Friday, November 5, 2010

"A educação é a mais poderosa arma pela qual se pode mudar o mundo."

Sdoun....gente ele canta muito!!!!!(meu amigo)
Sdoun - Canal Room - NY


                        Roseli e   Eu  - NY

                  Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR

1.Where's Ariel?

2.Feature Article: How to Write Engaging Newsletters Ariel's Greeting, Guts, & Getting!

3.Come Watch the progress of the Blog Challenge

Where's Ariel?

Thu - Sun, November 4-8 - Taxi Road Rally, Los Angeles CA

Ill be teaching my Musician's Online PR & Marketing Masterclass and on the Marketing panel on Sunday - the amazing Carla Lynne Hall frm the Mastermind Forum will be with me on this trip! It will be fun!


Thursday Evening NOVEMBER 4th 7-10 PM


2720 Main Street

Santa Monica

To hang with our LA based friends, artists, bloggers, podcasters and iRadio DJs. I love the bar here at LULU's and you will too

Contact Us

Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR

389 12th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11215



         NEW YORK CITY, NY - NOV. 4th
               The Empire (State) Laughs Back
                       New York Comedy Festival 


          Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization

                                    IREO`s Secretary General with U.S.Secretary of State:
                                       Mrs.Hillary R.Clinton

Mr. Robson Mello announced officially the acceptance of IREO as a member participant of the

United Nations Global Compact a strategic policy initiative of the Office of the Secretary

General of the United Nations for businesses, non businesses, civil society, academia and others

that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted

principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

The Secretary-General of IREO Mr. Robson Mello Stated: “This is an important steps in

IREO`s long journey ahead in working together in support of the UN System in accordance

with UN General Assembly Resolution 64/206 which calls for “Promotion of new and

renewable sources of energy”.  I am confident thaT IREO`s Mandate to  assist developing

countries in a South South system of cooperation will bring sound pilot projects into  these

deprived regions of the world andagreener more affordable energy sources.

 Building a Better World Through Renewable Energy

"Parece, Meu Caro, que as cabeças dos homens mais notáveis minguam quando se reúnem, e que onde há mais sábios, há também menos sabedoria.

Os grandes grupos, prendem-se tanto aos momentos e aos vãos costumes, que o essencial não vem senão depois." [ Montesquieu ]

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