Tuesday, June 19, 2018



Willing  to showom that is more than a pretty face the young professional model fro Goias State Brazil It is part of a team of brazilian super models that just premiered your international career .
Since moving to New York in 2015 to an intense studies season, the young model took the fashion capital to explore their talents that go beyond the physical attributes. The model was released at NYC through an advisory Brazilian professionals like the artistic producer Denny Silva , John Ford decided to devote himself to campaigns that deal with the lifestyle of New York where people live under different views.
The Campaigns that include John Ford talk about fashion trends in Gray Style. The model spends much of his time visiting film locations most famous at NYC at Pink Popcorn.
John Ford has just returned to the US after  a visit to the maternal grandparents and his mother, the journalist Sula Costa, which is Brazil, residing at Sao Paulo today.
John Ford enjoy at Manhattan with Miley Cyrus

Leilão de Obras de Arte
Dê seu Lance Prévio em mais de 120 Obras de Arte de Grandes Artistas. Pregão dia 26/06

Baoan Industry Development Expo displays the industry development achievement of Shenzhen Baoan District, improve the popularity and reputation of Made in Baoan and promote Baoan to the world. This event features exhibitions and videos on Smart communication and IOT, Electronic information precision manufacturing & Industrial robots & Intelligence equipments. the exhibition presents a complete picture of the modern and international Coastal Bao'an, the well-known quality and innovation-oriented industrial city and the business friendly and livable dynamic region, by shining a spotlight on key industries and enterprises that lead and support "the quality of Shenzhen and intelligence manufacturing in Bao'an".

  • 37,500㎡ of exhibition area and 405 brand enterprises
  • 250,000 visits from 57 regions and states
  • 31 image and function exhibition areas
Venue:Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China
Dates:26th - 28th July 2018
Timings:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Jul 26 - Jul 27) (General)
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Jul 28) (General) 
Visitor Entry:By Invitation only, click here to pre-register online

  • More than 600 enterprise and companies from different industry areas such intelligent manufacturing, electronics, information technology, new material & energy source, logistics, automation, communication and transportation, logistics and warehousing, etc, participate the expo.
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Litigation in Brazil: Explaining a Complicated System

 June 13, 2018 
Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM 
Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., New York, New York

Litigation in Brazil can be costly and time consuming. The new Code of Civil Procedure, which came into effect a little over three years ago, was designed to simplify and shorten the duration of judicial proceedings. Yet not much has been changed for those that need to litigate cases in Brazil. Join us for an overview of Brazil’s current judicial system and proceedings in the areas of civil and tax litigation, including a discussion of the practical implications of the new Code of Civil Procedure for companies doing business in Brazil. Our panel of experts will also address frequently asked questions on topics such as attorney-client privilege, disclosure of evidence, publicity of court records, and the effects of injunctions and orders freezing assets.
Scott WilsonPartnerBoies Schiller Flexner LLP

Mark Perla, Senior Tax CounselPfizer
Glaucia Lauletta Frascino, PartnerMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroa Advogados
Fernando NeusteinPartner, Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroa Advogados

More information: https://www.brazilcham.com/civicrm/event/info%3Freset%3D1%26id%3D36211

Brazilian Public Schools: Innovations in Building the Workforce of Tomorrow

June 7, 2018 Time: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., New York, New York

In conjunction with the Worldfund’s Education Leadership Award Dinner, The Chamber and Worldfund are pleased to organize a panel of educators and philanthropists who will discuss methods for improving public education in Brazil. This year’s panel will debate recent innovations that can improve the quality of public education while helping students develop the skills needed to participate in an increasingly globalized economy.

The panelists will discuss recent innovative developments in both public policy and private public partnerships (PPP’s). Public policy initiatives include efforts to combating school evasion, improving instruction quality, expanding full time schools, and instituting the National Core Curriculum. Simultaneously, PPP’s are helping to revamp the infrastructure of public schools and providing teachers with quality training that connects learning with the skills necessary for the jobs of the future.

Join us for a discussion with a distinguished panel of experts and practitioners who are dedicated to advancing the quality and relevance of Brazil’s public education.
Kelly Maurice
Executive DirectorWorldfund
Worldfund is a leading Education NGO that provides teacher and principal training programs in Mexico and Brazil. Kelly joined the organization in 2010, and has been leading its growth as the Executive Director for the since Jan. of 2015. Since then, Worldfund has doubled the size of its operations and has scaled its programs across dozens of Mexican and Brazilian states.
Jair RibeiroFounderParceiros da Educação
Parceiros da Educação is a civil society organization that advocates for the fundamental right of very Brazilian child to quality education, via supporting the government in the adoption of etter public policies for education and facilitating private-public partnerships aiming to improve public schools' infrastructure and students' academic performance. Mr. Ribeiro will be honored at the 2018 Education Leadership Award Dinner, Worldfund’s 15th Anniversary Gala, on June 7th at Mandarin Oriental New York City. 

Marcos MagalhãesFounderInstituto de Co-Responsabilidade pela Educação
Instituto de Co-Responsabilidade pela Educação was founded to contribute to improving the quality of Public K-12 Education by using innovations in content, method and management. The institute dedicates itself to turning public schools into full time schools with a methodology that emphasizes developing each students' life project.
Marília Gessa, STEM BrasilWorldfund
STEM Brasil has been offering top-quality support to Science and Math teachers in public high schools and middle schools in 14 Brazilian states, and it's now scaling to Mexico. The success of the program is to synthesize the official school curriculums of Science and Math with innovation, technology, creativity, practical projects and local context. Marília has been working with strategic partnerships for STEM Brasil for 4 years and is the leader of the expansion of STEM México.

More information: https://www.brazilcham.com/civicrm/event/info%3Freset%3D1%26id%3D36213

Friday, June 15, 2018


Amazing exhibition 'Atemporalidade da Arte" it happened at Sao Paulo, Brasil in the last june 10th, 01`8.
the space was designed for receive engineers, architects and fine arts from Sao Paulo city. impeccable and unmissable.

We just launched Organizing For '18 -- and people are talking. Help elect better representatives. Help fight gerrymandering. Help expand Medicaid and voting rights. Make OFA's work in 2018 as big as possible.
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07:47 (Há 2 horas)
Você sabe o que é um Joint Venture?
Uma estratégia de Joint Venture empresarial pode estar relacionada a um novo projeto ou outra atividade comercial, por exemplo. Assim, operações de Joint Venture são executadas para diversos fins, como: logísticos, industriais, tecnológicos, comerciais, entre outros. Na maioria dos casos a estratégia é adotada para acelerar a expansão dos negócios, pois ao unirem seus recursos as empresas têm acesso a habilidades escassas podendo, inclusive, penetrarem em novos mercados.
Pensando assim, a  COSTA CONSULTING CO ( http://www.sulacosta.com) otimiza parcerias com empresas em todo  Brasil para oferecer  um novo conceito sobre as artes plásticas com intuito de fomento a cultura brasileira.
As empresas envolvidas avaliaram que a probabilidade de sucesso com a criação de novos negócios trabalhando em conjunto.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Artista Plastico - Marcos Damascena
Nascido em Poções Bahia em 1981 e radicado em São Paulo, onde iniciou sua carreira artística, estudando com os maiores nomes da arte figurativa. Fez desenho e modelo vivo com professor Luís Alberto, na Associação Paulista de Belas Artes, estudando depois, com o mestre Jorge Abraão Esteves: teoria da cor e anatomia de animais, principalmente os cavalos.
Com formação rápida e desenvolvimento surpreendente, definiu seu estilo com uma pintura fina e extremamente detalhista, ganhando vários prêmios. Começou então uma nova fase de sua carreira: o ser humano como base do seu trabalho, por meio de expressões fortes e que captam o momento íntimo de cada ser. A alma do ser humano em diversas fases. Seus detalhes característicos chamaram a atenção de diversos críticos e marchands, marcando sua presença na pintura hiperrealista brasileira.
Conheça nosso acervo!
Título: Santa Ceia
Dimensão: 120 (L) X 0,90 (A) cm
Ano: 2016
Valor : R$25.000
World – Art Show é o novo espaço de artes de São Paulo - SP. Pretendemos ser um referencial de oportunidade de apoio aos artistas brasileiros, promovendo encontro de pessoas, cultura e artes. Somos inspirados pela mesma força que move o universo artístico: a idéia de que é possível trilhar seu próprio caminho. Faça parte do universo da arte.
+55 61 98176-6121
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World Art Show - Hotel Pusada   Perdizes
Sao Paulo - SP
CEP: 05022-001

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Não perca a oportunidade de participar do Primeira DATAGRO CropCall Grãos. Garanta seu lugar agora mesmo. Vagas limitadas.
DATAGRO Markets                                                                                              DATAGRO  | Ag Markets                                                                                                                              Tel: +55 11 4133 3944                                                                                                                         Calçada das Magnólias, 56 - Centro Comercial Alphaville | Barueri - SP, Brasil, 06453-032

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Location: Courtyard 1/2 + 5/6 // Food Hall starting at 10AM + Frying Pan Helm Bar


Thu 6/14: 11AM – Russia v Saudi Arabia

Fri 6/15: 11AM – Morocco v Iran // 2PM – Portugal v Spain 

Sat 6/16: 9AM – Argentina v Iceland // 12PM – Peru v Denmark // 3PM Croatia v Nigeria 

Sun 6/17:
8AM – Costa Rica v Serbia // 11AM – Germany v Mexico // 2PM – Brazil v Switzerland

For the full schedule Click Here!


In addition to the matches, Super Soccer Stars will host soccer clinics for children ages 3-12 for skills, drills, and games while everyone watches the biggest matches – all for free. 

Location: Courtyard 5/6

Schedule: Sun 6/17, 8AM-4PM // Sun 6/24, 8AM-4PM // Sun 7/1, 10AM-4PM //
Sat 7/7, 10AM-4PM // Sat 7/14, 10AM-12PM // Sun 7/15, 11AM-1PM


Industry City
220 36th Street, Suite 2-A
Brooklyn, NY 11232

A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?

Pela primeira vez a Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos da Flórida (BACCF) estará incluindo as cidades de Weston e Doral em seu roteiro do Road Show anual “Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano”. O intuito dessas palestras é dar uma visão panorâmica, resumida e prática sobre diferentes assuntos para empresários e/ou executivos que tem interesse em fazer negócios nos EUA.  

Alexandre Piquet - Piquet Law Firm & Membro do Conselho da BACCF 
Carlos Mariaca - Center Group & Membro do Conselho da BACCF
Palestrante - BB Americas
Graciliana Yi - FedEx Express

Inscreva-se hoje - Vagas limitadas
19 de junho - 8h30 - 12h30
Midtown Athletic Club 
21 de junho - 8h30 - 12h30
Aloft Miami Doral
Tópicos a serem abordados no Road Show 2018
Florida: A porta para o mercado global
  • A importância do Brasil para a Flórida
  • Os principais produtos importados/exportados
  • Oportunidades para brasileiros
Soluções Financeiras
  • Abertura de conta nos EUA
  • Regulamentos e normas
  • Financiamento
  • Empréstimos comerciais
Recursos para os exportadores
  • As vantagens dos diferentes modos de transporte
  • A simplicidade do processo de importação nos EUA
  • A agilidade da logística nos EUA
Novas fronteiras e expansão de seus negócios
  • Diferenças Culturais
  • Modelos de Negócios
  • Plano de Vendas
  • Desenhando seu projeto de entrada nos EUA
Aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários
  • O processo de vistos de Trabalho, Estudo, Esportista, Investimento e Green Card
  • Abertura de empresas nos EUA: Diferenças entre LLCs, Corporações e Offshores
  • Tributação da Pessoa Jurídica Americana
  • Planejamento Sucessório
  • Renda Global
Connect with us
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231