Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Live at Five (Eastern)
Each year, the President typically spends the days following a State of the Union address answering questions and elaborating on the plans he's laid out for the year. That can mean interviews with reporters, speeches across the country, or even chatting with folks from their homes.
But because we're constantly looking for ways to reach folks we don't usually get to talk to, today we're doing something different:
We've invited three of YouTube's top content creators to the White House to interview the President about the issues they -- and their audiences -- care most about.
Watch live at 5 p.m. ET


Watch this before midnight:
2014 has been a big year -- from economic milestones, to once-in-a-lifetime moments from behind the scenes of the presidency.
With just hours until 2014 officially comes to a close, now is the time to check out the White House's year in review feature.
What happened at the White House in 2014? A lot. Click here to see our 2014 year in review.Watch: Chief of Staff Denis McDonough gives you his take on the most important parts of the year.2014 was a busy year here at the White House. See the wrap-up, then pass it on.

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