Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Despreza tudo, mas de modo que o desprezar te não incomode. Não te julgues superior ao desprezares. A arte do desprezo nobre está nisso. Fernando Pessoa

Seguem horários, datas e locais das finais de FUTSAL Sub 20 Feminino Campeonato Goiano:
Equipes do ARAGUAIA EC (Anápolis) E AA HIDRÁULICA BRASIL(Goiânia)
Jogos da Fase Final do Campeonato Goiano categoria Sub 20 Feminina. 
          1º Jogo -  Dia 20/12/2011  - 20:00 horas no Ginásio Carlos de Pina em Anápolis.
          2º Jogo – Dia 22/12/2011 – 19:00 horas no Ginásio da Federação em Goiânia.

Hello --
We've been fighting for months to make sure taxes on the middle class don't go up on January 1st.
This weekend, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate came together, compromised, and took a giant step to avoid just that. In fact, 89 senators approved an extension of the payroll tax cut. And 39 of them were Republicans, including GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.
But now, a faction of Republicans in the House refuses to even vote on that compromise. And they're on the brink of allowing taxes to go up on 160 million Americans.
Here's part of the problem: A lot of people in Washington don't understand what these tax cuts mean. A typical family gets about $40 with each paycheck from this tax cut, and opponents look at that and argue it doesn't have an impact.
Just today, one House Republican referred to this debate as "high-stakes poker." He’s right about the high-stakes, but he's dead wrong about the poker. This is not a game.
We know better -- $40 has tangible benefits for millions of families. Can you help us prove that point?
What does $40 mean to you?
What's missing here in Washington is your voice.
Too many just don't understand the perspective of a working family. They need to hear what it's like to be part of the middle class in this country.
Thankfully, there's still time to change the conversation. We have 11 days until taxes go up.
Send us your stories and we'll share them on Facebook and Twitter. We'll display what we received on With your help, we'll put the middle class front and center.
Tell us what an extra $40 means to you and your family:
David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President

No dia seis de dezembro, a Petrobras encerrou a realização das Caravanas Esportivas presenciais para divulgar a Seleção Pública 2011 do Programa Petrobras Esporte & Cidadania. Livres e gratuitas, as Caravanas Esportivas presenciais buscaram promover a igualdade de acesso aos interessados. Foram promovidas oficinas que, durante três meses, capacitaram cerca de três mil pessoas de 1.500 instituições, em 26 Estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal, totalizando 29 cidades visitadas.
O objetivo das caravanas é orientar as instituições para a elaboração de projetos que promovam a inclusão social por meio de atividades esportivas para crianças e adolescentes.
Confira no site as informações que as Caravanas levaram a cada Estado. Tire suas dúvidas sobre o regulamento e elaboração de roteiros.
Lembre-se: as inscrições encerram no dia 1º de março de 2012.

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