Friday, January 24, 2014

"Lançando sobre ele toda a vossa ansiedade, porque ele tem cuidado de vós." (I Pedro 5 : 7)


Keynote Speaker:

H.E. Ambassador Ana Cabral Petersen
Consul General of Brazil in New York and Former Ambassador of Brazil in Luanda (Angola)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Registration and Networking12:30 - 1:00 PM

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Note: Members of the Board of Directors will have a brief meeting and the official photo taken in Room 4, 9th Floor, from 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM


The University Club
Council Room
One West 54th Street (at Fifth Avenue), 7th Floor
New York, NY 10019   
Hoje em 8:45 AM
Last night, millions of Americans watched President Obama deliver the State of the Union, where he shared his plan for making sure that all hardworking Americans have the opportunity to succeed. Because as the President said last night, "It is you, our citizens, who make the state of our union strong."
It was a powerful speech -- an honest assessment of where we are as a country, and a roadmap for the year ahead. But if you missed it, it's not too late. And if you'e got questions about the speech, today dozens of Administration officials are taking to social media to answer them.
Did you miss it? Watch now.
Have a question about last night's address? Ask today during Big Block of Cheese Day -- our virtual Q&A named for Andrew Jackson's 1837 open house, which featured a 1,400-lb. block of cheese. You can join in on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Vine, and Tumblr.
Participate in Big Block of Cheese Day
Want all the facts? During the State of the Union, we hand out a "pocket card" to Members of Congress so they can get all the facts in one quick, easy to read place. This year we're sharing it with you, too.

Tonight, Barack will deliver his fifth State of the Union address.
You might think that this speech was born out of a pile of papers or a long series of meetings. But actually, the real motivations -- and the real substance -- behind tonight's speech come from those quiet moments late at night, when Barack is at his desk reading your letters.
He reads at least 10 a day, from folks all across the country. You write him to say thank you, or to weigh in on a policy issue. You tell him about your families, and what's going on in your lives. And he listens.
These letters turn into real action. I've seen it happen: He'll write in the margins "This is who we're fighting for," and then he'll pass them on to his senior staff.
Barack is always up late before big speeches like this one.
And all day today, I know that he'll be making changes to the speech right up until the last hour.
It's not only because he wants to get that final draft just right. It's because he cares deeply about your stories and your hopes and dreams. That's what keeps him going every single day.
We hope you'll be watching:
First Lady Michelle Obama
P.S. -- I'm honored to be watching tonight's speech with some incredible Americans from across the country. Meet them here, and make sure you tune in at 9 p.m. ET.   
State of the Union: January 28th at 9 p.m. ET
Millions of Americans will watch President Obama deliver his State of the Union address tomorrow night, and the folks who want to get the most out of the speech are watching
Our enhanced version has the graphics and charts you need to get the most out of President Obama's plan for 2014. That's why more than 1 million viewers watched our enhanced version last year -- and it's why so many folks have already signed up to watch this year.
Make sure to RSVP for tomorrow at in at 9 p.m. ET -- then participate in the days following the speech
Jan 27 em 10:24 AM
State of the Union: January 28th at 9 p.m. ET
On Tuesday we're offering a special, enhanced version of President Obama's State of the Union address that you won't find anywhere else. Featuring graphics and charts that'll lay out the case for making 2014 a year of action, it's the best way for you to get the smartest take.
Which got us thinking: What if other presidents had an enhanced version of their State of the Union address?
Watch the video -- then RSVP
In an homage -- or fromage -- to President Andrew Jackson's 1837 open house, which featured a 1,400 lb. block of cheese, White House officials are answering your questions on social media.Make sure you take part this Wednesday, following the State of the Union:
Watch: Big Block of Cheese Day

President Obama's taking a virtual road trip this Friday to answer questions from across the country, and we want you to come along for the ride. Find out how to join us on Google+.
Join the roadtrip -- find out how to ask your questions

All this week, White House officials have been taking over our Instagram feed to take you #InsideSOTU. Check out some of the photos below, and follow us on Instagram to see what's in store for the week ahead:
Go #InsideSOTU -- and see what we've been up to

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