Tuesday, November 14, 2023

 Fine Art  Cris Pires Furtado celebrates the success of his works in Cascais - Portugal.

Fine Art Cris Pires Furtado had the pleasure and honor of exhibiting her works in Cascais, Portugal, in the exhibition entitled "Longevity, Vivacity, Life". This exhibition was a project that brought together the Inn Gallery in partnership with  Rodyner Gallery with the aim of raising awareness among different age groups about the meaning of Longevity.

The choice of this theme was not by chance, as longevity is an issue that directly impacts our society. With life expectancy increasing, it is essential that we discuss how to age in a healthy and active way. Through the works on display, the artist seeks to convey this message and spark reflections on the topic. The exhibition began on May 5, 2023 and was scheduled to close on June 5 of the same year. However, due to the great success and the high season in Europe, the exhibition was extended for another month and ran until July 5, 2023.

Casa da Guia, in Cascais, Portugal, was the place chosen to house these impactful works of art. For two months, those who visited the exhibition were able to be enchanted by the uniqueness and depth of Cris Furtado's creations.

Her works portray artists of different ages, in ways that convey vitality, energy and lived experiences. Every brushstroke, every detail, seeks to convey a message of valuing longevity and aging as a natural process that must be experienced intensely.

Over the two months on display, the exhibition attracted a diverse audience, who marveled at the technique and expressiveness of the works on display. In addition, several events were held parallel to the exhibition, such as lectures, workshops and debates, which further enriched discussions on the topic of longevity.

The artist feels grateful and fulfilled for having had this opportunity to exhibit in Cascais. The city, known for its charm and culture, provided a perfect setting for her works to reach more people and touch their hearts.


Through art, Cris Furtado seeks to convey the importance of valuing each stage of life, whether young, adult or elderly. Longevity should not be seen as a burden, but rather as a gift, and this is what the artist seeks to convey in each of her creations.


The exhibition "Longevity, Vivacity, Life" was a milestone in the artist's career. The success and extension of the exhibition show the impact and relevance of the topic covered. May her works continue to inspire and raise awareness among people, spreading the message that longevity can be synonymous with vivacity and fullness. Av. Nossa Senhora do Cabo, 101

Postal Code: 2750 – 374 | Cascais – Portugal





Photo: Personal collection

Source: Press office

Edition: Costa Consulting CO | Sula Costa MTB 0003600|GO

This email was sent to sula_costa@yahoo.com by info@brazilcham.com
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce  485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, New York 10022, United States  2127514691
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Nazi rhetoric has no place in the U.S. government. You know it, we know it. Someone needs to remind Donald Trump. He subverted a day meant to commemorate the service of our brave veterans to instead call his opponents "vermin" — paralleling historically deadly propaganda.

The 2024 election will determine the fate of our democracy. Rush a donation of $10 to make sure that Donald Trump doesn't step foot in office ever again.

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America has no room for someone who refers to service men and women as "vermin." He’s using the same terminology used by Hitler. Trump tried to destroy American democracy once — and he came close to succeeding — he won’t hesitate for a second to do it again.

Can we count on you to contribute a donation of at least $10 to fight Donald Trump and his MAGA extremist allies?


Thank you,

The Collective PAC

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

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Luxus Magazine celebrates the 7th Edition of its Arts Yearbook at the Sacred Art Museum in São Paulo.

The launch and opening of the Exhibition of works took place this Saturday, at the São Paulo Sacred Art Museum event that celebrates and promotes Brazilian contemporary art this year, with more than 50 contemporary art artists exhibiting their work at the São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art, to celebrate the launch of the Luxus Magazine Arts Yearbook, the most anticipated Arts book in the world. year in Brazil.


The project, which has existed for seven years, the Arts Yearbook aims to disseminate, support and disseminate Art and the talents of each participating artist.


The Exhibition reflects the need for reconnection between people in a post-pandemic period, where Art has become an essential way of alleviating loneliness and isolation, transmitting emotions and feelings through artistic creations.


Highlight is a panel created by students at Espaço Cirandar preschool, in collaboration with artist Tico Canato, responsible for the edition's cover. Children, a symbol of hope for a better future, are the protagonists of this inspiring initiative


The highlight of this edition is a panel created by students at Espaço Cirandar preschool, in collaboration with the talented artist Tico Canato, responsible for the cover of the Yearbook. These children, symbols of hope for a better future, are the protagonists of this inspiring initiative, which shows the importance of Art from an early age in our lives.


The presence of children at the exhibition was a symbol of hope for a better future, as we believe that art is capable of transforming lives and inspiring new generations. The vibrant colors and spontaneous features of the panel enchanted everyone, carrying a message of optimism and resilience in the midst of adversity.


For seven years, the Luxus Magazine Arts Yearbook has had the mission of disseminating, supporting and publicizing Art in all its forms. The exhibition that accompanies the launch of the Yearbook is a reflection of this, demonstrating the need for reconnection between people in a post-pandemic moment, where Art has become essential to alleviate loneliness and isolation, transmitting emotions and feelings through artistic creations .


We invite everyone to visit this unique exhibition, which will be open to the public until November 19, 2023. Be prepared to connect with the most diverse artistic expressions and let yourself be immersed in the works of our talented artists.


The São Paulo  Sacred Art Museum is the perfect setting for this celebration, and will be open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm, with entry allowed until 4:30pm. Don't miss the opportunity to experience this encounter with Brazilian contemporary art and honor our artists!


The Luxus Group is honored to be able to provide a space for talented artists to share their works and stories.


Period: from November 11th to November 19th, 2023


Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm (entry allowed until 4:30pm)


Location: São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art || MAS/SP


Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Luz, São Paulo (next to Tiradentes Metro station)


Free parking/access alternative: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43 (subject to capacity)


Tel.: 11 3326-3336 – additional information




R$ 6.00 (Full) | R$ 3.00 (half national entry for students, private teachers and Young I.D. - upon proof); Exemptions: children up to 7 years old, adults over 60, public school teachers, people with disabilities, ICOM members, police and military personnel - upon proof; free for all PWDs plus one companion, every day.








Photo: Personal Collection


Edition: Costa Consulting CO | Sula Costa MTB 0003600|G0


Source: Press Office

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We're building a strong membership team to lead Democrats into a monumental election year in 2024. Over 1,800 members have already joined, but we’re still missing you. Will you chip in $10 today to renew your membership and join the team?

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Here’s how our members help power our movement:

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Grassroots support enables Democrats to run data-driven, innovative campaigns that target key districts and turn the tide in our favor.Every dollar helps mobilize voters, ensuring that every voice is heard and every vote is counted.With you on board, we can elect Democrats who will fight against the GOP’s restrictive policies and protect our fundamental freedoms.

Today, we're asking you to take the leap from supporter to member. Will you rush a $10 donation and become a part of our team? To show our thanks, we'll send you an exclusive 2024 DLCC Membership Card.

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One week ago, state Democrats made history with groundbreaking victories in Virginia – here’s how we did it:

  1. Investing early: The DLCC was the first national organization on the ground in Virginia this cycle, investing a total of $2.2 million.
  2. Sounding the alarm on abortion rights: Abortion was on the ballot across the country, and we made it clear to voters that Republicans would use a trifecta to pass a dangerous abortion ban in Virginia.
  3. Keeping up a year-long Democratic streak: In 2022, we led state Dems to the most successful midterm election for a president’s party in nearly a century – then we kicked off 2023 by flipping a Virginia Senate seat blue, and our winning streak continued as we secured FULL legislative control on Election Day.
  4. Showing Republican dysfunction on the national AND state levels: Our research team honed in on Republicans' despicable behavior, from the weeks-long Speaker fight in Washington to identifying January 6 insurrectionists on the ballot in Virginia.
  5. Boosting our platform: While Republicans prioritized banning abortion and limiting access to the ballot box, state Dems were focused on expanding reproductive healthcare, advocating for the LGBTQ+ community, and expanding voting rights.

We fought hard for last week’s victories, but we can’t slow down now. Our next special election is in just 21 days, and we’re gearing up for ultra-competitive races in 2024, so our work is far from over. Can you rush a $10 donation to help us keep building power in states nationwide in 2023, 2024, and beyond?

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We have proven that our tried and true plan to win in the states can work! We just need your support to bring it to fruition in our upcoming special elections, in 2024, and beyond.

It’s critical that we continue organizing, mobilizing voters, and fundraising for our Democratic candidates facing special elections. Together, we can continue this winning streak, expanding Democratic power across the country. Will you pitch in $10 right now to help fuel our work?


DLCC Elections Team


ter., 14 de nov. às 12:20


Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
1225 Eye Street NW Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20005
Paid for by DLCC PAC. Dlcc.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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