Monday, December 14, 2015


Every one of us benefits from the security that comes from having health insurance, but millions of Americans need to act right now, before tomorrow, December 15.
If you need coverage that starts on January 1, you've only got one day left to enroll at and review your options for 2016 coverage.
So if you still need quality, affordable health insurance, don't put it off another day. Go to and sign up now.

If you choose not to buy health insurance and could afford to do so, you are at risk of paying a $695 fee or more. Meanwhile, most people can get coverage via the Health Insurance Marketplace for less than $75 a month after tax credits.
If you already have health insurance -- it pays to shop. First, update your information, because you might be eligible for lower costs than last year.
Next, shop and compare your plan options. You may find there is a different plan available this year that saves you more money or offers more services.
Finally, select the plan that best meets your family's health and financial needs. Even if none of your information has changed, you may still be able to get a better deal and help paying for coverage.
Know someone who might still need to get covered? Forward this email right now and make sure they know how to sign up.
Even if you're covered, there's still a role you can play in helping as many Americans as possible get quality, affordable health insurance.
After 100 years of talk and countless failed efforts, Barack Obama was the President who finally made health care reform a reality for America. Learn more about where we stand.

Você é meu convidado especial

dia 16/12 quarta feira as 19:30, no MACP, centro cultural da UFMT, será abertura da exposição de pinturas Terra Rara, onde apresento 12 trabalhos inéditos de valorização e preservação de nossas matas e cerrado, venha  prestigiar.
  • coquetel especial com degustação de frutas tipicas da região como: cascudo, maracuja do cerrado, fruta de lobo, jatobá  e marmeladinha.
  • distribuição gratuita de mudas de arvores frutiferas da região
venha prestigiar .
série árvores em extinção
frutos coroa de frade
óleo com alkyd sobre lona
frutos de manduvi
técnica: óleo com alkyd sobre linho
frutos de samaúma
acrilico sobre tela
Sobre a exposição

Terra Rara de Miguel Penha convoca a população para um olhar um pouco mais crítico sobre a nossa relação com a natureza, o nome da mostra faz uma analogia aos elementos químicos terras raras.
O artista faz sua leitura, cria suas obras a partir de em uma linguagem autentica e contemporânea, apresenta a população seu ideal, onde o homem integrado a natureza viveria de forma mais feliz e harmônica.
Todas as telas pintadas para a exposição fazem parte de um conhecimento específico, Miguel é cuiabano filho de indígenas, seu pai um índio Xiquitano e sua mãe uma índia Bororo, tem a natureza como parte central do seu trabalho.
Sibre Miguel Penha
pintor autodidata, mais de 30 anos de dedicação a pintura em especial a representação da natureza. Recebeu o prêmio de Artes plásticas Marcantonio Villaça, um reconhecimento por seu trabalho promovido pela FUNARTE. Em 2015 recebe uma bolsa do MINC para aprimorar seus estudos de pintura em Madri/Espanha onde frequenta a Academia de Pintura Decinti Villalon, Participou da temporada de projetos do Paço das Artes/SP, e Abre Alas na Galeria Gentil Carioca no RJ, realizou mais de 30 exposições entre individuais e coletivas em diversos lugares do Brasil destacando: o 1º Salão de arte Contemporânea do Centro Oeste, 2º salão de Outono da América Latina no Memorial da América Latina/SP,  entre outros.

veja o video com processo criativo das obras
acesse o catalogo online
baixe o app no seu celular e saiba mais sobre a mostra
Copyright ©Miguel Penha All rights reserved.
The White House, Washington
I'm Brian Deese, President Obama's senior advisor. I'm here in Paris, where more than 190 countries just came together around the most ambitious climate agreement in history.
The President spoke from the White House to lay out the importance of this agreement. Check out his remarks here:

So why is this such a big deal? The Paris Agreement establishes a long-term, durable framework to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Here's what that means:
First, for the first time ever, all countries committed to putting forward ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions.
Second, countries will now be required to report their progress toward those targets using a rigorous and standardized review process. That kind of transparency is vital to keeping every country moving toward carbon reduction.
Third, it provides strong assurance to developing countries, particularly the most vulnerable, that they will be supported as they build towards clean, climate resilience.
It’s truly a historic achievement. It is the culmination of nations, businesses, cities, and citizens combining forces to achieve something together. And it sends a powerful signal to the world -- businesses and countries alike -- that we’re moving to a clean energy economy.
Today, as the President said, we have demonstrated “that the world has both the will and the ability to take on this challenge.”
So be sure to watch the President's remarks and read more about the specifics of the agreement.
Thanks, and stay tuned for more from the frontlines of the fight against climate change. We're nowhere near done yet.
Brian Deese
Senior Advisor to the President

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