Monday, January 30, 2012

"Há três espécies de mentiras: mentiras, mentiras deslavadas e estatísticas."( Cansada de tanta mentira, abusos, e roubalheiras, e tbm de gente medíocre!)

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,
Today, I was in Michigan. Yesterday, it was Colorado and Nevada. Before that, it was Iowa and Arizona. The day after I delivered my State of the Union Address to Congress, I took off to connect with ordinary Americans around the country, talk more about our Blueprint for an America Built to Last, and get some feedback.
That's why I'm writing you.
On Monday we're going to do something a little different. At 5:30 p.m. ET, I'll walk into the Roosevelt Room across the hall from the Oval Office, take a seat, and kick-off the first-ever completely virtual town hall from the White House.
All week, people have been voting on questions and submitting their own, and a few of them will join me for a live chat.
This is going to be an exciting way to talk about the steps that we need to take together at this make-or-break moment for the middle class.
We have to foster a new era for American manufacturing -- rewarding companies for keeping jobs here at home and eliminating tax breaks for those who ship jobs overseas. We have to invest in homegrown energy in the United States -- starting with an all-out, all-of-the-above energy strategy that's cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs. We have to build an economy that works for everyone -- where every hard working American gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and the rules are the same from top to bottom.
I'm ready to get started, but I know you have questions and ideas for ways to help. So let's hear them:
President Barack Obama

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O sarcasmo e a demência

Um grupo de cientistas da Universidade da Califórnia divulgou hoje que a incapacidade de detectar sarcasmo e mentiras pode ser um dos primeiros sinais da deterioração cerebral, provocada por algumas doenças, que leva à demência. A descoberta pode ajudar no diagnóstico dessas pessoas mais cedo, segundo os pesquisadores, melhorando as possibilidades de tratamento.
Para o estudo, os cientistas trabalharam com 175 pessoas, mostrando vídeos de conversas – algumas sinceras e outras não – e avaliando se eles conseguiam perceber quais eram as afirmações sarcásticas.
Agora, os fãs de sitcoms com certeza pensaram neste exemplo de alguém que não sabe identificar sarcasmo em português aqui (infelizmente, não é possível embedar)

Fonte : O Estadão

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