Thursday, July 10, 2014

Porque o mesmo Senhor descerá do céu com som, e com voz de arcanjo, e com a trombeta de Deus; e os que morreram em Cristo ressuscitarão primeiro. Depois nós, os que ficarmos vivos, seremos arrebatados juntamente com eles nas nuvens, a encontrar o Senhor nos ares, e assim estaremos sempre com o Senhor. [I Tessalonicense 4.16-17]

de Segurança da Rússia, depois que fizeram um protesto pacífico contra a exploração do petróleo no Ártico.
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Oi Sala, tudo bem?
Você conhece o Greenpeace? Em mais de 40 anos de história, atuamos em todo o mundo de forma independente pela proteção das florestas e combate aos gases estufa, propondo um cenário energético mais limpo com investimentos em energias renováveis.
Nós precisamos de você ao nosso lado e é por isso que gostaríamos de convidá-lo a tornar-se um colaborador. Junte-se a nós e ajude a salvar o Ártico e suas espécies.
Junte-se a nós
Com você ao nosso lado podemos continuar a denunciar crimes ambientais em todo o mundo e trazer soluções mais verdes e limpas para essa e futuras gerações.
Abraços,Equipe Greenpeace Brasil
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Sula Costa/Executive Director
Costa Consulting Co.
Promote fine arts from Brazil
Andréia Rosa, artist and entrepreneur, was born in southern Brazil, city of Porto Alegre. She is watercolor's painter, German and Portuguese teacher, journalist, screenplay writer and compositor. She studied business management, German and Portuguese languages, literatures, journalism and visual arts Specializations at the Pontifical Catholic University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, and also in Germany.Actually she is also German and Portuguese teacher, journalist, screenplay writer and compositor, and has been devoted to researching to develop her new watercolor series. Andréia defines her art as a mix of abstract and pointillism, and the colors are a strong structural element in her work. The repertoire includes people, landscapes, natural and cultural environments, which appear in a game of improbable proportions.


Sula Costa
Executive Director/CEO.

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The White HouseSaturday, July 12, 2014
The President Is Listening
President Obama was on the road again this week, breaking out of the D.C. bubble to meet with everyday Americans in Colorado and Texas -- many of whom had written to tell him what's going on in their lives.
There's an underlying theme to these trips: The President's listening.
He's listening to the teacher of 26 years who wrote him about the importance of early childhood education -- and he's fighting for the college student whose parents lost their jobs after the Great Recession.
The President is traveling across the country and letting folks know that he hears them, and that he's going to keep fighting for them so that this country can keep making progress.
The President heads to Denver.
President Obama landed in Denver on Tuesday and made his first stop at Wazee Supper Club, where he ate pizza with five Coloradans who wrote him.
The President eats pizza with local residents in Denver.
President Barack Obama has a pizza dinner with local residents who had written him letters, in Denver, Colorado, July 8, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Later that evening, the President strolled through downtown Denver, shaking hands and chatting with people on the street.
The President talks to people in downtown Denver.
The following day, the President spoke on the economy.
On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in Denver's Cheesman Park, President Obama delivered remarks on the economy, the progress that his Administration has made, and how Republican obstructionism is making it more difficult for Americans to achieve their full potential.
The President delivers remarks on the economy in Denver.
President Barack Obama makes remarks on the economy at Cheesman Park in Denver, Colorado, July 9, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
The President closed his remarks by reminding people that despite the cynicism and obstructionism, he's going to continue to spend every day fighting to restore the American Dream for everybody.
"Every day I receive these thousands of acts of hope from you. I'm listening. It's why I ran for office. It's why I'm fighting for you. I will keep treating your cares and concerns as my own."
And then, he was off to Austin.
The President capped off his three-day tour in Austin, where he grabbed coffee with a letter writer and delivered another speech on the progress this country is making.
In the morning, the President met with Kinsey Button, a student at the University of Texas at Austin. She wrote the President talking about her family's struggles, after both of her parents lost their jobs.
The President sits down for coffee with Kinsey, a local letter writer.
President Barack Obama talks with Kinsey Button at the Magnolia Cafe in Austin, Texas, July 10, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Kinsey then introduced the President at his speech on the economy later in the day. During the President's remarks, he let Republicans in Congress know that he's fighting for middle-class families and wondered when they were going to do the same.
President Barack Obama delivers a speech in Austin
We're going to keep doing this -- because we've still got work to do.
The President is going to continue to travel around the country to meet with working Americans, talking about what their "day in the life" looks like, and highlighting the actions that he's taken this year to benefit them.
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