Monday, March 27, 2017

Biofach Into Organic 2017 (07th June 2017-10th June 2017) Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, Brazil
Pre-Register Online
Dear Industry Colleague,

Greetings from Francal Feiras!

It gives us great pleasure to invite you and your colleague to visit Biofach Into Organic 2017.

BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA - BIO BRAZIL FAIR – the biggest international trade fair for organic products and agroecology in Latin America, will be realized in Brazil for the 13th year, exhibiting all kinds of organic products and manufacturing, attracting professionals, interested in trends and news, as visitors.

In parallel with the event, important professionals from the organic sector, from different countries will discuss worldwide trends, issues and opportunities of Brazil in the global market.
Venue:Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, Brazil
Dates:07th June 2017-10th June 2017
Timings:11:00 AM-07:00 PM
Entry:By Invitation Click here to Pre-Register Online
  • Catering business
  • Convenience stores
  • Food/beverages wholesale
  • Food manufacturing
  • Import and export
  • Non-food wholesale
  • Other retail business
  • Supermarkets, department stores
  • Specialized organic shops
  • Trade consultants and others
  • Other natural products



Meat | Juices and Drinks | Milk, Dairy and Eggs | Fruits and Vegetables | Breads, Pastries, Cakes and Cookies | Honey and Derivatives | Chocolates | Coffees | Frozen Food | Gluten Free Food | Food Lactose Free


Aromas and Essences | Creams | Shampoos | Soaps | Tonics | Raw material


Jewellery | Clothing | Fabrics | Accessories


Petrochemicals and Fertilizers | Equipment and Machines | Certifying | Consultancies | Publishers |Packaging

Team Biofach Into Organic 2017

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"....Plenty of winners expected for the new flat season. I already have info on some young horses stables are expecting win...."

- Membership From Five Pound a Month -

Further to my earlier email, it was pointed out to me that I had in fact MISSED OFF the 16/1 winner on Friday!

Bloody hell, well done AP! Missing off a huge winner like that.  But yes we landed a very nice 16/1 winner in the shape of 'RED INVADER' at Lingfield on Friday.

Of course, that's the kind of winner you need to know about if you are considering joining the service isn't it.

While I am here I may as well give you today's results as well so we can round up the whole week.

Two horses advised, I only advised small stakes today as I had received good words on both but they were tricky races in my opinion.

MA FEE HEELA at Naas  I advised an each/way last night at 6/1   Result: 2nd 

HOW'S VIENNA at Wincanton, that I advised a win bet at 11/4  Result: WON

I will keep the £59.99 YEAR offer open until midnight tonight for you 


If you already have a profile/account on my website, simply log in, go to your
profile & select change membership

Good week for members with winners on the normal evening email & the late aw info delivering good results too (as a member BOTH are included, there is NEVER anything extra to pay)

The weeks winners included....


We also picked up the each/way money on WARRANTOR who finished 3rd for us at 20/1

We were very unlucky last night with the late info after Excellent George advised at 11/2 was backed down to 5/2f but after a rattling run down the inside could only get second after being beaten in a photo.
Luckily I had advised each/way so we collected a small profit.

Coming up this week...

I am expecting confirmation regarding bets at Wolverhampton, Sedgefield & Southwell

I am always being asked about 'longer term' memberships, no problem at all, you will always find reduced terms on my website.

The best offer online at the moment is the "12 month deal" which has been re-opened for a short while & that works out at less than five pound a month!

If you already have a profile/account on my website, simply log in, go to your
profile & select change membership

With the new flat season around the corner, this is THE time that everyone needs info from the stables & I already know about some very nice young horses that are expected to win for connections in the upcoming weeks & months.

Aintree coming up too, so it's a very busy time ahead.

I hope you have an enjoyable end to the weekend & I shall speak to you again very soon hopefully.




Fantastic start to the week for members.

I advised three bets in yesterday's evening email....

  1.  Wolves - Bottle of Smoke  adv 9/4   Result:  WON 15/8
  2.  Wolves -     Enfolding         adv 9/4   Result:  WON  7/2
  3. Plumpton -  Flashman        adv 3/1    Result:   WON 15/8
57.5/1 TREBLE

A £10 TRIXIE (£40) RETURNED £1041.25

It's always really nice to receive emails thanking me for the day's winners & today is no exception

"First day with you and a great treble comes up, thanks very much, more than paid for my subscription"

"Outstanding tipping bud"


There was no need for me to hide any names against the comments as they are there for all to see on my Facebook page.

With Aintree & the new flat season starting soon NOW really is the time to join my service & start backing daily winners.

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Sul-Americana de Futsal em Florianópolis/SC
Exibindo LOGO_FUTSAL 3.png

A Taça Sul-Americana de Futsal é um evento realizado pela Associação Catarinense de Futsal, e promovido pela SC Esportes.

Realizado na grande Florianópolis, é uma opção de lazer, turismo e imersão no esporte, para todos os participantes. Incluindo equipes de todo o Brasil, com atletas de todas as idades, pais e professores.

Com um time qualificado, visamos proporcionar o melhor que o esporte tem a oferecer para todos os participantes do evento.

♦ A organização do evento enviará instruções sobre os locais das partidas.
♦ A quantidade mínima de participantes é de 10 atletas pessoas por equipe. secao=Eventos&tipo=7&regiao_at ual=SC

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Join Us on April 24, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 2:30 PMLocation: Harvard Club, New York, New York

Organized for over a decade, the Brazil Summit is one of the most important events in the Chamber’s annual calendar. Government officials, business leaders, members of the international financial community and academia will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate key developments affecting the Brazilian economy, as well as the current political, economic and investment outlook for Brazil.
Click here to download sponsorship information.
H.E. Henrique de Campos MeirellesMinister, Ministry of Finance
H.E. Minister Joaquim Vieira Ferreira LevyChief Financial Officer, The World Bank Group
Fábio KanczukDeputy Minister for Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance
José Márcio CamargoChief Economist, Opus Gestão de Recursos
Cassia CarvalhoExecutive Director, Brazil-US Business Council
Carlos KawallChief Economist, Safra Bank
Daniel Marteleto GodinhoConsultant, Inter-American Development Bank and Former Secretary of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services
Eduardo LoyoChief Economist, BTG Pactual
Pablo Fonseca Pereira, Special Advisor for Infrastructure, Inter-American Development Bank
Paulo Vieira da CunhaHead of Macro Research, VERBANK Agriculture / VERBANK Consulting, LLC.
More information to follow!
In association with

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Media Partners
 Private Equity Conferences

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Enviamos na semana passada uma campanha muito importante. Ela trata da nova tentativa de inserção da ideologia de gêneroem nosso sistema educacional por meio da Base Nacional Comum Curricular.
Até o momento, mais de 50.000 pessoas já assinaram a campanha, mas queremos chegar a 100.000!
Por essa razão, sua participação é importantíssima.
Se ainda não tiver assinado a petição e se estiver de acordo com ela, por favor, assine e encaminhe para o maior número possível de pessoas:
Encaminho abaixo o primeiro email que enviamos, com uma explicação um pouco mais detalhada sobre o tema. 
Mais uma vez, agradecemos o apoio!
Viviane Petinelli (autora da petição), Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe da CitizenGO


Assine a petição para enviar um email ao Ministério da Educação

Os militantes que querem impor a qualquer custo a implementação da ideologia de gênero nas escolas de todo o Brasil não descansam. 
Apesar de o tema ter sido retirado do Plano Nacional de Educação, tentaram inseri-lo em todos os Planos Municipais de Educação do país. Após uma derrota gigantesca, a qual resultou da articulação e do esforço da sociedade por todo o Brasil, os militantes pró-gênero não se deram por satisfeitos. 
Agora querem inserir a nefasta ideologia na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), que começou a ser debatida no governo Dilma e segue em discussão no governo Temer. 
Assine a campanha para enviar um email ao Ministério da Educação, pedindo que sejam retiradas todas as referências à ideologia de gênero contidas na BNCC:
Mais de 28.000 pessoas já assinaram a petição (você pode ter sido uma delas). Não deixe compartilhá-la também com o maior número possível de pessoas!
Como não poderia deixar de ser, a responsável pela inserção das referências à ideologia de gênero na BNCC, a professora Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, repete a mentira que os defensores dessa falsa teoria não cansam de dizer. Segundo ela, a BNCC deve
"Promover o respeito ao outro, acolhendo e valorizando a diversidadede dos indivíduos e de grupos sociais, sem preconceitos baseados nas diferenças de origem, etnia, gênero, orientação sexual, idade, habilidade/ necessidade, fé religiosa ou de qualquer outro tipo.”
A implementação da ideologia de gênero em nosso sistema educacional não tem como objetivo promover a tolerância. Essa é apenas a desculpa utilizada para conquistar a simpatia do povo. O verdadeiro objetivo é destruir de uma vez por todas as relações familiares por meio da fragmentação da personalidade. Não podemos cair nesse canto de sereia! 
SULA, não descansaremos enquanto a farsa que é a ideologia de gênero não for completamente desmascarada. Querem utilizá-la com o objetivo de doutrinar sexualmente os nossos filhos!
Mais uma vez, contamos com o seu apoio. 
Viviane Petinelli (autora da petição), Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe da CitizenGO

View this email in your browser
Tonight, from 6:30pm to 9:30pm.
You are part of our special guest list.
Saphira & Ventura Gallery: 4w 43rd street, suite #415, New York, NY - 11101
For more information about the show and the participating artists, visit: 
Interview of the Week
The Advantages of Marketing Mix Models
Matt Krepsik, global head of ROI at Nielsen, spoke with eMarketer about making the case for marketing mix models and how brands can benefit from them. Read Interview
An interview with:
Matt Krepsik
Global Head of ROI
Chart of the Week
Why Identity Resolution Matters to Every Marketer
Creating a single view of the customer was challenging before the rise of digital, and it's since become exponentially more difficult. But connecting the dots is critical for the people-based marketing that marketers strive for and consumers expect. Check out this SlideShare to learn what Identity Resolution is, and how it powers people-based marketing!
View SlideShare
©2017 eMarketer, Inc. 11 Times Square, New York, NY 10036


"....Plenty of winners expected for the new flat season. I already have info on some young horses stables are expecting win...."

- Membership From Five Pound a Month -

Quick end of the week update for you.

Good week for members with winners on the normal evening email & the late aw info delivering good results too (as a member BOTH are included, there is NEVER anything extra to pay)

The weeks winners included....


We also picked up the each/way money on WARRANTOR who finished 3rd for us at 20/1

We were very unlucky last night with the late info after Excellent George advised at 11/2 was backed down to 5/2f but after a rattling run down the inside could only get second after being beaten in a photo.
Luckily I had advised each/way so we collected a small profit.

Coming up this week...

I am expecting confirmation regarding bets at Wolverhampton, Sedgefield & Southwell

I am always being asked about 'longer term' memberships, no problem at all, you will always find reduced terms on my website.

The best offer online at the moment is the "12 month deal" which has been re-opened for a short while & that works out at less than five pound a month!

If you already have a profile/account on my website, simply log in, go to your 
profile & select change membership

With the new flat season around the corner, this is THE time that everyone needs info from the stables & I already know about some very nice young horses that are expected to win for connections in the upcoming weeks & months.

Aintree coming up too, so it's a very busy time ahead.



Join Us on April 18, 2017Time: 7:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York

"Brazil stands among the worlds foremost agricultural producers, and its farm exports contribute decisively to food security of nations and populations on all continents. The farm sector currently accounts for 21.5% of Brazil's Gross Domestic Products and for half of its export earnings, thereby contributing toward economic well-being and social stability. Though Brazilian farmers enjoy no subsidies, they remain competitive on international markets.  Brazil is the worlds largest exporter of sugar, coffee, orange juice, soy beans, and chicken. And stands among the leading exporters of products, such as corn, soybean oil and beef. Notwithstanding such achievements, there is still space for diversification and productivity gains.  Brazil can count upon significant competitive advantages, including vast areas of arable land, immense natural reserves, and among the worlds largest fresh water resources. Brazil has made great strides in agricultural research and technology, thereby increasing yields, while exercising social responsibility and environmental sustainability."
The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, EMBRAPA
Thomas DeCoeneCEO, GCA LLC
Sergio Bueno, Partner, Agricola Rio Galhao
Renato CavaliniManaging Partner and Senior Vice President, Brookfield Brazil
Henrique Americano de FreitasExecutive Vice President and South America CEO, Westchester Group
Mark Moore, Manager, Bunge Global Agribusiness
Leonardo SlhessarenkoPartner, KNG
More information to follow!