Saturday, May 7, 2022


Hillary Clinton is echoing our warnings about Donald Trump:

“I’d say Trump is going to run again… Because he’s going to have hand-picked people running elections in critical states... I want people to understand that this is a make or break point” – Hillary Clinton

Hillary is 100% right. She knows that Trump is endorsing state legislative candidates and that his PAC is making targeted investments in states like Michigan – because Trump’s path to a potential 2024 victory starts in state legislatures. That’s exactly why Trump has held EIGHT rallies in FOUR MONTHS in critical states that could make-or-break the 2024 presidential election.

That’s no mere coincidence, so we’re reaching out to YOU directly. Not everyone reading this email will heed Hillary’s call to action, but if just 10 local Democrats join our fight, our candidates can have the resources they need to help stop Trump’s allies from rising to power again.

If you agree with Hillary Clinton that this is a make-or-break moment, can you chip in $7 right now to support state Democrats? All contributions will be put to work immediately to stop Trump’s state legislative allies from gaining an inch of power – and have TRIPLE THE IMPACT for the next 72 hours >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

The good news is Democrats still have time to fight back, take action, and wage a momentous response to Hillary’s dire warning.

YOU are the key to each and every victory, which is why Hillary’s speaking out right now. We need you to stand with state Democrats.

No one understands the dangers of Trumpism like Hillary Clinton, so please chip in $7 (worth 3X more through Saturday!) to show that you stand with state Democrats in the fight against Trumpist state Republicans >>

Thanks for standing with us,


Thousands of troops have been deployed in response to the war in Ukraine, and many can’t have their phones with them for security reasons. The USO is one of the ONLY ways they can talk to their families during this uncertain time.

This is your LAST CHANCE to have your gift MATCHED by a generous group of donors to help us fund 5,000 connections home for our troops as they risk their lives for our country. It looks like we’re still missing your gift, and time is running out before this match expires.

Rush $29 or more right now to have every dollar go TWICE AS FAR toward phone calls and other connections to home for our heroes in uniform. As they put themselves in harm’s way for us, this is the least we can do.

Hi – it’s President Jessica Post. I emailed you last week about our April deadline, and I’m following up with an important update.

With just 72 hours to go, we’re just 65.59% to our $200,000 goal. I just talked to our online fundraising team, and we just need 8 more local Democrats to chip in $7 for us to hit our goal.

I’ve forwarded my original message below on why your grassroots donation is so important, but before you scroll away, I want to remind you that a generous group of donors is matching each donation made through our deadline three times over. Will you consider chipping in $7 or whatever you can afford today? >>

Thank you, truly.

Jessica Post

-------------Forwarded Message-------------
From: President Jessica Post
Date: 04/23/2022

Hi, it's DLCC President Jessica Post. In just a moment, I'm going to ask you to give $7 to elect state Democrats. But first, hear me out:

I started my career as a campaign manager, knocking on doors to mobilize voters and build excitement around local candidates. It was through engaging with grassroots voters that I realized how important local elections are to our communities.

From the lessons taught in our children’s classrooms to voting rights and reproductive care, state legislators have the ability to shape our daily lives through legislative action. That’s why it's essential we elect state legislators who reflect our Democratic values – and fight back against those who threaten them.

Luckily, a generous coalition of donors have agreed to TRIPLE-MATCH every dollar donated to our movement to elect state Democrats ahead of our April fundraising deadline – but we need 8 committed local Democrats to step up today.

The funds we raise now will determine exactly how many resources we're able to deploy across key states, doors we’re able to knock on, and voters we’re able to call. So it’s crucial that we hit this deadline.

So I’m asking now, can I count on you to support our movement to elect state Democrats with a $7 gift today? Every single dollar raised will be matched THREE times through our end-of-month deadline and will go directly to electing Democrats to statehouses across the country.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

State Republicans are launching a nationwide crusade against abortion access, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights – and they have no plans to slow down. They're investing millions of dollars into the state-level ballot, and they're targeting multiple Democratic-held chambers this fall.

Here at the DLCC, we’re leading the charge against this Republican power-grab. We’re paving the path toward progress, reaching out personally to our grassroots supporters to help elect our incredible state Democratic candidates.

With a people-powered movement of committed Democrats like you, we can secure key victories in this year’s midterm elections and beyond. But it all starts with hitting our April fundraising goal – and we’re only 60% of the way there!

So please, will you stand with me by chipping in $7, $25 or whatever fits within your budget right now to elect state Democrats across the country? Anything you can spare will be triple-matched today.

Thank you for standing with us,
Jessica Post
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

DLCC President Jessica Post


The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you'd like to make a contribution to support us, please click here.

Sula, I want to share why $15 contributions to All On The Line are particularly important at this moment.

The midterm elections are on pace to be held on the fairest maps in a generation, but several court decisions loom that could have ripple effects for decades.

In other words, the gains we’ve made in this redistricting cycle are fragile.

If we don’t spend the next several months raising the necessary funds to continue All On The Line’s litigation and advocacy work, we could be caught off guard.

Will you pitch in to help All On The Line maintain the infrastructure necessary to stay in this redistricting fight for the long haul?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

The All On The Line team is actively supporting voters who are fighting for fair maps in a wide range of lawsuits -- from Ohio, where a redistricting commission flouted a newly enacted partisan gerrymandering ban, to Texas, where legislators drew maps that eliminated nearly every competitive congressional district.

It’s a testament to this team that they’ve been able to pursue litigation work while also mobilizing and training a network of citizens that has meaningfully impacted the redistricting process.

I’ve never seen an organization quite like All On The Line -- one that includes everyone from cartographers and lawyers to organizers. And supporters like you have helped them build it.

There’s no doubt in my mind that when you make a donation to All On The Line, you’re making America stronger and more connected.


The work we’re doing here will have an impact for decades to come. Please consider making your first donation or reinvesting to ensure our success.

Thank you,
Barack Obama



All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.




UPDATE REQUESTED: Our records indicate your Democratic Membership requires activation.

Official 2022 Democratic Member


Team -- Joe and Jill Biden know that supporters like you are the reason we have a Democratic Senate, and they're counting on you to defend it. But we just checked official DSCC records and your April Democratic membership requires activation!

Thanks to you, President Biden has already made history -- including confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. But if we lose even ONE SEAT, we'll put the president's ENTIRE agenda in jeopardy!

That’s why we’re reaching out today. To protect our Democratic Senate, Joe and Jill Biden need you to become a member of this grassroots team before the official FEC deadline at midnight SATURDAY.

The Bidens are counting on you: Please, activate your official DSCC Membership now and help DEFEND our razor-thin majority >>


Thanks so much,

The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you'd like to make a contribution to support us, please click here.

Sula, you’ve probably seen some encouraging headlines recently about our fight for fair maps:

“Democrats snag redistricting wins.”
– Axios

“How Democrats avoided a total redistricting nightmare.”
– Slate

“Surprisingly, there has been a redistricting turnaround.”
– Washington Post

It could be tempting to think our work is complete – but there’s a problem. Republicans see these headlines too, and they’re furious that their gerrymandering plot is being thwarted.

That means we need to be prepared to fight back to protect the progress we’ve secured on fair maps, Sula. If you’re with us, will you rush a donation now before our end-of-month deadline?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

The GOP isn’t backing down – instead, they’re doubling down on their map manipulation strategy, and they’re plotting to stack the courts with judges who they think won’t stand up to gerrymandering.

“GOP considers more ruthless redistricting”

“Stung by redistricting rulings, Republicans target state court elections”
– Reuters
Help us fight back!

It’s not surprising that Republicans would stoop to this level. This means you have two options.

OPTION ONE: You can get complacent, and hope that the work we’ve done will be enough. Republicans will seize this opportunity and use it to fill the courts with judges who they will rely on to rubber-stamp their gerrymandering schemes.

OPTION TWO: You can keep your commitment to fair maps by donating toward the NDRC's end-of-month goal so we can fight back against the GOP. With your help, we'll continue our work to defeat pro-gerrymandering candidates and protect our progress in 2022 and beyond.

We hope you're still with us, Sula. Please, chip in whatever you can to help us defend fair maps.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has ramped up his rally schedule to try to rile up his MAGA base as much as possible ahead of this year's elections.

Trump's next rally is just hours away, so we're launching an exclusive Live Focus Group to determine the best way to counter his plan – and you’ve been selected to participate.

Please click here to begin the focus group and help us craft our strategy to stop Trump and his hand-picked candidates:


This high-priority focus group is ONLY open to Democrats who've proven their commitment to defeating Republicans in November. Fewer than 10% of our supporters made the cut, and you're one of them.

Stopping Trump and his ultra-conservative base MUST be a top priority this year. Because this team’s input has been so valuable for building a winning strategy in past elections, we’re once again asking for your help.

We need your input in the next few hours because Trump’s next rally is TONIGHT! So please, click here to enter the focus group and provide your insights right away:


Thank you,


Sula -- There have been a lot of positive headlines lately about how Democrats have fared better than expected in redistricting. And it’s true! Thanks to the support of people like you, we’ve had some big wins this cycle.

But while that might lead you to think our job is over, that would be far from the truth! There’s still a lot to do -- in several key states there are still ongoing efforts by the NDRC and our affiliates to secure fair maps for elections in 2022, 2024, and beyond:

Map graphic with FL, KS, LA, MO, OH, AL, GA, MI, NC, TX, NH filled in. 'Help the NDRC keep up the fight!' and button 'Pitch in for fair maps across the country'

Our work is happening in states all over the country, because we know that we can’t afford to give up fair maps in any state if we’re going to keep making progress on key issues and protect our democracy.

Thanks to your support, the NDRC has made an immeasurable difference from coast to coast since our launch in 2017. And continuing our efforts, including litigation and electoral work, will be critical to defending fair maps and stopping Republican gerrymanders in the months and years ahead -- but that work will only be successful with your grassroots support.

Right now we’re coming up on an important end-of-month deadline, and we need your support to reach our goal and keep up the fight. Will you pitch in now to help?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

Thank you,

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.



Today is the LAST DAY TO MATCH your gift toward our goal of helping to fund at least 5,000 connections to home for our courageous troops — but we’re falling short and haven't received your gift yet.

Don’t miss this chance to DOUBLE your gift for our heroes responding to the war in Ukraine and around the world: Rush $29 or more to help keep troops connected to home and show them how much you appreciate their service.

As service members make immense sacrifices to keep us safe and free, it’s our patriotic duty to support them in every way we can. For some service members in Eastern Europe right now, USO Operation Phone Home® is the only way they can safely connect with their loved ones back home. That’s why it’s so important that we take advantage of this rare match opportunity and meet our goal, but we’re running out of time.

Please, USO Supporter, as our troops may be missing birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and more special moments with their families, will you make a MATCHED gift of $29 or more by midnight to show your support and gratitude?

Thank you for standing with our troops through thick and thin,