Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"As palavras amaveis sao um favo de mel: doce ao paladar e fortalece os ossos."Pr.16,24

Seja nosso parceiro!
BKS - Dublagens do Brasil Ltda, é o maior estúdio de dublagem e pós produção de
áudio e vídeo da América Latina, sucessora dos Estúdios GS Gravasom, primeiro
estúdio de dublagem no Brasil instalado em 1958.
Nosso trabalho é conhecido no Brasil e em muitos outros países.
Qualidade, honestidade, inovação, profissionalismo e arte são o lema da nossa
Trabalhando sempre com tecnologia de última geração, buscamos sempre o
aperfeiçoamento em cada trabalho.
Contamos não são só os melhores profissionais do mercado, mas sim, os mais
apaixonados pelo que fazem. São técnicos, tradutores e vozes inesquecíveis que
imprimem, em cada trabalho, sua alma.
São pequenos detalhes que fazem a diferença.
O atendimento diferenciado aos nossos clientes e a pontualidade nos prazos de
entrega de nossos serviços, fazem da BKS pioneira em eficiência e qualidade no
Desde aquela época, até os dias de hoje, temos acumulado experiência e prestado
ótimos serviços aos nossos clientes.
Como clientes podemos citar: Universal, Disney, MGM, Fox, Sony, Televisa todos os
canais de TV do Brasil, alguns de Portugal, México, Angola, etc.
Nos primórdios do cinema nacional recebemos prêmios como: Palma de Ouro (Cannes) para a montagem e finalização dos LM’s, Orfeu Negro e Pagador de Promessas.
Nossa Tecnologia e equipamentos são os mais avançados.
Nossa sede em São Paulo Brasil conta com 06 estúdios com os mais modernos equipamentos digitais, 04 ilhas de mixagem e edição prontas para atender aos mais exigentes clientes.
Atualmente temos também um estúdio de animação 2D, 3D e Efeitos especias na India e produzimos conteúdo para diversos produtores da India, China, Estados Unidos e Brasil.
O mercado brasileiro de dublagem atual é carente de leis. Nele, dubladores, empresas de dublagem, majors fazem suas próprias regras com referência a direitos conexos, pagamentos, vínculos empregatícios causando o caos e o desequilíbio comercial. Neste mercado repleto de vícios, os estúdios de dublagem brasileiros estão fechando suas portas por serem incapazes de competir com os estúdios de dublagem que oferecem português em Miami, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Bogotá e México.
A BKS, porém, deseja ampliar seus horizontes e entrar no mercado americano oferecendo seus serviços de dublagem no Brasil e seus projetos de animação em 2D, 3D e peças teatrais infantis com cunho educacional e cultural.     
LATE AUGUST!               
                                            AUGUST 2011  


Russell Simmons New Show  
NEW YORK CITY - AUG 31st - SEPT 1st        

Russell Simmons & crew is back, well bringing some young urban comedy to the mainstream. A super funny untitled comedy show on Comedy Central! And that Haitian Dude Wil Sylvince is taping on August 31st. Who want tickets? Hit me up!!!

The Edison Theatre
221 W. 46th Street
New York, NY 10036

  AUGUST 2011

August 21 Dallas, TX - NBC Stand UP For Diversity @ Improve (Addison)

August 25-27 Atlanta, GA - Uptown Comedy Corner

August 28 Fresno, CA - Wayans Brothers Tour @ Willian Saroyan Theatre

August 31Sept 1 New York, NY - Russell Simmon's Presents: ?? @ The Edison Theatre  

Semi-Final Short Cuts FestivalNew York City Sept 20-21   



I Really Have To Go Right NOW!!  

Taking a crap is not a popular topic to talk about. No one really talk about taking a dump cause it's too personal, nasty, or a mood spoiler. It's hard to bring it up at work, home, or anywhere else for that matter.  Because there's no good time to bring it up. You don't want to talk about during breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Elephant Dookie  

Guy: You want some pancakes?
GirlNo, cause the syrup makes me shit.
Guy: What?! Nobody wanna here that shit now!

I do know women love to go to the bathroom before they go out so their stomachs can be flatter. You ever had a girl friend who can't leave the house until she poops.   

Friend: Come on girl lets go!
Girl: Not yet, one more cup of hot tea and I'll be good to go.
Friend: Why?
Girl: Cause I wear a size 8 but I brought a size 6 so I definitely have to drop the kids off the swimming pool otherwise I'm gonna look pregnant in my 'freak 'em dress'.

You don't want to talk about it before or after sex.  The thought of her sliding a nice white thong into the same ass she just finish saying she just took a shit out of is not very appealing. All you can think about is skid marks on that white thong. 

My Friend Is Full Of Crap!
Elephant Dookie 2

A friend and I were talking about health and she revealed to me that she only poops once every 2 weeks. I said "you ONLY poop once every two weeks?" That's only 2 poops a month, or 24 poops per year!!! In a defensive tone she said "what are you saying... that's normal! It's disgusting to DO IT everyday!" I said "It's more disgusting NOT TO  do it everyday! You're full of crap and it's not a good look (on the inside)"

Not to be nasty or more disgusting, I asked her "how does your poop come out? Is it a lot or a little?" She said, "...not much at all. About two little tiny ball sizes." OK let's assume you eat 3 meals a day x 7 days x 2 weeks;That's 42 meals sitting in your system because only two little golf ball sizes came out. The food is basically rotting inside your belly. Hence "You're full of crap!" (No pun intended)

Put it this way, when you throw food away in the garbage the house will start to stink within a day or two. So after you accumulated two weeks of garbage and you only discard 2 hand-fulls of that garbage the house will continue to stink.  Think of your body as an unplugged refrigerator;  The remaining foods in your system will rot quickly. Lets take it a step further, if you leave food on the counter for days at a time, tiny bugs will start to form on it. This is because toxins are building up, parasites and worms are chilling, and having a party in your stomach, intestines, & colon! I joked and said "when guys go down on you they're also eating your left-overs from weeks ago. They're getting a full meal on your ass. That's why after sex they're never hungry but go to the bathroom instead."
Bears Dookie
I know that was nasty but I was trying to make my point of how nasty NOT dumping your dump out & just letting it stack up like a sewer can be.  You should poop about 3 times a day or a least once a day.

If you're balling schedule a colonoscopy. But if you're financially challenge stick toeating things like fiber, probiotics (yogurt, kefir) and drink lots of water.

Food for thought: It's just as important to exfoliate your insides as it is to exfoliate your outside. How about you try and give your insides a facial on a "regular" basis.

According to Dr. Oz "If you are not getting enough water or fiber, it can take you 100 hours to digest your food, which is bad for you because the food is essentially rotting in your belly during that time."

-I'm about take the browns to the super bowl
-Drop the kids off at the swimming pool
-I'm about to lose 5 pounds
-Putting some brownies in the oven.
-Going to the sandbox.
-Dropping a deuce.
-Drop the friends off at the lake.
-Prairie Dogging it.
What do you say when you gotta go?

***(fine print stuff) Always check with a doctor/physician before doing this or exercise. I tried this and it worked for ME, so I'm simply relaying.

When in doubt - laughter is the best medicine!
by Wil Sylvince 


Please don't forget us in Haiti. 

Bruna Caram (Musica postada por minha amiga Helia Carvalho!)
(Eu achei lindo demais...)

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