Thursday, December 14, 2023


Women's networking group makes more than 1 million in less than 1 year


Flávia Salim is a visionary businesswoman who created CLUB MOVIMENTO, an exclusive and innovative club aimed at female entrepreneurs. Throughout the year 2023, the women of the Movement "Women inspire Women with their unity and sisterhood celebrated engagement and support between women on the last day of November in Sao Paulo - SP.


The club managed to earn an impressive 1 million reais, the result of the engagement of women who came together in search of overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship.


During the 10 months of CLUB MOVIMENTO's existence, the businesswoman led an association of women who connected, shared knowledge and experiences, and faced the obstacles of the business world together. This connection, based on Flávia Salim's ideology, showed that when women come together, they are capable of transforming the world and obtaining increasingly significant financial returns.


CLUB MOVIMENTO became a networking environment, where entrepreneurs could develop their skills, expand their networks of contacts and find creative solutions to boost their businesses. Businesswoman Flávia Salim believes that the strength of female union is the key to changing the landscape of entrepreneurship, not just in Brazil, but around the world.


Over the club's 10 months of existence, the women involved have shown that, together, they can achieve extraordinary results. Through strategic partnerships, sharing of resources and mutual support, CLUB MOVIMENTO entrepreneurs were able to improve their business strategies and achieve exponential revenues.


The results achieved by CLUB MOVIMENTO not only demonstrate the entrepreneurial capacity of women, but also prove that collaboration and support between them are essential for business success. Flávia Salim, as the club's creator, is extremely proud of the work carried out and intends to continue encouraging more and more women to come together in search of professional success.


CLUB MOVIMENTO, under the leadership of businesswoman Flávia Salim, has become an example of how female entrepreneurship can reach unimaginable heights when we work together and share our knowledge and resources. With the aim of improving the world and obtaining increasingly significant revenues, the club continues to attract determined and visionary entrepreneurial women who want to make a difference in the market and inspire other women to take the first step towards success.

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First Lady Jill Biden is calling out the importance of building grassroots support in the states ahead of a critical election year.

FLOTUS: One vote can swing a precinct, one precinct can decide a district, and one district can win a state. It starts with you.

Jill Biden is 100% right. State legislative races are the most overlooked level of the ballot. They don’t receive half the funding of federal candidates, yet state legislators make the decisions that affect your everyday lives. From the roads you drive on and the curriculum taught in our classrooms to abortion rights and the administration of our elections – our state legislators hold so much power.

That’s why it’s vital that we elect Democrats who will act to implement our progressive agenda, defend our democracy, and protect our communities against the GOP’s extreme attacks.

Right now, we have a slew of upcoming special elections that could come down to just a handful of votes. That’s why we’re turning to you today.

We can’t do this without you. Will you donate $7 or whatever feels right to you so we can continue to elect state Democrats, make change, and defeat Republicans nationwide?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
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We rely on grassroots supporters like you to help us win key districts and turn legislatures blue. Your donation could be the one to turn the tide, move the needle, and secure wins for state Democrats in states like yours and beyond. Can we count on you?

It starts with you,



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Hey — thanks for opening this email. I know a lot is going on, so I appreciate it. It’s a little long, but it’s from the heart, and it’s important.

You don’t have to be obsessed with politics or watching the news 24/7 to know our country is in a bad place. Horrific violence in the Middle East. A Republican Party that has gone so far off the rails they could barely elect a Speaker. The leading Republican candidate for president is Donald Trump! And then we have unspeakable atrocities like the mass shooting in Maine because our “leaders” refuse to act. And many people talk about how Trump is a major threat to democracy and he is — but I believe there is an even greater and more long-term threat - hopelessness.

When I was knocking doors for Leaders We Deserve-endorsed candidate Nadarius Clark for the Virginia elections, the most concerning answer I got when I asked if people were voting was, “No, I don’t believe in voting” or “No all politics is corrupt and my vote doesn’t matter.” This scares me because things can never get better if we continue electing people who say “government doesn't work” who then get elected and make it not work.

I’m deeply worried about us. And it’s not because I’m anti-America. It’s because I love this country and I desperately want to see us do better.

We’re not going to fix this mess overnight. But we do have a plan. A group of us just launched Leaders We Deserve. We started it because we know that young progressive leaders can change the future of this country for the better by giving us what we need most to get through this moment of democratic backsliding, HOPE. We can elect more young leaders like Nadarius Clark, but we can ONLY do it if enough of us get behind them.

For us to give the school shooting generation the hope it needs to secure the future of our democracy and build a more perfect union, we must get to work electing the next generation of morally just leaders who put kids first and the NRA out of business.

The truth is that young progressive candidates who are running for office face huge barriers. The average age of our elected officials is astronomical. That’s because our election system favors those who are older, wealthy, and white. In 2020, Millennial and Gen-Z individuals only held 21% of State Legislative seats despite representing 45% of the electorate.

We launched Leaders We Deserve specifically to coalesce support from millions of Americans who believe in the promise of this younger generation.

Here’s our plan:

  • Find young progressives who are willing to run for Congress and state legislatures.
  • Equip their campaigns with messaging, scheduling, and budget tools they need to win.
  • And most importantly, raise funds from our massive national network (hey, that’s you!) to allow them to go toe-to-toe with their opponents and WIN.

If we succeed, ten years from now we’ll have shifted the politics of this nation dramatically. Young, progressive leaders will make up their fair share of the legislative and congressional seats, allowing us to right the ship and build the future we deserve.

But what we do right now will determine whether or not that vision comes to pass. We can’t just muddle along raising a couple hundred thousand dollars here and there. We’ll actually have to raise tens of millions of dollars from grassroots donors like you to get the breadth and scale we need to win in all corners of the country.

Here’s what I need from you for our plan to work.

– If you are blessed with the financial ability to make a really big donation (like $500 or more), please do so right now to help us make this vision a reality. Click here if you are fortunate enough to give $500 or more.

– If you can give a small donation each month, that makes a big impact too. Click here if you think you can commit to a $25 monthly donation (or something like that).

– If you can’t give big and you can’t give monthly, that’s totally OK (most people can’t). Click here to just give a one time donation of whatever you can afford.

– Last but not least, if you can’t chip in at all, I completely understand. All I ask is that you forward this email to three friends who might be aligned with our cause.

I hope this fundraiser is as successful as I know it can be. I hope that we look back at this moment in ten years and say THIS is when everything started to change.

If you have any questions at all about Leaders We Deserve, please check out our website or get in touch with us on social media.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading today.

- David Hogg

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

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To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003

Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Click here to unsubscribe from the Collective PAC's email list.


Monday, December 4, 2023


On November 24th, ACLAB – Brazilian Letters and Arts Academy promoted a major event at the Iracemápolis City Hall, in São Paulo. Fully organized by the president of the academy, archduke Barão Ednei, and the support of an important association such as the World Art Show, the night was full of tributes and celebrations.


The highlight of the night was the presentation of an honorary commendation to businesspeople who stood out in their respective areas in the state of São Paulo. Among those honored were Carlos Sabugo, author of the book “Sexo, Drogas e Rock in Roll: In the  Behind the Scenes of TV”, whose work brings to light stories lived by the author and unknown to the public in the television universe.


One of the honorees, the Liga da Alegria Super Heroes Group, which provides moments of fun and entertainment at children's parties and festivals, drew attention for its unique performance. Furthermore, the group also stands out for its social action, making donations to oncology hospitals throughout Brazil.


Honors were also given to journalist Claudio Santos, recognized for his relevant services provided in the area of communication, contributing to the dissemination of important information to society. His exemplary performance is worthy of applause.


Another honoree was Zuza Ribeiro, responsible for the success of the recently launched show “The Boys in the Band”. Her work as a producer and director has won over the public and opened doors for emerging talents in the artistic scene.


Luiz Falcone, Falcone Wine's business highlight, also received his well-deserved commendation that night. Its credibility in the wine business, specializing in productions from the Valle Del Maule region, under the supervision of the renowned Vinícola Vina Chequen S.A, located in southern Chile, is unquestionable. His tireless work has provided wine lovers with moments of pleasure and satisfaction.


The night of celebration also saw the award of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the writer Nair Beck and Barão, as well as Immortal Academic Vanderlei André.


In short, the event promoted by ACLAB at the Iracemápolis City Council was a true success. The partnership with the World Art Show, the commitment of President Arqueduque Barão Ednei and the support of several associations and personalities were fundamental in making this night so special. Congratulations to all the honorees, who are true examples of success in their fields and deserve all the recognition.


ACLAB's initiative in holding an event of this magnitude is commendable, which establishes itself as an important milestone in the cultural agenda of the region and the country as a whole. The performance of the academy and its partner associations demonstrates the importance of valuing and encouraging artistic and literary production, in addition to recognizing those who stand out in their areas of activity.


The award, in addition to celebrating the work of businesspeople, also aimed to encourage other professionals to stand out in their respective segments, always contributing to the economic and social development of the state of São Paulo.




Academia de Ciências Letras e Artes do Brasil, based in Iracemápolis -SP, is responsible for awarding medals, awards, commendations, honorifics and providing social services to the community. In the artistic world, she acts as a cultural supporter, encouraging and offering strategic help so that certain projects can be implemented.


The academy works for the recognition and appreciation of human beings, highlighting their stories, skills and benefits.


Peace ambassadors are ACLAB representatives throughout Brazil and abroad.


“The greatest tribute you can pay to a human being and recognize their legacy in life.” Archduke Barão Dom Dr. Ednei Pereira international president of ACLAB. Ambassadors of Peace promote the Culture of Peace, in accordance with academic guidelines and guidelines, promote events, nominations for tributes and honorable mentions being the extension of ACLAB.


ACLAB does not have funds or subsidies, monthly fees or resources to carry out its honorary tributes, so we rely on the contribution of our members' membership.




Photo: Personal collection


Source: ACLAB – Brazilian Academy of Letters and Arts


Edition: COSTA CONSULTING CO | Sula Costa 

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Here are three ways your $10 donation to become an official 2024 DLCC member will help state Democrats. Your membership could:

  1. 📝 Help Democrats carry out our organizing strategy for the rest of 2023, 2024, and beyond.
  2. 📱 Allow our party to reach supporters online and over the airwaves.
  3. 💵 And, ensure we have the funds to support state Democrats in upcoming special elections in states like Michigan and Minnesota.

We just checked our records, and it looks like your name is missing from our official 2024 member list. So we’re reaching out to you personally to give you the chance to claim your 2024 membership and receive your personalized card in the mail.

Sandra B.2024 MemberN/A

Barbara P.2024 MemberN/A
Gary C.2024 MemberN/A

Will you donate $10 and join the 2,700 supporters in your area and nationwide who have claimed their 2024 membership this year? Every member helps power our movement to elect state Dems →

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
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This is a pivotal moment. We have a slew of upcoming special elections, and the GOP is already gearing up for the next fight after their losses last November. So, will you help fuel our work by becoming a member today?

Chip in $10 today to claim your 2024 Official DLCC Membership card, and you’ll receive your very own exclusive card in the mail →

Thank you,

DLCC Membership Team


The information provided above is associated with the following email address: If you have donated in the past with a different email, by check, or to another organization or party committee, that will not be reflected here. We appreciate your continued support!