Thursday, October 23, 2014

“Quem crer em Jesus e for batizado será salvo, mas quem não crê será condenado” Marcos 16.16

SAPHIRA STUDIO Newsletter # 2-10
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Exposições nos EUA e Europa  abrem portas para artistas emergentes e consolidados
A medida que o Brasil conquista mais espaço no cenário internacional, não é só de futebol e música que vive a cultura brasileira no exterior. O mercado internacional de arte se interessa cada vez mais pelo trabalho dos brasileiros, que vêm ganhando significativo espaço nas galerias, museus e leilões de arte dos Estados Unidos e Europa, e vendendo obras em número recorde. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior, a exportação de obras de arte e antigüidades no Brasil cresceu 403% entre 2007 e 2012.
PARIS ART CONNECTION exposição coletiva produzida pelo Saphira Studio-Seigreen, uma produtora de eventos culturais, com sede em Nova York, engajada na criação de plataformas para a promoção, intercâmbio, desenvolvimento e valorização de artistas e galerias brasileiras no exterior.  
PARIS ART CONNECTION, que acontece em Paris entre os dias 28 de outubro e 5 de novembro na galeria Artitude, vai reunir obras de artistas locais e residentes no Brasil , Estados Unidos e França sob o tema
“A Arte Vinda do Silêncio”.

Exposição coletiva organizada por Saphira Studio-Seigreen
Galerie Artitude
4 Avenue Paul Déroulède
75015 Paris, France
De 25/10 a 05/11 de 2014

Os artistas participantes são: Cristiane Amaral, Marcos Amaro, Gustavo Braga, Rose de Ganay, Arte Indígena, Rene Nascimento, Antonio Oliveira,  Fabiana Pires, Alcinda Saphira, Marta Spagnol, Rose Stalleikem.

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October 23, 2014
Why Marketing Tech Investments Will Change in 2015
Technology has become critical to marketing, and marketers are adopting new tools in order to improve customer service, satisfaction and retention. When evaluating technologies to invest in, marketers say it is necessary for them to be able to fully integrate the new with the old. 
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Build Customer Loyalty through Email Marketing

Does your loyalty strategy deliver upon your forecasted engagement and sales metrics? Given that it costs 5x more to acquire a customer then it does to keep a current one, savvy marketers measure, segment and automate to generate the maximum ROI. Learn how and see numerous examples.Download the whitepaper!

Smartphone-Toting Millennials Fuel Demand for Mobile-Optimized Sites
Nearly 90% of millennial smartphone users say their phones never leave their side—both day and night. With their smartphones in hand almost every minute, it makes sense that millennial users would turn to such devices to surf the web. However, 86% have noted that a lot of websites still don't offer a good mobile experience—a problem when one considers that nearly half attempt to access a company's mobile site at least once a day. Full Article

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New York Digital Collective is Nov. 5, 2014

Please join us for the New York Digital Collective, an exclusive, regionally driven, peer-to-peer event that facilitates and fuels networking opportunities. Meet with fellow executives in the digital marketing space, exchange ideas and share best practices. Request your invitation today.
Consumers Get Engaged with Rich Media
Due to their high-impact formats and bigger sizes, rich media ads see far higher clickthrough rates (CTRs) and engagement compared with standard banners. Average playtime for rich media ads with videos is also longer than for regular video ads. Sports rich media ads lead all other industries in CTR and engagement, while rich media ads for the news industry have the highest average engagement time and video playtime. Full Article

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