Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Sula -- Today, a judge has confirmed what we knew all along: the Florida congressional map championed by Ron DeSantis and passed by the GOP-controlled legislature is unconstitutional.

Just read A.G. Holder’s statement:

"Today’s swift ruling striking down the DeSantis Map clarifies beyond doubt that the Governor was not trying to follow the law."

Will you make a donation so that we can continue fighting for fair maps ahead of the 2022 midterm elections?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

One of All On The Line’s affiliates, the National Redistricting Foundation, is supporting individual voters and community organizations to challenge these blatantly gerrymandered maps!

If this map had been left unchallenged, Republicans would have had a significantly improved chance to take power in the 2022 elections, all by disenfranchising Black voters.

We are committed to protecting fair elections and will continue to hold map manipulators accountable in the years to come. Chip in to support our work »


-- The AOTL Team


All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

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The clock is ticking when it comes to Democrats winning in November and Elizabeth Warren agrees. Just take a look at what she said:

Elizabeth Warren: 'We’ve got nearly 200 days. If we don’t deliver, if we don’t get up off our rear ends and make it happen, we’re in real trouble.'

We heard Senator Warren’s call to action loud and clear – and we’re ready to make it happen.

You and this grassroots team have already helped us secure key victories in critical special elections this year – but the fight for our democracy is just getting started. That’s why we’re heeding Elizabeth Warren’s warning and stepping up our efforts now.

Here’s what we need to do to secure victories in November:

    ☐ Build a winning strategy with our candidates
    ☐ Secure key resources for our incredible state Democrats
    ☐ Make targeted investments in key races
    ☐ Reach out to voters by knocking on doors and phone banking

Elizabeth Warren called us to act – but we’ll need the full strength of our grassroots movement behind us. Please will you chip in $7 today to help us cross a few items off our list?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now »
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The stakes of this year’s midterm elections demand immediate action.

Attacks on abortion access, voting rights, and the LGBTQ+ community are rapidly advancing through Republican-led state legislatures. State Republicans are emboldened, and they’re spreading their backward, hate-filled agenda state-by-state. It’s vital that we elect Democrats to state legislatures who will push back against their ruthless attacks.

While state Republicans focus on turning the clock back on our hard-won progress, state Democrats are working overtime to defend our democracy. So it’s up to people just like you to give them the critical support they need this November – the future of our democracy depends on it.

Will you chip in $7, $25 or whatever fits in your budget right now to help elect state Democrats and fight back against state Republicans' hate-filled agenda?



All funds solicited are by Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and not by any federal candidate or officeholder

Are you nervous about the GOP’s promotion of independent state legislature theory, Sula? We are.

Politico: “Republican litigators have increasingly advanced… a reading of the Constitution that state legislators have near-ultimate authority over many election-related decisions, including redistricting, and that state courts have a limited ability – or none at all – to act as a check.”

Here’s the kicker:
“So far, four conservative Supreme Court justices have signaled some degree of openness to the theory.”


Sula, we know we can’t trust the conservatives on the Supreme Court! Most of their recent decisions have been disastrous, and their decisions on redistricting in particular have been downright erratic. That’s why we’re not putting our eggs in that basket. Instead, we’re continuing to carry out our multi-pronged strategy to secure fair maps, which includes:

➞ Preventing the GOP from stacking state courts like they stacked the Supreme Court.

➞ Helping elect Democrats who support fair-map efforts.

➞ Holding Republicans accountable for gerrymandering.

➞ Responding to court decisions.

➞ And keeping up the fight for fair redistricting in the states.

We can do it with your help. Will you pitch in?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

– Team NDRC

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

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