Thursday, May 18, 2017

T.I.N.A. mette in contatto artisti, curatori e gallerie in tutto il mondo in una rete che continua a crescere. 
TINA是一个国际平台, 让您与有兴趣发掘新艺术家的画廊网,展示空间和策展人取得联系,进行个人展示,并开展协作。
T.I.N.A. is an international platform and an open call that allows artists to get in touch with a network of galleries and curators interested in evaluating new projects. Our current call includes: 3 galleries in Amsterdam; 4 galleries in Beijing; and 3 galleries in Turin.
TINA是一个国际平台, 让您与有兴趣发掘新艺术家的画廊网,展示空间和策展人取得联系,进行个人展示,并开展协作。目前有三个 TINA Prize的版本, 在首页有所在城市 。新的城市将在未来几个月内进行,每一季的新版本将由选定城市的不同画廊组成的评审团进行评审,在年内提供一系列新的机遇。所有艺术家都可以在TINA Prize报名,不论年龄,国籍,思想,艺术形式和资格。艺术家可以每次在不同的城市注册,选择报名参加任意版本,与不断壮大的国际策展人小组和按城市区分的画廊评审团互动。每家画廊将评估所有成员艺术家的作品,标志出他最喜欢的,并与其最喜欢的艺术家进行合作(个人展览、集体展出或其他活动)
T.I.N.A. mette in contatto artisti, curatori e gallerie in tutto il mondo in una rete che continua a crescere.
T.I.N.A. permette a tutti gli artisti (senza limiti di età, nazionalità e tecnica) di creare un profilo online dove caricare un mini-portfolio che sarà visto da ogni galleria della rete T.I.N.A. Ogni 3 mesi, in 3 diverse città, una giuria composta da varie gallerie visionerà tutti i profili e ciascuna galleria selezionerà un artista con cui iniziare una collaborazione con una mostra personale o collettiva.
Questa edizione ti permette di mostrare il tuo lavoro a 10 gallerie: 3 gallerie di Amsterdam; 3 gallerie di Torino; e 4 gallerie di Pechino.
Clicca sui loghi qui sotto per conoscere le gallerie partecipanti alla città che hai selezionato.
T. I. N. A. ist eine internationale Plattform, die Künstlern ermöglicht, Kontakt mit einem Netz von Galerien aufzunehmen, die Interesse haben neue Projekte zu beurteilen. Unser Service ist allem Künstler gewidmet, unabhängig von Alter, Kunsttechnik und Nationalität.
Jede Galerie wir einen neuen Künstler auswählen und für ihn eine Einzelausstellung organisieren. Zusätzlich wird Ihre Arbeit von unserem internationalen Kuratoren-Team angesehen und beurteilt. Die Anmeldung gilt 12 Monate und in jeder Saison werden Sie entscheiden können in welcher Stadt mitmachen. Sie können sich jetzt in Amsterdam, Beijing und Torino registrieren.
T.I.N.A. es una plataforma internacional y una convocatoria que permite a los artistas entrar en contacto con una red de galerías interesados en valorar nuevos proyectos. Nuestro servicio está dedicado a todos los artistas sin límites de edad, técnica o nacionalidad. 
Las convocatorias activas ahora en el T.I.N.A. Prize son en las ciudades de: Amsterdam (3 convocatorias), Beijing (4) y Torino (3). Cada galería seleccionará un artista al que organizar una exposición (individual o colectiva). 
Entra en nuestra red internacional. La inscripción dura 12 meses y cada temporada podrás elegir entre nuevas ciudades en las que participar.
Sign up by 16 June 2017

In a career racked by tragedy, legendary Brazilian samba singer Elza Soares has persevered as a singular voice for the voiceless. Her latest album, The Woman at the End of the World, was a continuation of her lifelong work on behalf of the oppressed, meant “to talk about women, to talk about blackness, and to talk about sex.” As part of the Red Bull Music Academy Festival New York 2017 and in conjunction with Brasil Summerfest & SummerStage, Soares will bring her undeniable charisma and unforgettable voice to a performance at Town Hall.
NYC-based outfit Forro in the Dark - who combine the driving dance rhythms of forró from Northeastern Brazil with rock, jazz, psychedelia, folk and more - will open this show.  


123 West 43rd Street
(between 6th Ave and Broadway)
New York, NY 10036

Presented by:
Red Bull Music Academy in partnership with Brasil Summerfest and Summerstage


Istmo Trio
Performance Sunday, May 21, 2017 | 2 PM

Neighborhood Concert: Istmo Trio

Queens Library @ Flushing
Featuring Mexican singer Magos Herrera, Brazilian accordionist Vitor Gonçalves, and Brazilian percussionist Rogério Boccato, the newly formedIstmo Trio brings multiple influences together to create an original sound. Drawing on rhythms and repertoire from diverse corners of the Americas, the Istmo Trio explores a rich musical landscape with performances that showcase improvisation.
Performers: Istmo Trio·· Magos Herrera, Vocals, Vitor Gonçalves, Accordian, ·· Rogério Boccato, Percussion with Special Guest:Gilad Hekselman, Guitar
Queens Library @ Flushing
41-17 Main Street (at 41st Avenue) | Queens
Subway 7
718-661-1200 | Venue website

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Piquet Law Firm, 1000 Brickell Avenue, Suite 201, Miami, FL 33131

Organizing for Action

When it comes to Congress, we should expect our elected representatives to go to Washington and well, represent us.

We send them there to speak up for our values and look out for our interests, and that's exactly what they should do.

But over the past few months, 34 representatives from all over the country -- Arizona to Michigan, Florida to Illinois -- have been doing the exact opposite.

Last November, their constituents rejected this administration's extreme agenda -- and yet, they've gone to Washington and voted "yes," time after time on the White House's harmful policies.

Today, OFA is launching a new project to tell these representatives, loudly, that this is unacceptable.

Our new Rubber Stamp Reps site gives you the tools you need to help hold these members of Congress accountable.

It's up to us to make sure every representative that rubber stamps the White House's agenda, instead of looking out for their constituents' best interest, thinks twice about their next vote -- learn more here:

Visit the site


Katie Hogan
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

Retângulo amarelo, com logo da Fundação Dorina à esquerda, em linhas pretas.
Descrição da imagem: Foto colorida. Ao fundo, um muro de pedras brancas e várias árvores com flores brancas e folhas verdes. No chão, um gramado verde e  um banco de madeira. No centro da foto, está escrito em branco Canções Místicas e Românticas

O barítono Walter Weiszflog fará um concerto especial em benefício da Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos!
Esta é uma ótima oportunidade para apreciar uma boa música e ainda ajudar milhares de pessoas!
Ficaremos muito felizes com a sua presença!

Canções Místicas e Românticas 
Five Mystical Songs de Vaughan Williams e canções de Fauré e Gounod 
Walter Weiszflog barítono | Adermir Costa pianista
Coral e Orquestra do Esporte Clube Pinheiros 

7 de junho de 2017 às 20h30 
Welcome drink a partir das 20h 
Espaço Sociocultural - Teatro CIEE
Rua Tabapuã, 445  Itaim Bibi  - Estacionamento no local
Valor do ingresso R$40
Adquira seu ingresso pelo telefone: (11) 5087-0968, de segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 18h, ou na bilheteria do teatro, no dia do evento, a partir das 19h30.
DESCRIÇÃO DA FOTO 3x4: Suelen possui pele branca e cabelos loiros na altura dos ombros. Ela está sorrindo e veste uma camisa branca listrada em preto.

Suelen Motta
Parcerias e Patrocínios
Fundação Dorina

Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos

CNPJ 060.507.100/0001-30
Rua Doutor Diogo de Faria, 558 - Vila Clementino
04037-002 São Paulo/SP (como chegar)

Categoría: Becas

ErasmusBecas Erasmus Mundus en Europa. MAYANET es un programa de becas para estudiantes de licenciatura(pregrado), maestría, doctorado y post-doctorado, así como para personal universitario en posiciones académicas o administrativas, financiado por la Comisión Europea que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la creación de relaciones duraderas y fiables entre los países de la Unión Europea y de América Latina y reforzar los vínculos políticos, culturales, educativos y económicos entre las dos regiones.
  • Ser nacional de alguno de los siguientes países: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, México, Panamá, Uruguay o Venezuela
  • No haber vivido por ningún motivo en uno de los países europeos oferentes por más de 12 meses durante los últimos 5 años.
  • Tener suficiencia en el idioma del país oferente de la beca y donde serán desarrollados los estudios o ingles si la institución imparte sus clases en este idioma.
¿Qué puedo estudiar y en que niveles?
Los programas están abiertos en todos los niveles de estudio: licenciatura (pregrado), maestría y doctorado. Los campos de estudio se contemplan en las siguientes categorías, entre otras:
  • Agricultura
  • Arquitectura, urbanismo y planeación regional
  • Negocios y ciencias administrativas
  • Educación
  • Ingeniería y tecnología
  • Geografía y geología
  • Leyes
  • Matemáticas
  • Ciencias naturales
  • Ciencias medicas
  • Ciencias sociales
¿Qué ofrece la beca?
  • Estipendio mensual de subsistencia
  • Seguro medico
  • Gastos de viaje y visado
  • Costos de participación (si aplica)
¿cómo aplicar?
Dirígete al siguiente hipervínculo para iniciar la aplicación y ver de manera detallada la convocatoria:
La fecha límite de aplicación será el día domingo 4 de diciembre de 2016
Nuestra recomendación final para el requisito de Inglés:
Sin duda es, invierte en un viaje a un país de habla inglesa. Si buscas mejorar tu nivel de inglés, pensando en estudiar un posgrado a futuro, o para tener más oportunidades laborales, te sugerimos consultar el siguiente link en el cual te brindaremos asistencia personalizada: Asesoramiento para estudiantes internacionales. Recuerda que ahora puedes estudiar y trabajar en Paises como Australia y Nueva Zelanda, recuperando y hasta con muchas más ganancias, de tu inversión inicial – sin contar los beneficios personales de aprender una segunda lengua y las vivencias que tendrás –
Si buscas mejorar tu ingles consulta los siguientes recursos totalmente gratuitos – pruebas de TOEFL y IELTS : .

The Brazilian Endowment for the Arts has the honor to announce its first Talented Youths Prize with the intention of rewarding the talented young Brazilians living in the US or in the Bermudas Islands. The first place prize is a computer. (For further information, please read the official notice in its entirety. It is available on our website, only in Portuguese. Click here.)

Teachers and Principals, please help us spread this information among your Brazilian students. (It is highly desirable that the candidates are able to read Portuguese fluently, therefore the lack of an English version of our official notice. Nonetheless, Brazilian immigrants' children are also electable for enrollment in our contest.) 

Dear students, we look forward to seeing you soon in our institution! Please read the official notice for acknowledging the rules before submitting your documents to our e-mail address (

Happy 2017! Best wishes!

                    240 East 52nd Street
                    New York, NY

Inscrição para Curso Preparatório da LBV para o ENCCEJA/Supletivo

Não há limite de vagas para o curso online.  Todos que se inscreverem receberão videoaulas semanais por e-mail a partir do dia 27 de fevereiro. Já as aulas de reforço presenciais têm vagas limitadas.  Serão concedidas aos inscritos que possam se deslocar até a sede da LBV em Nova York.

Feira Infantil – Português como língua de 


Image result for Feira Infantil – Português como língua de herança

Where: Mantena Global Care, Newark, NJ

When: May 27th @ 9:00 AM

Workshop: Teaching Kids to Program with KIBO

Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
The New York Academy of Sciences
Presented by Science Education

KIBO is a new way for children ages 4–7 to gain sequential learning 
skills, introducing them to the world of robotics and computer 
programming in an accessible and fun environment. Based on over 
15 years of research in learning technologies and child development
 at Tufts University, this workshop is designed for educators, after 
school programs, summer camps, and parents who home school 
their young children. KIBO builds students' STEAM skills through 
Workshop participants will experience KIBO hands-on and receive 
instruction on creating learning experiences for students 4–7 years, 
with lessons that are creative, fun, and closely linked with activities 
found in these learning environments. KIBO gives children the 
chance to make their ideas physical and tangible — exactly what
 their young minds and bodies need. And KIBO does all this witho
ut requiring screen time from PCs, tablets or smartphones.
During this workshop, participants will learn about:
  • •   How to introduce coding to youth through sequential learning
  • •   Theory and development of KIBO, and how it works
  • •   Enhancing educational programming with KIBO for STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math)
  • •   Other programs using coding for youth

Unicef India
1.2 Million children die in india every year... donate now
Every year 6, 60,000 babies die in India within first 28 days of their birth due to preventable causes.
1.15 Million children die every year before their 5th birthday.
Your ongoing contribution can help save and nurture these lives.
Don't let more children die, please help them!
1.2 Million children die in india every year... donate now