Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Os brasileiros são caipiras, desconhecem o outro lado, e, quando conhecem, encantam-se. Fernando Henrique Cardoso

The White House, Washington
The President has been wanting to have the conversation we're hosting today for a long time. He's been mentioning it in meetings -- and in remarks -- for months.
Today, it's happening.
Right now, a group of workers, union leaders, worker advocates, and forward-thinking businesses are arriving in the East Wing of the White House. They'll have breakfast together, hear from the President and Vice President, and then hear from one another. They'll break out into groups. They'll ask each other questions and share their own personal stories. Then they'll engage in a conversation with the President. We'll be focused one singular mission:
How do we empower workers' voices in our 21st Century economy?
We're calling it the White House Summit on Worker Voice, and you can follow along and add your voice to the conversation, no matter where you are. You can participate from your desk or your kitchen counter.
Here's how:
You can watch events from throughout the day -- from the President's remarks, to the breakout sessions, to the conversation he'll be hosting later in the afternoon -- live and make a commitment to start a conversation in your workplace here.
You can ask a question or share a thought ahead of the President's conversation with workers here.
And you can follow @USDOL where participants and panelists will be back stage answering live questions and reflecting on the day.
It's clear why having a real voice in the workplace is beneficial to workers themselves -- but most people don't realize that the most successful companies are the ones that are doing this right. It's in the numbers -- firms with unionized workers have higher retention and higher productivity.
Multiple studies have confirmed this -- and even more evidence shows that unionized firms with workplace practices that give workers input into the production process have the highest productivity, above that of both nonunionized firms and unionized firms without these kinds of workplace practices.
The bottom line? There's really not much to claims about unions' negative impact on businesses.
Everyone who's contributing to this country's economic growth ought to be able to share in it. That means having an effective voice, and some influence, in their workplaces. And making sure that happens in more businesses across this country requires an inclusive, honest dialogue like the one we're having today. It only works if as many folks as possible add their voices.
The President doesn't always get personally involved in the shaping of events we hold at the White House -- but I can tell you that this one is different.


by Antonio Oliveira Filho, special performance by Alana Rosa
This performance is a conceptual dialogue with the iconic and intriguing painting of Edward Munch which makes us think about how inside of us, many of us are screaming.
deep thoughts by Alana Rosa & Sherry Lee Martinez
drawing by Ruben Nieves
video by Anthony Austin



Lena Medeiros apresenta a Exposicao :“THE JOURNEY” em Nova York – Sucesso Total!!

A artista plastica Lena Medeiros comemorou 10 anos de exposicoes em Nova York com uma Vernissage concorrida – os fans da artista encheram as dependencias da Galeria do Banco do Brasil em Nova York na noite de 25 de Setembro, na 11 West 42nd Street NY – A exposicao “THE JOURNEY” (A Jornada) ficara aberta ao publico das 10am as 5pm, de segunda a sexta ate dia 9 de outubro 2015. Abrilhantando a noite, alem das Colagens maravilhosas da artista, tivemos os convidados especiais da exposicao com a apresentacao da atriz Alana Rosa, com a instrumentista Junia Flavia d’Affonseca e o cantor/musico Alexandre Cavalcante. Lena Medeiros recepcionou seus convidados com uma Vernissage regada a queijos, uvas, vinhos, champagne e chocolate, agradecendo a presenca e o carinho de todos que foram apreciar sua arte e comemorar seus 10 anos de exposicoes em Nova York. Vale a pena conferir, visite “THE JOURNEY” em Nova York, da famosa artista plastica brasileira, Lena Medeiros

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