Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nenhuma grande vitória é possível sem que tenha sido precedida de pequenas vitórias sobre nós mesmos.


The White House, Washington

Unless Congress acts, middle-class income taxes are going up on January 1. That's why President Obama is asking people to speak out, and it's why so many folks from across the country are taking him up on that request.

Now we're doing everything we can to make sure those voices become part of the debate here in Washington.

We're putting these stories on the front page of the White House website. We're sharing them on Facebook and Twitter. The President and Vice President are talking about them in their speeches, and taking time to sit down with folks who have written in.

To tell a couple of those stories, we've put together a really great video, highlighting two people who've written in.

Will you check it out, then share it with your friends?

Tiffany Santana is a teacher. Her husband is an autoworker. They have a son, who is in elementary school. Their family lives with her parents -- both of whom still work. Tiffany wrote to the White House to say that a $2,000 tax increase would mean losing a month of rent.

Ann Marie Munos works full time while caring for her mother, her sister, and her husband, all of whom are living with disabilities. She described the impact that raising taxes would have on the broader economy -- how middle-class families would have less "buying power."

Because they spoke out, Tiffany hosted President Obama in her home and Ann Marie went to lunch with Vice President Biden. But they're not alone. Every person who has written in to us will have their story read by someone here at the White House. That's the bottom line -- someone is going to take time to listen.

And here's what all that means: This debate, which affects millions of middle-class families, isn't happening in a typical Washington bubble where pundits and policymakers talk past each other as they try to rack up political points.

Instead, your voices are being heard, and that's making a difference.

Now we need your help to keep the conversation going. Watch this video, then share it so that others in your community will join the debate:


InAshton's Holiday Fan-List Download: 
(Guns N' Roses cover)

Greetings from InAshton. 

It's the Holidays. Everyone's excited and we're in the giving mood! 

Today we're thrilled to send our Fan-List members a cool new download of our passionate cover of the Guns N' Roses song: DON'T CRY.

Just click on the button below to download.


... Or if you'd simply prefer to stream it & share it...  Just go HERE

If you feel like watching while you listen... check out this promo video for the song that the band made themselves!

If you haven't yet, be sure grab your copy of InAshton's album 'Everyone & You'

Click on the links below to check out some recent reviews of the album: 
... Get yours today at: 
iTunes store, or order a CD copy at Amazon

InAshton's LIVE Concerts...
If you're in the NYC area next week, make your plans now to attend InAshton's holiday / year end show at Arlene's Grocery.

FRI DEC 21, 8pm - New York City @ Arlene's Grocery
Located at: 95 Stanton Street, NYC

... More dates and cities will be announced soon! - STAY TUNED!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

That's all for now Ladies & Gents!

Happy Holidays - Enjoy the new DON'T CRY  download!

- Love InAshton

Ariel Publicity on Facebook @CyberPR on Twitter Sound Advice TV Ariel Publicity on iTunes Ariel Publicity's Blog
December 11, 2012

After 17 years I'm about to embark on the next chapter of my career, It’s a big step and I’m REALLY excited.
In order to take this step I’ll be self-publishing my first book and launching my first online course for social media mastery created for non-musicians. I will also be publishing 2 books to help the music business as well.
In order to raise money to do this I'm launching a crowd funding campaign and I'm asking you to contribute, so that we can achieve our dreams together!
Starting now I’m pre-selling my Cyber PR, Tools Tricks & Tactics For Building Your Social Media House books and reserved seats in my Social Media House: Dialed in Exposure & Die Hard Fans in 9 WeeksOnline Social Media Mastery Course plus lots of other goodies.
A major factor in succeeding with a crowd funding campaign is asking people in your closest circle of trusted friends first to get the ball rolling so here I am asking you!
This campaign is NOT just about musicians, but about YOU as well. Ive put together an entire suite of packages for YOU, the non-musician to benefit from, in exchange for your support.
So please come and fuel my best work yet and I look forward to sharing my new book and online course with you!
HERE’S The Link: http://bit.ly/ArielRockethub
With Love,

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