Saturday, January 21, 2017


34 WEST 22ND ST., NEW YORK, NY 10010 PHONE: 212.206.0440

Luiz Simas & Nanny Assis

Purchase Tickets

Luiz Simas & Nanny Assis
Saturday, February 04, 2017 7:00 PM
Metropolitan Room, New York, NY
  • $25 Food / Bev Min

Brazilian Singer and Percussionist
Anybody who sees Nanny performing immediately feels that music for him is more than just a career. Somewhat, it is how he translates rhythms and notes into pure essence – often snatching audiences away - and other times energizing them enough so they can stand up and dance “and sweat until you can’t sweat no more,” like Bob Marley once said. His ability to make any kind of music sound smooth makes Nanny a notable and gifted artist. And that’s what he is, a gifted artist. 

Rio-born Brazilian jazz composer/singer/pianist Luiz Simas is a genuine Carioca! A New Yorker since ‘89, he has led original groups in jazz festivals and clubs in the US, in Europe and in Brazil. Luiz' voice and music have warmed major venues including Birdland, the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and Bargemusic. His CDs include Cafune, Impromptu, Luiz Simas Live in NYC, New Chorinhos from Brazil, Recipe for Rhythm and Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) Piano Suite.

The repertoire includes Luiz's infectious original tunes as well as beloved Brazilian music standards by Jobim, Caetano Veloso and others.
"Luiz Simas is not only a wonderful musician, singer and composer, he is an engaging performer who draws his audience into his witty, joyful, sensuous musical world. Simas epitomizes the fantasies we non-Brazilians have about that wonderful country, and with him, we all get to be Brazilian, at least for the a couple hours!" - Judy Carmichael, pianist


Join Us on April 24, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 2:30 PMLocation: Harvard Club, New York, New York

Organized for over a decade, the Brazil Summit is one of the most important events in the Chamber’s annual calendar. Government officials, business leaders, members of the international financial community and academia will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate key developments affecting the Brazilian economy, as well as the current political, economic and investment outlook for Brazil.Click here to download sponsorship information.More information to follow!

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY

January 26, 2017
7:00 p.m.

"O amor nao ve desordens" by Philippe Baden Powell & Cecilia Zabala from Fronteras.
About the artists
Guitarist, singer, and composer Cecilia Zabala (b. Buenos Aires, 1975) creates original compositions that blend sensitivity, emotion, technique, and intuition throughout her rich career. Her music draws upon a diverse mixture of influence, from Argentine folklore to the contemporary language of the twentieth century to jazz, tango, and Brazilian music. Zabala frequently performs as a soloist and has been a member of several chamber ensembles, including the guitar quartet Cuatro en punto, the tango group Mala Junta, and the duos Las Morochas and Alvarezabala. Her first solo recording, Aguaribay (2007), mixes Argentine folklore repertory with original instrumental and vocals compositions, with guest artists Juan Falú, Quique Sinesi, and Silvia Iriondo. Zabala released her second solo album, Pendiente, in 2008, featuring original compositions and arrangements of works by contemporary composers, moving away from pure folkloric roots towards unusual rhythms and unique melodies with contemporary compositions by Regina Spektor, Marcela Biasi (Brazil), David Aguilar (Mexico), and Diego Penelas (Argentina). Special guests included Marcelo Moguilevsky (bass clarinet), César Lerner (accordion), Luciano Dyzenchauz (double bass), and Rodrigo Quirós (percussion), among other instrumentalists. She recently released a solo CD of original music, El color del Silencio, which she celebrated with a series of concerts in Buenos Aires in June 2016. 

Son of Baden Powell and brother of the guitarist Louis Marcel Powell, Philippe Baden Powell (b. 1978) began his classical piano studies at age seven in Baden-Baden, Germany. He later relocated with his family to Rio de Janeiro and began performing as a pianist at age 15 both in Brazil and abroad, with his father and brother and also in solo acts. He studied at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Música and the École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot (Paris). As a sideman, Powell has performed with Seu Jorge, Maria Bethânia, Flor Purim, Airto Mreira, Roberto Menescal, MarceloD2, Wagner Tiso, Victor Biglione, and Carlos Malta, among others. He was one of the winners of the 2005 Montreux Jazz Piano Solo Competition, and relocated to Europe to begin his career. He released his first album, Estrade de Terra (Dirt Road), on the AdventureMusic label in 2006, featuring mandolinist Hamilton de Holanda and saxophonist Carlos Malta; recorded Um Rio with Márcio Faraco’s ensemble in 2008; co-produced Afrosambajazz for big band with Mário Adnet in 2010; recorded a solo album for AdventureMusic on their Piano Masters series in 2012; and most recently recorded Ludere with trumpeter Rubinho Antunes, bassist Bruno Barbosa, and percussionist Daniel de Paula.



Hi ,

  Great winner this afternoon from my number one yard contact, advised to members at 6/1 last night & going off 3/1 2f

Everyone is looking forward to the next three days as we kick off the 3-2-1 info tomorrow.

You can get the info bets for Saturday, Sunday & Monday, SIX horses in total all for just £9.99

Or simply join up as a 'full-time' member & get TWO whole months for £17.99




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Thursday, January 19, 2017


Time: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PMLocation: The Racquet and Tennis Club, New York, New York

Farewell and welcome luncheon to
José Luis Prola SalinasFormer Regional Manager, Head of North America, Banco do Brasil
João Francisco Fruet JuniorHead of North AmericaBanco do Brasil
 Limited Space

Graduate Scholarships at Central European University

Applications are now being accepted for master’s and doctoral scholarships at Central European University. Graduate students and faculty from around the world come together in Budapest to engage in interdisciplinary education, pursue advanced scholarship, and address some of society’s most vexing problems.
The Central European University in Budapest is an internationally recognized institution of postgraduate education established by George Soros and supported by the Open Society Foundations. It is accredited in the United States and Hungary.
Eligibility Criteria
The University provides a variety of scholarships and research grants for which applicants from any country are eligible to apply.
Academic areas and programs include the following:
  • business
  • cognitive science
  • economics
  • environmental sciences and policy
  • gender studies
  • history
  • international relations
  • legal studies
  • mathematics and its applications
  • medieval studies
  • nationalism studies
  • network science
  • philosophy
  • political science
  • public policy
  • sociology and social anthropology

My fellow Americans,

It's a long-standing tradition for the sitting president of the United States to leave a parting letter in the Oval Office for the American elected to take his or her place. It's a letter meant to share what we know, what we've learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in our land, and the leadership of the free world.
But before I leave my note for our 45th president, I wanted to say one final thank you for the honor of serving as your 44th. Because all that I've learned in my time in office, I've learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.

Throughout these eight years, you have been the source of goodness, resilience, and hope from which I've pulled strength. I've seen neighbors and communities take care of each other during the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. I have mourned with grieving families searching for answers -- and found grace in a Charleston church.

I've taken heart from the hope of young graduates and our newest military officers. I've seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch, and wounded warriors once given up for dead walk again. I've seen Americans whose lives have been saved because they finally have access to medical care, and families whose lives have been changed because their marriages are recognized as equal to our own. I've seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their generosity of our obligations to care for refugees, or work for peace, and, above all, to look out for each other.

I've seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination, good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I've seen our future unfolding.

All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into that work -- the joyous work of citizenship. Not just when there's an election, not just when our own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime.
I'll be right there with you every step of the way.

And when the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'We.' 'We the People.' 'We shall overcome.'

Yes, we can.
President Barack Obama

O Esperanza está chegando...

É a primeira vez queo maior e mais veloz navio do Greenpeace navegará por águas brasileiras. Ele nos levará a uma expedição inédita em busca de um tesouro oculto, ainda pouco conhecido do mundo. Faltam apenas:

Quer ficar por dentro de tudo que vai acontecer nessa visita?

Greenpeace Brasil Rua Fradique Coutinho, 352 São Paulo, SP 05416000 Brasil
Você recebeu este e-mail por que está inscrito nas listas do Greenpeace Brasil.
O Greenpeace respeita sua privacidade. Não quer receber mais emails como est
clique aqui.

My fellow Americans,
It's a long-standing tradition for the sitting president of the United States to leave a parting letter in the Oval Office for the American elected to take his or her place. It's a letter meant to share what we know, what we've learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in our land, and the leadership of the free world.
But before I leave my note for our 45th president, I wanted to say one final thank you for the honor of serving as your 44th. Because all that I've learned in my time in office, I've learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.
Throughout these eight years, you have been the source of goodness, resilience, and hope from which I've pulled strength. I've seen neighbors and communities take care of each other during the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. I have mourned with grieving families searching for answers -- and found grace in a Charleston church.
I've taken heart from the hope of young graduates and our newest military officers. I've seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch, and wounded warriors once given up for dead walk again. I've seen Americans whose lives have been saved because they finally have access to medical care, and families whose lives have been changed because their marriages are recognized as equal to our own. I've seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their generosity of our obligations to care for refugees, or work for peace, and, above all, to look out for each other.
I've seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination, good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I've seen our future unfolding.
All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into that work -- the joyous work of citizenship. Not just when there's an election, not just when our own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime.
I'll be right there with you every step of the way.
And when the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'We.' 'We the People.' 'We shall overcome.'
Yes, we can.
President Barack Obama

Organizing for Action
Sula --

Here's where we were eight years ago, when President Obama took office:

Our economy was rapidly heading toward a second Great Depression, as millions of Americans lost their homes and millions more saw their hard-earned savings vanish. We were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs each month.

Families across the country were being denied health coverage because they had previously gotten sick, or had already hit a limit on their care -- or the rapidly rising costs of care simply put it out of reach.

Our country's carbon pollution was projected to increase indefinitely.

And Americans didn't have the right to marry -- or even serve openly in the military -- just because of who they loved.

But it's always been true of the American spirit to rise to meet our challenges. Millions of people were inspired to fight for a better tomorrow -- and this is where we are today:

We bounced back from recession and have seen the longest streak of total job growth in U.S. history -- our economy has added 15.8 million private-sector jobs since February 2010.

Thanks to Obamacare, 20 million Americans have gained quality, affordable health care, as our country's uninsured rate has fallen to its lowest level ever.

We're leading on climate change. President Obama finalized the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever national carbon pollution standards for power plants. And just a few months ago, nearly 200 countries came together to adopt the Paris Climate Agreement, the most ambitious global climate agreement ever created.

Our country took a big step forward in the fight for equality for all, as LGBT Americans in all 50 states gained the right to marry who they love.

Let that sink in. We've made lasting strides toward a more perfect union. Together, we're capable of making big things happen.

But none of these achievements happened by themselves. They took work from people like you, who put in extra hours, had uncomfortable conversations, shared something that mattered, and chipped in whatever you could to make change a reality.

Now, more than ever, we can't afford to be cynical or wait on the sidelines. As the last eight years have shown, this work matters -- a lot. We've got to protect the progress we've made, and to keep fighting to make our country as tolerant, optimistic, and inclusive as it can be. It's up to us.

So today, take a moment to reflect on what we've achieved together -- and then gear up for the fights ahead.

Add your name

Convocatoria RADAR está abierta a todo tipo de artista, de cualquier nacionalidad, residentes en cualquier país, sin límite de edad, ideología, técnica y otras calificaciones.  El jurado de la Convocatoria RADAR está formado por 8 galerías y espacios culturales españoles interesados en descubrir nuevos talentos para exponerlos en sus espacios.

RADAR is an open call for artists that want to establish collaborations in Spain. A jury composed of 8 galleries interested in new projects to be exhibited will review all the applications. Each of the 8 galleries, located in the most important Spanish cities, will choose one artist to realise a solo event as a prelude to a long-lasting collaboration.  

Cada una de las 8 galerías seleccionadoras escogerá al artista que más le interese y le ofrecerá una exposición individual en su propio espacio, que podrá ser el preludio de una colaboración profesional duradera. 


Join Us on January 19, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: Jones Day, New York, New York

As a consequence of the recent  political, judicial, economic and financial turbulence in Brazil, many Brazilian companies, large and small, have been attempting to restructure their debts, have filed or consider filing for recuperação judicial in Brazil or for bankruptcy protection in the US, or have been seeking investors or buyers.

A panel experienced in distressed investments in Brazil will discuss what opportunities and challenges the current economic environment in Brazil has created for distressed investors. The discussion will include the following topics:
  • Overview of distressed market in Brazil
  • Explanation of legal framework governing recuperação judicial in Brazil and main differences and interplay with US Chapter 11 and Chapter 15
  • Issues affecting DIP financing in Brazil
  • Impact of Lava Jato
  • Issues of concern in distressed M&A in Brazil
The panel will be composed of the following speakers:

S. Wade AngusPartnerJones Day
Marcello HallakePartnerJones Day
Pedro A. JimenezPartnerJones Day
Marcelo RicuperoPartner,  Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
More information to follow!