Sankhya has worked as a Systems Analyst and as an IT faculty for a number of years. The creative instinct has always been the driving force in all her endeavors and she finally succumbed to the siren call of the creative arts by joining Singapore’s Lasalle College of Fine Arts in 2007 and graduated in 2010 with a Degree in Fine Arts.
She has lived in various countries and different continents (e.g. US, India, Africa, Singapore and visited places like Alaska, Kenya, Tanzania, Canada, Australia ... etc.) and has maintained her thirst of acquiring skills in different aspects of Fine Arts by interacting with each new art community, like spending a year as an Apprentice of the artist Mr. Lim Hua Choon- Of “Studio-In-Connection”, Singapore, exploring Pottery and Sculpture, etc. Having lived a very nomadic life till now, Sankhya's art assimilation has developed into a practice of functioning in association with each new art community, a process of interpretation and analysis as an outsider looking in. |
The incorporation of craft in her Installations is because she does not see craft as being tied to a particular medium when applied to her work, but rather as a way of working with hands. The element of the handmade is important because the time she spends constructing the work is a meditative act that helps in gaining a deeper understanding of what she is doing with the hope that the beauty of imperfections inherent in handmade work, add to the complexity and the richness of the whole.
She installed her first major public large-scale 50 feet tall installation on the Lasalle College Premises by suspending the work over the bridge itself, made using over 5000 re-cycled plastic bags.
The President of Lasalle College, Singapore, Prof. Alastair Pearce, bought her installation work, made of re-cycled 'Art Friend' bags, for his own private art collection. She has exhibited her commissioned art work, on the community walls of Singapore Arts Center, Esplanade. She has been featured as the artist of the month for January 2010 by SCYA (Singapore's Contemporary Artist) and she is involved in other group exhibitions as well, like "Access" a collaborative installation with MARUAH and Tickle-Art as well an Invitation to Participate in TRANSMISSION: KALEIDOSCOPE a fine arts exhibition in Singapore.
“My paintings are conversations between my eyes, my head, my heart, my gut, and the canvas in front of me. This is true whether I am painting abstract work from the inside of my head or out of doors. I paint as result of my radical amazement at the beauty of visual world and my need to turn that experience into paint. Nature is my frame of reference. I paint what nature leaves with me. I am concerned with light and what light does to color, which is why I call myself an Abstract Impressionist. I like to entice and engage my viewers, drawing them into a fresh and beautiful world that I have created.
My work is intuitive. I let the process guide me and inform me what the work is about. It is an emotional conversation of paint-filled brushstrokes and the painting that is being composed on the canvas. I load up my palette, pick up a brush, holding it as a conductor would hold his baton and begin. I don’t speak to the canvas, instead the canvas speaks to me. It is a constant back and forth conversation of paint and canvas, painted quickly using emotional sensations rather than an intellectually thought out process. I paint but lose the concept of time. I am painting from a deeper place, within. Fast, faster, passionately painting, furiously painting. I cannot get the colors down fast enough, often painting wet on wet. I am painting from a deeper place. Then suddenly I need air. I stop and step back to look at my canvas one last time. The painting is done.
I paint in acrylics which allows me to record my color impressions quickly. I paint with thick bold, rich color and gestural brush strokes. Leaving blank canvas is intentional. I feel it makes the color more vibrant and blank canvas create a tension between positive and negative space. It lets the painting breathe. Often the act of painting forms a shape on the canvas within the picture plane: something I find visually exciting. I enjoy the process of putting color next to color and that process is the subject matter of the painting. I title my paintings after I am finished painting.I feel they are lyrical.
I try to capture the essence in my painting, the color and the emotion, and leave the rest to the viewer’s imagination, to bring him into the painting. Someone once said I work to the muse of Monet, Van Gogh and Joan Mitchell; I was thrilled. They helped guide me in the journey to become the artist I am today.”
Teremos um novo Presidente a partir do ano que vem. O que muda para quem já tem ou pretende fazer negócios, morar e trabalhar nos Estados Unidos?
Nos Estados Unidos, a Constituição de 1787 veda a edição de leis retroativas de uma maneira geral (art. 1º, seção 9, 1: "
ex post facto law") e proíbe aos Estados que elaborem leis que prejudiquem a obrigatoriedade dos contratos (art. 1º, seção 10, 1: "law impairing the obligation of contracts").
Ou seja, é muito improvável que alguma decisão do futuro Presidente a partir de 2017 venha a afetar ou prejudicar retroativamente o Direito adquirido do investidor e empresário Brasileiro que já se estabeleceu aqui nos Estados Unidos.
Portanto, nosso aconselhamento agora é que todas as decisões importantes sejam tomadas ainda este ano para gozar da proteção jurídica de anti-retroatividade:
- Planejamento Imigratório para petições de vistos de trabalho e Green-Card, tais como O-1, P-1, E-2, H-1B, L-1 ou EB-5;
- Formação e registro de Pessoa Jurídica Americana ou Offshore, tais como LLC, Corp e BVI;
- Planejamento tributário e sucessório mediante Trust ou estrutura equivalente de fideicomisso;
- Aquisição ou refinanciamento de imóveis com obtenção de hipoteca junto aos Bancos Americanos.
Estamos à disposição para esclarecer em detalhes todas as suas opções sob o ponto de vista jurídico e contábil em vista do novo governo nos Estados Unidos.
Dr. Alexandre Piquet
Attorney at Law
Piquet Law Firm, P.A.
1331 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite C-2
Miami, FL 33131
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