Monday, March 5, 2012

"O neurótico constrói um castelo no ar. O psicótico mora nele. O psiquiatra cobra o aluguel. "

Small Business Expo
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012
10AM - 5PM

Penn Plaza Pavilion, New York City
(across from Penn Station)
We are honored to announce this year's Guest Speakers at
Small Business Expo NYC...

We are honored to announce this year's Guest Speakers at
Small Business Expo NYC...

Commissioner-Robert-Walsh BUSINESS OWNER'S LUNCHEON
Thursday May 10th; 12:30-2PM
VIP Business Owner's Luncheon
with Guest Speaker:

NYC Commissioner Robert Walsh, Department of Small Business Services

"Lunch with the movers & shakers of NYC Small Business!"
Robert W. Walsh was appointed Commissioner of the New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) by Mayor Bloomberg in January 2002. During his tenure, he has reshaped the Agency to directly focus on and respond to the needs of the City's nearly 200,000 small businesses- the first time that a City agency has been completely dedicated to this goal.
The New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) is a vibrant, client-centered agency whose mission is to serve New York's small businesses, jobseekers and

commercial districts. SBS makes it easier for companies in New York City to start, operate, and expand by providing direct assistance to business owners, supporting commercial districts, promoting financial and economic opportunity among minority- and women-owned businesses, preparing New Yorkers for jobs, and linking employers with a skilled and qualified workforce. SBS continues to reach for higher professional standards through innovative systems, new approaches to government, and a strong focus on its employees.
$80/ticket or $600/table (8 seats)
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March 03, 2012

Special Announcement

Happy Saturday!
I normally don't reach out on a Saturday, however last week I interviewed one of my all time heroes Seth Godin (I’ll be posting the incredible 30 minutes I spent with him soon), but I wanted to share something Seth said that was so simple and yet incredibly powerful.

“You can not be a musician, and you can not be an artist until you acknowledge one of the things you are trying to do is
make a dent in the universe and that you are trying to touch people… Marketing is finding out the best way to touch people.”
- Seth Godin

So I ask you on this glorious Saturday afternoon:
What are you doing to try and touch people?
If you don’t have a full grasp on your marketing and your social media strategy you are not touching as many people as you can and your music is not being heard by as many people as it should be.
I’m here to help.
I am thrilled to announce that this week I will be rolling out my newest online course.
Social Media Mastery: Tools & Discourse
A 9-Week Online Course
I have brought on two of the of the most brilliant music marketers I know – Corey Denis of Toolshed and Jon Ostrow my Publicity Director here at Cyber PR® (and the founder of the amazing from MicControl) to guide you through exactly how to:
• Strategically add to your current Social Media assets to generate more online followers & fans
• Increase your online influence on the 5 main quadrants in online space (it’s not what you think they are)
• Use analytics to track who is talking about you and where and effectively respond to them
• Create consistent, compelling content for your fans
• Use Twitter & Facebook more effectively and find new fans to follow and engage with you
• Save time and energy by streamlining your marketing & social media efforts
• Learn the newest Social Media darlings on the block Tumblr, Instagram & Pinterest and how they can help you touch more people

Every week, you’ll receive an action plan, videos and PDFs that walk you through each step necessary to increase your online exposure.
You will have full access to special calls with me, Corey & Jon, and we will be here for you throughout the course to answer any and all questions and make sure that you finally master your marketing and online social media once and for all….
And all of this for $33 a week…
It all starts this week – CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW and see the full overview.

1 Payment:

$297 USD

2 Payments:

$159 USD

Note: 2nd payment due exactly 1
month after your first payment.
Here’s to Your Success!

Contact Us
Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR
389 12th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
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Ariel Publicity on Facebook @CyberPR on Twitter Sound Advice TV Ariel Publicity on iTunes Ariel Publicity's Blog

Rubens Otoni participa de aprovação de
manifesto em defesa da educação pública.

  Reafirmando apoio às reivindicações do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Educação em Goiás (Sintego), o deputado federal Rubens Otoni (PT) participou na tarde desta quinta-feira, 1º de março, na Assembleia Legislativa, de Ato Em Defesa da Educação Pública de Goiás, realizado pela Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT). O Ato reuniu professores e sindicalistas de cerca de 25 municípios goianos e aprovou manifesto em defesa da educação pública de qualidade e apoio à greve dos professores estaduais.
“Não vamos aceitar que o atual governo estadual tente enganar o povo goiano com uma manobra que retira incentivos e gratificações conquistados com anos de luta na Educação”, argumenta o representante do Governo Dilma em Goiás, Rubens Otoni, que também pregou a união para cerca de 300 pessoas presentes. “Essa luta não é de um setor ou outro, é de todos. Temos que estar unidos para defender nossos direitos e preparados para enfrentar mais dificuldades”.
Com as diversas lideranças sindicais do campo e da cidade presentes, o documento de apoio à greve iniciada dia 6 de fevereiro foi aprovado. Entre várias reivindicações, o manifesto considera a incorporação de gratificação de titularidade ao salário um achatamento da carreira dos professores como “prejuízo irreparável”. Segundo a presidenta do Sintego, Iêda Leal, é preciso diálogo por parte do governador. “Temos uma situação de total silêncio do governo estadual, queremos o diálogo com o governador Marconi Perillo”.
A presidenta da CUT de Goiás, Maria Euzébia, explicou que a convocação dos sindicatos da entidade para a aprovação do manifesto foi necessária para que o governador do Estado de Goiás, Marconi Perillo, inicie o processo de negociação com o Sintego. Além do governador, o documento será entregue ao Ministério Público Estadual, Conselho Estadual de Educação e outras entidades.
Para o deputado estadual Mauro Rubem (PT) “o problema não é a greve, ela é a solução. O problema é o desestímulo, a falta qualificação, a desvalorização dos educadores. O povo perde!”. O deputado estadual Karlos Cabral (PT) também marcou presença e compôs a mesa de trabalhos do ato juntamente com representantes de diversos sindicatos: Sindifisco, Sindjustiça, Sindcom, Sindsaúde, entre outros.

(Assessoria de Comunicação/ Texto e Fotos: Fabrizio Franco)

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