The Brazilian Music Foundation (BMF), in partnership with Asuos Productions, will present the 3rd Annual International Choro Festival (ChoroFest), with a variety of interesting performances. The Festival collaborators aim to involve different cultures in an exchange of artistic talents between the U.S. and Brazil.
The opening concert will feature a crossover from Classical to Popular Choro music. Those who appreciate the genuine sound of Brazilian instrumental music will have the opportunity to enjoy the diversity of Choro Music right in the heart of the Big Apple!
Opening Concert
November 10th, 2017 - 8 pm
"A Tribute to Chiquinha Gonzaga" 170 Years Anniversary & 100 Years of Samba!
55 Lexington Ave. & 25th St, NYC (entrance on 25th Street - betw. Lex. and 3rd Ave) Engelman Recital Hall Doors open 7:15pm
$25 - $ 35 - $ 45
Featuring BMF CHORO COLLECTIVE STRING ORCHESTRA Conducted by Erick Kramer Max Barros/Pianist/Artistic Director
SEXTETO GAUCHO Mathias Pinto/Acoustic Guitar Lucian Krolow/Flute Alexandre Susin/Cavaquinho Nelson Latif/Cavaquinho and acoustic guitar Tom Armstrong /Percussion Rafael Pereira Lima/Alto Sax/Artistic Director
SPECIAL GUESTS Alberto Rosenblit/Pianist & Composer Polly Ferman/Pianist & Composer Rodrigo Botter Maio/Sax & Flute Johannes Fend/Double Bass Vanessa Falabella/Vocal
DIRECTORS Madalena Sousa/Chief Executive Director Max Barros/Artistic Director/String Orchestra Rafael Pereira Lima/Artistic Director/Sexteto Gaucho
“Music of Wagner Tiso , Alberto Rosenblit, Classic Popular Choro and New Compositions"
Benefit Concert Fundraiser for the Brazilian Music Foundation, a non-profit organization promoting Brazilian culture and music via educational and performance programs.
All proceeds will go to Brazilian Music Foundation BMF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Creating a culture of support and collaboration through music!
About the Choro Festival (Chorofest)
Choro music is roots jazz from Brazil and considered Brazil’s first “urban pop” music. In this unique show, you will experience a wide range of pieces by many of Brazil’s important 20th-century composers, including Pixinguinha, Jacob do Bandolim, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Ernesto Nazareth, and new composers such as Wagner Tiso and Alberto Rosenblit.
The Choro Festival in NYC aims to preserve and share the Choro (Crying), considered one of the oldest gender and rich instrumental music from Brazil.This style of music has been presented since the nineteenth century in all regions of the country.
NOV. 9TH Lecture/Performance Paths of Brazilian Music - “Veredas da Música Brasileira” by Nelson Latif/Cavaquinho, Pereira Lima/Alto Sax, Mathias Pinto/Acoustic Guitar Time: 3-5 pm - Open for general public Location: Brazilian Consulate 220 East 42nd Street, NYC - Free -RSVP
This is great way to learn about Brazilian musical and social culture!
NOV. 11th Workshop/Performance Roots of Choro Music by SextetoGaucho Time: 1-3 pm - Open for general public Location: Saphira & Ventura Gallery 4 W 43rd St #415, NYC - betw.5th & 6th Ave. Fee: $ 15 suggested donation REGISTER
Learn about the Roots of Choro Music with experienced musicians!
Special Choro Festival, produced by the Brazilian Music Foundation.
Get to experience a great Brazilian music and visit our The Mirror Reflecting exhibition. - Invitations are limited, RSVP below -
We are delighted to invite you to attend the BACCF 2017 Annual Membership Meeting to be held on December 6th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., at the offices of KPMG, located at 200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131.
The purpose of the meeting is to elect the Board of Directors 2018. Plans for the upcoming year will be outlined and we welcome your suggestions to continue building our Chamber. We are pleased to enclose the BACCF 2018 Proposed Slate for Board of Directors.
We would also like to encourage you to join one of the BACCF committees during 2018. Committee work is one of the most important Chamber activities and a great opportunity to meet your fellow Members.
La giuria della settima edizione del Premio ORA è composta da 15 gallerie e 4 curatori interessati a scoprire nuovi talenti da esporre. La giuria di quest'anno è presieduta da Rossella Farinotti mentre tra le gallerie in giuria si trovano L'Ariete Arte Contemporanea (Bologna), Fondazione Brugnatelli (Milano), Andrea Tadini (Venezia), Curva Pura (Roma) e molte altre...
Ognuna delle 15 gallerie in giuria visionerà tutti gli artisti iscritti al Premio O.R.A. e sceglierà l'artista per cui ha più interesse e gli offrirà una mostra personale nei propri spazi, preludio per una collaborazione lavorativa duratura. Le gallerie scelgono liberamente e in autonomia il proprio vincitore e hanno l'obbligo di selezionare artisti con la quale non abbiano mai avuto rapporti di collaborazione precedenti.
Oltre alla mostra personale, gli artisti vincitori riceveranno anche il nostro supporto organizativo e un rimborso delle spese di spedizione delle opere. Inoltre, siamo orgogliosi di poter dire che molti degli artisti che hanno vinto le precedenti edizioni del Premio ORA al momento lavorano stabilmente con le gallerie che li hanno premiati.
Congress is working on a tax plan right now that busts the budget -- blowing a $1.5 trillion hole in our country's finances.
What's worse is it would actually raise taxes on millions of middle class families, and set up big cuts to crucial programs like Medicare and Medicaid. All in service of ideological tax cuts that mostly go to wealthy corporations and richest one percent of people.
That's reason enough to oppose it. But wouldn't you know it, it's also terrible for the climate.
Congress' plan cuts billions from programs that are aiding our transition to clean, renewable energy like solar and wind -- industries that now employ hundreds of thousands of Americans, and are some of the fastest growing jobs in the country.
It cuts a program that helps people choose zero-pollution electric vehicles, which is especially important since the transportation sector is now our country's biggest source of the carbon pollution that causes climate change.
Right now, countries around the world are meeting to decide how to implement the Paris Climate Agreement -- the groundbreaking deal that finally united the world in the fight against climate change. But America is on the sidelines after announcing they would pull out of the agreement.
We need to be doing more to fight climate change on all fronts, not turning our back on our allies abroad, and cutting the programs that help in this effort here at home.
We deserve a prosperous clean energy future we can all benefit from. We deserve better than sacrificing that future just so we can cut taxes for a lucky few.
A comprehensive discussion on key consequences of Lava Jato. Organized by leading Brazilian and New York law firms, separate panels will address enforcement, compliance, and due diligence issues, and how they have been impacted by Lava Jato.
Registration - 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Panel 1: Anti-corruption Enforcement in Brazil and Beyond – 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
There have been a number of recent coordinated enforcement actions involving American and Brazilian authorities. This panel will feature the current head of the Justice Department’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act unit, Dan Kahn, and attorneys from the private sector with extensive experience in cross-border investigations. The panelists will address the roles and prerogatives of American and Brazilian enforcement agencies, international investigative techniques and coordination, recent enforcement trends (i.e., lessons learned from Car Wash), and practical tips for companies that are navigating multijurisdictional investigations.
Speakers: Daniel Kahn, Chief of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit, U.S. DOJ, Fraud Section Jason Jones, Partner, King & Spalding Denis Jacob, Director, Global Commercial Compliance, Becton Dickinson
Panel 2: Compliance in Brazil and Beyond: a Brave New World – 5:45 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sweeping Lava Jato investigations and other high-profile anti-corruption investigations, as well as the implementation of Brazil’s Clean Company Act, have changed the game for multinationals in Brazil, upending the political and legal landscape. This panel will explore the new compliance framework in Brazil and consider what steps companies operating or investing in Brazil should do to protect themselves and their investors, including the benefits and drawbacks tied to conducting and reporting the results of internal investigations, and whether companies should consider complying with ISO 37001.
Moderator: Nick Berg, Partner, Ropes & Gray
Speakers: Colleen Conry, Partner, Ropes & Gray Art Middlemiss, Partner, Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss Anna-Louise Oliver, Vice President, The Carlyle Group Eloy Rizzo, Partner, KLA
Panel 3: Corporate M&A in the Wake of Lava Jato – 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
As many companies come under investigation for corruption, divesting assets has become a common strategy to address the need for liquidity and/or a desire to exit the market. While this scenario creates multiple M&A opportunities in Brazil, investors worry about acquiring assets and companies that may have corruption-related liabilities or that are under investigation by Brazilian or US authorities. This panel will focus on due diligence issues that come up in these transactions and ways to minimize liabilities.
Moderator: Wade Angus, Partner, Jones Day
Speakers: Marcello Hallake, Partner, Jones Day Michael McGuinness, Partner, Jones Day Marcelo Messer, ManagingDirector, Rothschild João Ricardo Ribeiro, Partner, Mattos Filho Moacir Zilbovicious, Partner, Mattos Filho
Brazil Foundation’s crowdfunding campaign “Abrace o Brasil” helps funding 100 social projects in Brazil, in various areas, including culture. MORE INFO
“Prêmio Literário Brasileiro para Jovens Talentos” promoted by Brazilian Endowment for the Arts (BEA). Submissions deadline: NOV 30 MORE INFO
Upcoming Events
THEATER Clarice’s Hour, a celebration of Clarice’s Birthday by Group.BR
OBACH (Orquestra de Brasília) honors José Maurício Nunes Garcia DEC 12 - 13
Dimenna Center MORE INFO
Exhibition “Tarsila do Amaral: Inventing Modern Art in Brazil” FEB 11 – JUN 3, 2018
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) MORE INFO
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