Wednesday, July 27, 2022

NYFW is Almost Here!!

Our NYFW show is going to be EPIC at 508 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018! Do not miss your opportunity to be part of something great!! Click the graphic above to purchase your tickets!


HEY Designers!!

Our designer spots are full for NYFW September 22 but we still have limited spots available for NYFW FEB 23 and LAFW MAR 23!! Register below for more information on how to show with The Society!


Get Your Tickets to our First NYFW in The House of Mirrors!!

Click the graphic above to purchase your tickets NOW!!!

Fall 22 Fashion Trends to Inspire Your NYFW Look!!

Click The Graphics above to read about fall’s hottest trends!

Join Us At All Future Stops!



A TRUMP ENTHUSIAST who APPLAUDED insurrectionists and
the end of Roe v. Wade


An EXPERIENCED Lt. Governor, middle class CHAMPION, and worker’s rights advocate

Warnock & Walker Gif

Team, We MUST protect Wisconsin from Johnson’s VIOLENT IDEOLOGIES and DANGEROUS LIES by electing Mandela Barnes: an experienced politician, climate change advocate, and dedicated champion of working families who is ready to improve life for ALL Americans— — but he can’t win without your help! Donate today to protect Democratic control of the Senate and put an end to Johnson’s inflammatory madness!!!

Johnson’s egregious lies have endangered Wisconsinites and our very Democracy. The LIST OF NONSENSE has grown so long, we had to share our favorites. Enjoy!


Team, Ron Johnson DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN about Wisconsin’s hardworking families!!!

That’s why Mandela Barnes is running for Senate. Because he KNOWS Wisconsinites deserve better than they’ve been getting — and he’s ready to give them what they deserve. Donate to silence Johnson’s insurrectionist propaganda and elect a middle class advocate and reproductive rights champion that puts Wisconsinites before anything else. →


Thank you for protecting our democracy,

The Collective PAC

Thank you for your continued support of The Collective PAC.

Thanks to supporters like you, we’re building Black political power across the country at all levels of government.

We’re on a mission to elect Black progressive champions like Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock, Val Demings, and MORE in 2022, but it’s going to take every single one of us to do it. Can you chip in and support our work today?

Were you forwarded this email? Want to sign up for our email list? Click here to sign up!

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

 Twitter    Facebook     


To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003

Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Click here to unsubscribe from the Collective PAC's email list.


Outrage doesn't even begin to describe what we're feeling right now. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade – and if that wasn't bad enough, they hinted they wouldn't stop with abortion rights:

In a concurring opinion, Clarence Thomas wrote that the Supreme Court should reconsider the rulings that protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and marriage equality next.

If that happens, these rights – just like abortion – will be up for state legislatures to decide. That makes it even more urgent that we come together now to invest in organizing, messaging, and mobilization work that's key to helping Democrats win at the state level.

Will you rush a gift now to help elect state Democrats who will protect our rights in statehouses across the country? A generous group of donors is matching every gift 3x, making your $7 gift have the impact of $21, so there's never been a better time to maximize your impact >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

When we elect Democratic majorities in the states, they take action to protect abortion rights – in fact, that's already happened in 16 Democratic-controlled states and D.C.!

We can make this a reality in even more states and protect the right to contraception, gay marriage, and more – but it's going to take all of us coming together to focus our efforts on winning state legislative races nationwide, races that Democrats have historically overlooked.

You can recommit to building Democratic power where we need it the most – in the states – by chipping in $7 right now. At a time when Congress and the courts are failing us, your gift will have 3x the impact towards protecting our rights in states across the country.

It's easy to despair in moments like these, but we're not powerless. Together, we can turn the tide on Republicans' decades-long scheme to control our health and rights and put our country back on the track of progress.

Let's go,



President Obama is using his platform to speak out about the importance of state legislatures:

 “In a lot of ways the people who represent you at the state level have more of an impact on your life than elected officials in Washington.” -- Barack Obama

He’s SO right! State legislators create policies that impact everything from the roads we drive on, to the lessons taught in our children’s classrooms. But right now state Democrats have been tasked with a heavy burden: Protecting our democracy and standing up to state Republicans’ hate-filled agenda.

State Democrats are our last line of defense against GOP extremism – so until Sunday at midnight, we’re triple-matching every dollar donated to our movement to elect state Democrats.

Will you chip in $7 right now to elect state Democrats who will fight back against Trumpist Republicans and stand up for our Democratic values? Your donation will have THREE TIMES the impact before our end-of-month deadline >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Electing more state Democrats this November starts with investing in key races, meeting face-to-face with local voters, and giving our Democratic state legislative candidates the resources they need to build winning campaigns.

This year’s midterm elections are shaping up to be some of the most competitive – so we’re putting the full strength of our movement behind our state Democratic candidates now, with almost 100 days to go.

But to expand our grassroots reach, we need to hit our July fundraising goal – and we need dedicated supporters like you to help us. Each gift to our movement has a lasting impact – it won’t just carry state Democrats through the midterms – it’ll pave the way for more incredible Democratic candidates to make their voices heard in state legislatures across the country.

Please, will you chip in a triple-matched donation of just $7 today to support state Democrats this November as they face off against Trumpist Republicans in the midterm elections? Every single dollar helps drive our movement forward.




Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
1225 Eye Street NW Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20005
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the DLCC are not tax deductible.

On January 6, 2021, domestic terrorists intent on minority rule staged an insurrection and attacked our nation’s capitol. They failed, but only barely. And if the revelations of the January 6 committee are any indication, they will -- unless held accountable -- try again.

They will try again because they have been emboldened by portions of the Republican Party that refuses to even acknowledge that an insurrection took place. It’s part of a broad, coordinated strategy to undermine American democracy and entrench their minority control of the government.

All On The Line is fighting back against the GOP’s power grab -- we’re fighting in courts, we’re fighting in state legislatures, and we’re fighting by organizing in our communities, too. Help power our efforts by making a grassroots contribution today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

By agreeing to hear the case Moore v. Harper, some U.S. Supreme Court justices have taken a dangerous step toward enabling the GOP to further erode our democracy. Remember, Moore is the case that could give virtually unlimited and unchecked power over redistricting to state legislatures.

This case could bring Republicans one step closer to permanent minority rule generated by gerrymandered maps and could allow them to continue to ignore the American people’s wishes and pass whatever extreme legislation they like.

The GOP is fighting on multiple fronts, and so are we. Our affiliate is helping to argue the Moore case in the U.S. Supreme Court, and we’re giving our organizers on the ground the resources they need to get out the vote in November.

But we can’t do any of that without you.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for our democracy. If you believe in checks and balances, and if you believe in fair maps, please consider giving $10, $20, or more if you can today.

In solidarity,

Eric H. Holder, Jr.





All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.





You need to see this: Georgia Republicans are ramping up their grassroots efforts in an attempt to out-organize progressive change-makers like us.

This proves what we’ve known all along: Republicans are worried. They know that people like us will stop at nothing to elect Black Democratic champions like Stacey Abrams and Rev. Warnock, and matching our grassroots efforts is their only hope at pulling off a win this year.

We need to answer the call. Now is the time when we show them that we will not be out-organized — not now, not ever.

Rush a donation of $10 or any amount you’re able to The Collective PAC today and help us prove to Georgia Republicans that they’ll never measure up to our network of progressive action-takers:

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately.

In the 2021 Georgia runoffs, The Collective PAC provided voters with over 70,000(!!) rides to the polls, helping power Rev. Warnock to victory and flipping the Senate blue.

It’s clear: Georgia Republicans and their dark money are no match for the grassroots power of The Collective PAC, but it’s up to each and single one of YOU to help us prove it.

Please consider rushing a donation of $10 to The Collective PAC NOW to help us TRIPLE our grassroots efforts and out-organize the GOP in Georgia — we’re counting on you.

Thank you,

The Collective PAC Grassroots Team

Thank you for your continued support of The Collective PAC.

Thanks to supporters like you, we’re building Black political power across the country at all levels of government.

We’re on a mission to elect Black progressive champions like Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock, Val Demings, and MORE in 2022, but it’s going to take every single one of us to do it. Can you chip in and support our work today?

Were you forwarded this email? Want to sign up for our email list? Click here to sign up!

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

 Twitter    Facebook     


To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003

Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Click here to unsubscribe from the Collective PAC's email list.


Sen. Bernie Sanders is echoing our warning about state Republicans parroting Trump’s election lies:

Our democracy is under attack when many Republicans... increasingly call into question the results of any election they lose - Bernie Sanders

He’s 100% right. Did you know that over 600 Republican state legislators played a role in the January 6th insurrection? Some were in attendance, others supported the Big Lie – all while advancing anti-democratic legislation and sowing the seeds of doubt into our democracy.

And now, the Jan 6th select committee has just wrapped up the first of several public hearings bringing evidence of Donald Trump and his cronies' involvement in that deadly day to light.

That’s why we’re reaching out. With more than a dozen insurrection enablers representing swing districts, we’re stepping up to flip seats like these from red to blue.

If you agree with Senator Bernie Sanders that our democracy is under attack at every level of government by Trump’s Republicans, can you donate $7 (and have it go 3x as far!) to the DLCC today to defeat state Republicans? Remember, we’re the only official Democratic Party organization dedicated to electing Democrats to state legislatures >>

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Sen. Sanders’ warning is more urgent now than ever – CNN report says that Trump is gearing up to endorse and elect “officials at local, state and national levels.” So our state Democrats could be under siege by Trump Republicans during this year’s midterm elections!

We can’t win this fight without you. Please, chip in $7 now to DEFEAT the state Republicans fueling Trump’s Big Lie across the country and have it TRIPLE-MATCHED through Sunday >>

Please donate,



On January 6, 2021, domestic terrorists intent on minority rule staged an insurrection and attacked our nation’s capitol. They failed, but only barely. And if the revelations of the January 6 committee are any indication, they will -- unless held accountable -- try again.

They will try again because they have been emboldened by portions of the Republican Party that refuses to even acknowledge that an insurrection took place. It’s part of a broad, coordinated strategy to undermine American democracy and entrench their minority control of the government.

All On The Line is fighting back against the GOP’s power grab -- we’re fighting in courts, we’re fighting in state legislatures, and we’re fighting by organizing in our communities, too. Help power our efforts by making a grassroots contribution today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $250Another Amount

By agreeing to hear the case Moore v. Harper, some U.S. Supreme Court justices have taken a dangerous step toward enabling the GOP to further erode our democracy. Remember, Moore is the case that could give virtually unlimited and unchecked power over redistricting to state legislatures.

This case could bring Republicans one step closer to permanent minority rule generated by gerrymandered maps and could allow them to continue to ignore the American people’s wishes and pass whatever extreme legislation they like.

The GOP is fighting on multiple fronts, and so are we. Our affiliate is helping to argue the Moore case in the U.S. Supreme Court, and we’re giving our organizers on the ground the resources they need to get out the vote in November.

But we can’t do any of that without you.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for our democracy. If you believe in checks and balances, and if you believe in fair maps, please consider giving $10, $20, or more if you can today.

In solidarity,

Eric H. Holder, Jr.





All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Text FAIR to 88228 to receive recurring updates from AOTL by automated text message. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy policy and Terms of service.


Ready for an epic weekend? We couldn't be more excitedHere's what you need to know before you head to Grant Park:

  • Welcome Page: Check out the Lolla Welcome Page - your guide to help you have an unforgettable and safe weekend!
  • Pro Tip: We can’t wait to see you at Grant Park but to ensure we can provide you the best experience possible please don’t arrive prior to 10AM CT as gates don’t open until 11AM CT each day.
  • Safety: The safety and well-being of our Lollapalooza fans, artists, guests and staff is paramount. Check out our Safety Information Page and remember: if you see something, say something!
  • Lolla Box Office: Pick up your tickets starting TODAY at the Lolla Box Office! Avoid long lines and grab your tickets before the festival kicks off in two days. Check out the Box Office Hours. Be sure to have your ticket confirmation receipt (with barcode) ready before you arrive to speed up your time in line!
  • Allowed & Prohibited Items: Each person and their belongings are subject to search before entering the festival! Be sure to check out our Allowed & Prohibited items before heading to the festival.
  • Activate Your Wristband: Got your Lolla wristband in the mail? Activate it here to make entering the festival a breeze! 
  • Map Your Journey: Check out the Official 2022 Map to locate stages, find festival activities, plan your entrance and exit routes and more.
  • Support Sustainability: Return your TURN cup for the chance to win exclusive prizes, like VIP Ticket upgrades, festival cash, and more. Register your wristband with TURN to get started!

Just Announced: Green Day will now perform a Lolla Aftershow at Metro Chicago this Friday night!

Your Official Aftershows start TONIGHT! Grab your tickets to see other great Lolla artists like The Wombats, Caroline Polachek, Bob Moses, King Princess, Black Coffee, Royal Blood and more!

Lolla kicks off in 2 DAYS! The best way to Lolla is to stay the whole weekend. Enjoy the entire festival with 4-Day GA, GA+, VIP, and Platinum Tickets!

Secure a spot for the day(s) of your choice and lock in 1-Day Tickets for as low as $125 + no fees. Get your tickets and we'll see you there!

Join the Lollapalooza Discord Server for surprises leading up to the festival and obtain exclusive access to the Discord lounge. This year Discord has teamed up with us to host an official musical stage and chill lounge. When you’re not at the festival, share your photos, stories, and reminisce with musical performances from the Lollapalooza archives. Join The Discord »

Toyota invites you to match your rhythm at the Toyota Music Den. Take an Aura Portrait to capture your luminous energy, play the Corolla Cross Challenge to test your memory, personalize an Arm Candy bracelet and grab a commemorative festival bandana. Plus, intimate sets from your favorite up-and-coming artists. Learn More »

  • Questions? Check out our Welcome Page and Information Page for everything you need to know about attending Lolla.
  • Saturday & Sunday GA Tickets (including all 2-Day & 3-Day ticket bundles) purchased today will only be available for pick up at the Lolla Box Office starting TOMORROWGet Your Tickets!
  • In need of tacos, nachos, or micheladas? Big Star has you covered onsite! Visit their food truck located east of the Bud Light Seltzer Stage.
  • Volunteer with the Dream Corps to make the American Dream a reality! Help Dream Corps recruit a community of changemakers, all while interacting with fans on the festival grounds. Learn more and apply!
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