Monday, May 8, 2017

Organizing for Action

It is among the most basic human truths: Every one of us, some day, will be brought to our knees. By a diagnosis we didn't expect, a phone call we can't imagine, or a loss we cannot endure.

That common humanity inspires our mercy. It fortifies our compassion. It drives us to look out for the sick, the elderly, the poor, and the most vulnerable among us.

Yesterday's bill -- yesterday's devastating bill -- does the opposite.

The bill is more than premiums and tax cuts. It is a cold and calculated world view: One that scapegoats the struggling, and sees fault in suffering. One dead set on dividing us based on who we love, where we come from, the direction of our faith and the size of our fortunes.

We see it in their tax plan, their budget cuts, their immigration policy, their civil rights assaults -- and yesterday, in their cruel health care plan.

We must reject it.

We must decide, instead, to take care of each other -- because, but for the grace of God, we will all one day wake up in need of a little mercy.

This nation's character has never been defined by the power we give the already strong -- but by the strength we give the weak.

This is our ultimate test. And it starts right now. Get involved in the fight today:

Congressman Joe Kennedy III

Paid for by Organizing for Action

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Sixth Annual Latin America Forecast Event
Please join us for our annual event where we bring together influential thought leaders and key practitioners for a dynamic discussion about one of the most attractive but challenging markets for corporations: Latin America.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Hunton & Williams LLP
2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037 

Registration:4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Panel Discussion  Recent Developments Affecting Business Opportunities in Latin America5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Guest Speakers:
Eric Farnsworth – Vice President – American Society/Council of the Americas
Miguel Bermejo – Managing Partner – Atlantico Capital Partners  LLC
Ricardo Rodriguez – Co-founder & President – Southern Cross Group

Panel Discussion – 
Legal Challenges Inherent in Cross-Border Transactions in Latin America6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Guest Speakers:
José Tadeo Martinez – Lead Counsel – Inter-American Development Bank
José H. Salaverria – General Counsel – Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura, S.A. (CIFI)
Ignacio Javier Rodriguez-Vina – Lead Counsel – Inter-American Development Bank
Fernando Margarit – Partner – Hunton & Williams
Moderator: Fernando C. Alonso – Chairman Latin America Practice – Hunton & Williams 

Who Should Attend
In-house counsel and executives at multinational corporations already doing business in Latin America and/or interested in becoming more involved in emerging markets; in-house counsel and executives at corporations looking into opportunities in Latin America. Officers, executives and counsel at multilateral organizations focused on private and public development projects in Latin America. 
Complimentary program.Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres to follow.
Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends whom you feel would be interested in the event. 

It takes little courage to aid those who are already powerful -- but it takes great courage to champion the vulnerable and the sick and the infirm.

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Piquet Law Firm, 1331 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite C-U2, Miami, FL 33131


MAY 03, 2017 | 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM


The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue
1218: Segal Theatre
May 03, 2017: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
The Center for the Humanities


This initiative investigates Brazilian modernist photography, its relationship to race, and its place within a dynamic international network of images and ideas. From experimental work that resonates with broader postwar trends of creative photographic expression to modern forms with local and sometimes ethnic inflections, photographers were instrumental in formulating new visual languages in Brazil. Since 1939, the São Paulo-based Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante (FCCB) nurtured a wide range of avant-garde practices that anticipated many elements of Concrete Art in Brazil featured at the first São Paulo Biennial in 1951. This diverse group included photographers from immigrant communities such as São Paulo’s growing German, Hungarian, Jewish, Italian, and Japanese populations. These artists participated in international networks of exchange around the globe that increased their visibility and expanded their approach.
Taking FCCB as a starting point, the conference stretches the boundaries of what we understand as experimental art in Brazil in the mid-twentieth century. Photography has been largely excluded from current scholarship about Brazilian modernism and abstraction, and Brazilian photographers of this era are overlooked in narratives around modern photography. The aims of the conference are thus threefold: first, we will examine the distinctive nature of Brazilian modernist photography. Second, we hope to explore photography within the context of modernist and abstract art in Brazil, probing the relationship of modernist photography to other marginalized media and art forms such as mail art and Afro-Brazilian art. Third, we encourage an international perspective that investigates networks of modernist photography through transnational photo clubs, salons, exhibitions, and the many magazines that flourished domestically and across Latin America, the United States and Europe.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 
The Celeste Bartos Theater, The Museum of Modern Art (4 West 54 Street)
6-8pm: Keynote Panel at MoMA (RSVP HERE)
ModeratorEdward Sullivan, The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Roberto Conduru, Rio de Janeiro State University
Helouise Costa, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Universidade de São Paulo
Heloísa Espada, Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo
Sarah Hermanson Meister, The Museum of Modern Art
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Martin E. Segal Theater, The Graduate Center, CUNY (365 Fifth Avenue)
9:30-9:45am: Opening Remarks
9:45-11:45am: International Photographic Networks in Brazil and Beyond
Moderator: Claudia Calirman, Associate Professor, John Jay College, CUNY
Lucas Menezes, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, Université Paris 1—Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris
“Where are the pretas of Bahia and the morenas of Rio? The Collection of Brazilian Photographs of the Société Française de Photographie.”
Marly Porto, M.A. Candidate, Art History, Universidade de São Paulo
“The Salons of Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante (1942 - 60): A Venue for the Promotion, Sharing and Update of Photography by National and International Photo Clubs”
Marcio Siwi, Ph.D. Candidate, History, New York University
“Making the Cultured City: The Rise of the Modern Art Museum in Postwar São Paulo
Alise Tifentale, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Bandeirante photographers in global context: Brazilian participation in FIAP, 1950–1965”
11:45am-1pm: Lunch Break
1:00-2:30pmReversing Spheres of Influence: The Artists of Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante
Moderator: Harper Montgomery, Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art, Hunter College, CUNY
Ana Cândida de Avelar, Adjunct Professor, Department of Fine Arts, University of Brasília
Recreations, by José Oiticica Filho: Concrete Art and Gesture”
Adrian Anagnost, Assistant Professor, Newcomb Art Department, Tulane University, New Orleans
“São Paulo Gestalts: Geraldo de Barros' Fotoformas (1946-51)”
Paula V. Kupfer, Independent Scholar
“Gertrudes Altschul and the Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante: Modern Photography and Femininity in 1950s São Paulo.”
2:30-3pm: Coffee Break
3-4:30pm: Race and Circulation in the Urban Sphere
Moderator: Anna Indych-López, Associate Professor, City College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Monica Bravo, Lecturer, History of Art Department and Program in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration, Yale University
Faces and Places: Genevieve Naylor’s Photographic Impressions of Race in Brazil”
Danielle Stewart, Ph.D. Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Isto É São Paulo: Depictions of Race in the Forth Centennial Photo Books”
Abigail Lapin Dardashti, MRC Fellow, The Museum of Modern Art; Ph.D. Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante in PrintImmigration and the Redefinition of Whiteness in São Paulo”
4:30-6pm: Reception
The conference is organized by Abigail Lapin Dardashti, Museum Research Consortium Fellow, Department of Photography, MoMA and Ph.D. Candidate, CUNY, and Sarah Hermanson Meister, Curator, Department of Photography, MoMA.
Co-sponsored by The International Council at The Museum of Modern Art; and at The Graduate Center, City University of New York: The Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC); Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC); the Dominican Studies Group; the Center for the Humanities; and the The Rewald Endowment of the Ph.D. Program in Art History.


Fulbright NY Open Salon (May 2017)

Fulbright NY Open Salon (May 2017)


Tue, May 9, 2017
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDT


New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
16 West 61st Street
11th Floor Auditorium
New York, NY 10023
United States

Please join us on Tuesday, May 9th for the latest edition in our Fulbright NY Open Salon series. Our Open Salons are opportunities to hear about Fulbrighters' work by doing presentations in a cross-disciplinary, informal atmosphere, for feedback, critique or to instigate thought.
Our palette of Fulbright presenters for May's salon includes:
Juliane Bazzo is currently a Fulbright scholar at CUNY (Queens College and The Graduate Center) who will be speaking on the agency of the bullying concept in contemporary Brazil. The concept has permeated with intensity in Brazilian debates about race, gender and class and thus has impacted the exercise of citizenship in the contemporary Brazilian scenario. Juliane's research reflects on how the notion of bullying has informed subjects' daily actions at schools, public policies, media coverage, and more. Her recent publications include “Memories Revisited: On the Retroactive Testimonies of Victims of Bullying in the Brazilian Context” and “The weave of kinship and the ever-mobile fishing village of Barra de Ararapira - Superagüi Island, Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil."
Christine Garvey is a Fulbright alumna to Italy and an artist whose work often incorporates mixed media and collage. She explores the link between technological advancement and artistic representation of the body: "the yawning gap between what it feels like to have a body and what 21st-century technology allows us to know about how the human body looks and operates." (Brooklyn MagazineChristine has exhibited internationally, including solo exhibitions with Galerie Circulaire (Montreal), Sur La Montagne Galerie (Berlin), Phra Nakorn Gallery (Bangkok) and SACI Jules Maidoff Gallery (Italy).
Ishita Tiwary is currently a Fulbright scholar at Columbia University. She is also a research associate with the Sarai Programme at the Centre for the Study of Developing Society (CSDS). Her work has been published in Post Script and Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies amongst others. She was the publicist for the award winning documentary Cities of Sleep. Ishita's research interests include the role of informal media economies, technology and media cultures. She will be presenting her research on the history of the VHS in India, including its role in the development of the political video news magazine and thepopularity of the wedding video.
Come join us for an evening of captivating presentations and conversation!
What: Fulbright NY Open Salon (May 2017)
When: Tuesday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: NYIT, 16 West 61st Street, 11th Floor Auditorium (between Broadway & Columbus)
RSVP: RSVP required (click "Tickets" to choose from the ticket options)

Workshop: Teaching Kids to Program with KIBO

Thursday, May 11, 2017 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
The New York Academy of Sciences
Presented by Science Education

KIBO is a new way for children ages 4–7 to gain sequential learning skills, introducing them to the world of robotics and computer programming in an accessible and fun environment. Based on over 15 years of research in learning technologies and child development at Tufts University, this workshop is designed for educators, after school programs, summer camps, and parents who home school their young children. KIBO builds students' STEAM skills through play!
Workshop participants will experience KIBO hands-on and receive instruction on creating learning experiences for students 4–7 years, with lessons that are creative, fun, and closely linked with activities found in these learning environments. KIBO gives children the chance to make their ideas physical and tangible — exactly what their young minds and bodies need. And KIBO does all this without requiring screen time from PCs, tablets or smartphones.
During this workshop, participants will learn about:
  • •   How to introduce coding to youth through sequential learning
  • •   Theory and development of KIBO, and how it works
  • •   Enhancing educational programming with KIBO for STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math)
  • •   Other programs using coding for youth

Registration Pricing

Member (Student / Postdoc / Resident / Fellow)$30
Nonmember (Student / Postdoc / Resident / Fellow)

Conferência sobre o ensino,
​promoção e manutenção do PLH


veja a programação

É com prazer que anunciamos a 4a edição da Conferência sobre o ensino, promoção e manutenção do português como língua de herança, um evento internacional, aberto a educadores, pesquisadores e outros profissionais ligados ao PLH e pais de brasileirinhos de todo o mundo. O tema em 2017 - Prática, preparo, prioridades, profissionalização: o PLH no prumo - se refere a uma reflexão sobre a prática do PLH nos últimos anos, tendo como enfoque a discussão da necessidade de profissionalização desse campo de estudos. Tal necessidade é resultado do crescimento do número de iniciativas e profissionais nessa área, e da demonstração dos benefícios singulares desse tipo de bilinguismo.

O formato proposto para 2017 tem como objetivo incentivar apresentações sobre a prática do PLH: o que tem sido feito, as conquistas, os desafios, as limitações; socializando, assim, as questões que preocupam os educadores, permitindo a criação em conjunto de ferramentas que beneficiem o bilinguismo que envolve uma língua de herança de maneira efetiva. As atividades serão realizadas de forma a analisarmos filosofias, metodologias, currículos e estratégias utilizadas nessa prática.

Essa profissionalização é pensada não só para o educador, mas também para os pais que desejam desenvolver esse estilo de vida bilíngue no contexto familiar, de forma a dar continuidade ao que é realizado na iniciativa. Além disso, a conferência também dará suporte àqueles que desejam criar materiais didáticos e paradidáticos para os falantes de português como língua de herança.

Pela manhã, teremos palestras e apresentações; à tarde, LABS (atividades práticas e interativas), nas quais um time de especialistas em planejamento, prática, avaliação e vitalidade da língua portuguesa estará guiando práticas e discussões multidisciplinares, envolvendo assuntos como aspectos fonológicos, da escrita, literatura, música, arte, teatro, dança, culinária e muito mais. Você não pode perder!

​O encontro será realizado na cidade de Nova Iorque e os palestrantes principais são Maristela Loureiro, Ana Tatit e Ilan Brenman.
Apoio cultural: Consulado do Brasil em NY.

                                                                                                                                           veja aqui como foi a 3CPLH   

Conheça os palestrantes principais

 Feira do Livro é parte da programação também!!!Picture

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