Thursday, June 30, 2016


I see myself in these girls, I see my daughters in these girls, and I simply cannot walk away from them.” -- First Lady Michelle Obama
Imagine being told that you are not allowed to go to school. Imagine being told that an education -- one of the most fundamental building blocks for a healthy, long, and fulfilling life -- is simply not an option for you.
It’s hard, right? But, for millions of girls around the world, it’s a reality. In fact, more than 62 million girls -- half of them adolescents -- are not in school. Millions more are fighting just to stay there.
These girls deserve a chance to fulfill their potential. All girls deserve that chance.
That’s why, as part of the Let Girls Learn initiative, First Lady Michelle Obama is traveling this week to Liberia, Morocco, and Spain to meet with young women and girls -- and to talk about why getting an education is something that every girl deserves.

First Lady Michelle Obama participates in a roundtable discussion with Freida Pinto and students, in support of the Let Girls Learn initiative, at R.S. Caulfield Senior High School in Unification Town, Liberia, June 27, 2016. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

Want to follow along? Check out the First Lady’s travel diary -– and don’t forget to follow her on Snapchat (Michelle Obama) for real-time updates.
Around the world, a girl can face complex physical, cultural, and financial barriers to education. She may have a long, unsafe walk to school from a remote village. Sometimes, even when a school is nearby, it may not have adequate bathroom facilities for girls -- meaning that female students have to stay home when they have their period. And, even after overcoming all of these obstacles, she may face school fees that her family is unwilling or cannot afford to pay.
Yet, we know that educating young girls has a tremendously positive impact on the world. Girls who are educated earn higher salaries, raise healthier families, and can even boost their countries’ economies with their contributions to the workforce. That’s why, when girls receive equal educational opportunities, it can transform lives, families, communities -- entire countries. That’s why the stories of the girls the First Lady is meeting with this week are so important to share.
You can also find out what you can do to help them get the education they need and deserve:
• Go to to see how you can take action in your community
• Read the First Lady’s daily travel diary on HelloGiggles
• Follow along on TwitterInstagram, and Snapchat (MichelleObama)

Pressione já!

Você e mais de 700 mil pessoas já se juntaram ao povo Munduruku para proteger o coração da Amazônia. Este apoio é fundamental para que seja possível barrar a construção de uma grande usina hidrelétrica no Rio Tapajós.
Mas ainda precisamos nos mobilizar para conseguir preservar a casa dos Munduruku e a rica biodiversidade do Tapajós! Nós temos que convencer a Siemens a não se envolver no projeto da hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós. 
Envie agora uma mensagem para Siemens
Apenas algumas empresas possuem a tecnologia necessária para construir esta hidrelétrica e uma delas é a Siemens. Temos que convencê-los a não participar desta obra. Envie uma mensagem ao CEO da Siemens, Joe Kaeser, pedindo para que a empresa não se envolva na construção desta hidrelétrica.
A Siemens orgulha-se de ser inovadora e possui políticas internas para a proteção do meio ambiente e dos direitos humanos. No entanto, destruir a floresta e remover povos indígenas para gerar energia hidrelétrica não é motivo para se vangloriar.
Um anúncio público da Siemens de que esta não participará da construção de São Luiz do Tapajós significará uma mensagem forte para que outras empresas também não se envolvam e fiquem fora desta.
Muito obrigado por estar nesta luta com os Munduruku,
Tica Minami
Greenpeace Brasil
Organizing for Action
We're getting closer to the fundraising deadline -- and time is running out. Be a part of something big and pitch in!

Organizing for Action

Think about it: Together we've helped 13 million people get covered with affordable health insurance under the Obamacare marketplace. We've raised our voices with the LGBT community, and now marriage equality is the law of the land. We've supported economic policies that have helped propel us to 74 months -- and counting -- of private-sector job growth. And we've helped put climate change on the national (and global) agenda, making room for greener, cleaner energy policies.

But we're not done yet. This movement is gearing up to tackle some of the biggest progressive issues still facing our country.

Momentum is building all across the country -- but we need you to step up. Chip in now to keep it going.

OFA supporters have a lot to be proud of, but our work as a movement is never over. We still need to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, push for common-sense gun legislation, and tackle a slate of other issues; there's a lot on our to-do list.

Your voice and your support are what make this all possible. Chip in $5 or more now:


Brazilian - American Chamber of Commerce, INC

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