Development Bank). Teixeira was also Executive Secretary of the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum, the UK-Brazil Forum, the India-Brazil Forum and the Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO Brazil-UK), as well as a member of the World Economic Forum.
In April 2007, he was granted with Comenda da Ordem do Rio Branco, an award that the Brazilian government gives to those who made relevant contributions to the country. In 2008, he was nominated for “Personality of the Year 2008 – Latin America” by the prestigious British newspaper The Financial Times.


December 14
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies
(212) 854-4643


Capes lança novos editais para pós-doutorado no exterior

    Publicado: Sexta, 10 Junho 2016 19:36 | Última Atualização: Segunda, 13 Junho 2016 14:51
    A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) divulga nesta sexta-feira, 10, os novos editais para bolsas de pós-doutorado no exterior no âmbito dos programas Estágio Sênior e Pós-Doutorado no Exterior. Serão oferecidas até 400 bolsas pelas duas iniciativas.
    As inscrições vão até o dia 15 de julho. Os benefícios previstos para ambos os programas são mensalidade, seguro-saúde, auxílio deslocamento, auxílio instalação e adicional localidade, quando for o caso. A duração da bolsa para realização do projeto será definida na concessão com base na duração aprovada pelas instituições de origem e de destino e o cronograma de execução proposto, podendo variar de um a 18 meses.
    A bolsa de Estágio Sênior promove o aprimoramento profissional e acadêmico por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades de pesquisa no exterior, por pesquisadores doutores que tenham vínculo empregatício com instituições de ensino superior brasileira, com titulação obtida há mais de oito anos e que demonstre produção científica relevante.
    O Programa de Pós-Doutorado no Exterior destina-se a realização de estudos avançados que sejam posteriores à obtenção do título de doutor. O programa concede bolsas de estudos para pesquisadores que possuem o título de doutor há menos de oito anos. O objetivo é atuar como forma opcional para a carreira de docentes e pesquisadores, para complementar a formação com desenvolvimento de projetos conjuntos e em parceria com instituições de excelência no exterior.
    A Capes também publicou nesta sexta o Regulamento de Bolsas no Exterior, que estabelece as definições, normas e diretrizes para as modalidades de bolsas para o exterior.
    Confira os editais: Estágio Sênior e Pós-Doutorado no Exterior.

    Join Us on December 8, 2016Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PMLocation: Winston & Strawn, New York, New York

    Join the Latin American Chamber at the
    Latin American Leadership Award
    Presented to 
    H.E. Luis Almagro
    Secretary General
    Organization of the American States

    Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the
    Venezuelan American Association of the U.S