After 17 years I'm about to embark on the next chapter of my career, It’s a big step and I’m REALLY excited.
In order to take this step I’ll be self-publishing my first book and launching my first online course for social media mastery created for non-musicians. I will also be publishing 2 books to help the music business as well.
In order to raise money to do this I'm launching a crowd funding campaign and I'm asking you to contribute, so that we can achieve our dreams together!
Starting now I’m pre-selling my Cyber PR, Tools Tricks & Tactics For Building Your Social Media House books and reserved seats in my Social Media House: Dialed in Exposure & Die Hard Fans in 9 WeeksOnline Social Media Mastery Course plus lots of other goodies.
A major factor in succeeding with a crowd funding campaign is asking people in your closest circle of trusted friends first to get the ball rolling so here I am asking you!
This campaign is NOT just about musicians, but about YOU as well. Ive put together an entire suite of packages for YOU, the non-musician to benefit from, in exchange for your support.
So please come and fuel my best work yet and I look forward to sharing my new book and online course with you!
With Love,