Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Confira a agenda do 13º Seminário 
"Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano" 
em Miami, e inscreva-se já!
A 13ª edição do seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano", organizado pela Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF), que será realizado nos dias 2, 3 e 4 de Outubro em Doral na Flórida, no Hotel Provident Doral At the Blue, está se aproximando. O seminário é destinado a executivos, empresários, e empreendedores brasileiros que tem o interesse de expandir os negócios de suas empresas, desejo de iniciar um novo projeto, ou o intuito imigratório profissional nos EUA. Sendo completamente em Português, este é um evento de três dias, onde os primeiros dois são compostos por palestras informativas por profissionais experientes em diversas áreas de negócios. Apresentações de "Case Studies" de empresas brasileiras que se internacionalizaram e profissionais brasileiros que desenvolveram seus projetos nos EUA. O terceiro dia será de visitas técnicas a empresas localizadas 
no Sul da Flórida.
Palestras, Eventos e Visitas Técnicas*:
Segunda-Feira (02/10)
  • Como internacionalizar uma empresa Brasileira (Ubirajara Marques Curto - Sócio Diretor, Center Group Brasil)
  • Investimentos por pessoas físicas e jurídicas no exterior (Samir Choaib - Sócio, Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados, Membro do  Comitê Consultivo da BACCF) 
  • Importação e logística nos EUA (Raul Barbosa - Rohlig USA LLC, Membro do Conselho da BACCF)   
  • As facilidades que o Banco do Brasil Américas oferece aos Brasileiros nos EUA (Cassio Segura - CEO, Banco do Brasil Américas; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Como operacionalizar uma empresa e fazer negócios nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Técnicas de Networking em eventos nos EUA (David Charner - Presidente, ERC Consultants)
  • Evento - Happy Hour/Business Card Exchange - Networking com empresários da Flórida
Terça-Feira (03/10)
  • Contratação de pessoas e o mercado de trabalho nos EUA (Jonathan Hall - Sócio, PrideStaff) 
  • Os prós e contras de adquirir uma franquia nos EUA (Jon Aboitiz - Consultor Especialista em Franquias, FranPassport)
  • Oportunidades de investimento e o programa EB-5 (Andre Salles - Diretor de Investimentos, Driftwood Acquisitions & Development, LP) 
  • Aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários (Alexandre Piquet - Fundador e Sócio-Gerente, Piquet Law Firm; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Case - Processo de internacionalização de empresas Brasileiras (João Barbosa - CEO USA, Purple Networks (V2V), Membro do Conselho do Giraffas USA)   
  • Case - Processo de exportação de perecíveis aos EUA (Frederico Tavares - Gerente de Comércio Internacional, UGBP: Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya)
  • Case - Bauducco (Erik Volavicius - Gerente de Marketing, Bauducco Foods Inc.)
Quarta-Feira (04/10)
  • Visita Técnica - FedEx
  • Visita técnica - Prefeitura da cidade de Doral (Manuel Pila - Diretor de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Doral)
  • The Beacon Council (Mario J. Sacasa - Vice-Presidente de Desenvolvimento Econômico Internacional, Beacon Council)
  • Entrada no mercado e empreendendo nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
(*Agenda sujeita a alterações)
Para mais informações clique aqui: 
Ou entre em contato via 
Data limite para inscrição no seminário: 25 de setembro de 2017
Piquet Law Firm, 1000 Brickell Avenue, Suite 201, Miami, FL 33131

Organizing for Action

Today is Women's Equality Day -- the 97th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote.

While this is a chance for us to reflect on and celebrate the hard work that made that milestone possible, it's important to acknowledge how far we still have to go to ensure true equality for all women.

We've come a long way -- but there's still work to do. Even at the time of its passage, the 19th amendment left out many women of color. And today, there are still many areas in which women are not truly treated equally.

On average, full-time working women are still earning less than their male counterparts, and that gap is even wider when race and ethnicity are taken into account. Too many women face barriers while trying to access reproductive health care. Just last month, congressional leaders pushed for an Obamacare repeal bill that would have slashed Medicaid and defunded Planned Parenthood, making it significantly more difficult and costly for millions of women to access critical health care services.

That's why it's crucial that we keep working -- that we keep defending Obamacare, pushing for equal pay for equal work, and making sure that no mom (or dad) has to decide between collecting a paycheck and caring for a sick family member.

If you're ready to get involved in these fights, take the first step by finding your local OFA chapter.

This administration is going to keep threatening our progress. We can't give up our fight for a fair country where women are respected and treated equally.

So today, recommit to continuing the fight for equality.

Get involved
A beautiful mixture of Fashion and Art in one exhibition.
Designers from FIT will be showcasing their pieces in a magical fashion show, filled with talent and beauty! 
Supported by:
Cachaça Leblon

Brazil Week in Newark 2017 

Expo Brazil
Lavagem da Rua 46, Brazilian Cultural Parade and Carnival 
Brazilian Day Festival

Brazil Week  is a free event which promotes the Brazilian culture, tourism and business in the United States through a series of activities that take place annually in the last week of August. 

Brazil Week is in its ninth year, seven years in New York and two years in Newark giving lectures, workshops, art exhibitions, cultural presentations, fashion shows and business round tables.

Over the years, Brazil Week has given various Brazilian artists the opportunity to exhibit their diverse works, such as photography, films, the plastic arts, poetry, theater, fashion, music and dance performances.This year Brazil Week celebrates its third year in Newark with a tribute to the Brazilian woman. This year the Brazilian Day Festival event, brings to Newark the traditional Lavagem da Rua 46, a cultural parade.

The event will also feature displays of the typical clothes of ethnic folklore of these states through artistic and cultural exhibitions, musical performances, dance, lectures and workshops.

Expo Brazil 
The Expo Brazil at City Hall brings the exhibition highlighting the significant role of women in Brazilian society, "Women of Power"and Axé. Other activities include, lectures, musical performances, film screening, debates and book launch are on the agenda at Expo Brazil.
In 2017, the Expo Brazil honors women who have made a difference in Brazil's history and society and promote Ethnic Tourism. Under the themes "Women of Power and Axé", two cultural exhibits shed light on the Brazilian woman's struggle for equal rights and their achievements. The first part of the exhibition highlights the courage of the warriors of Tejucupapo (village of the 17th century distant 60 km from Recife), the Bahia Maria Quitéria and the African Luísa Mahin. Dolls of the warriors of the colonial period, will be a composite of the environment that also brings the exposure of photographs of Brazilian women who struggle for a better world and make a difference in society today. The second segment of the exhibition presents the sacred and spiritual power of Women with Axé and the strength of the Orixás Iemanjá, Oxum and Iansã, they legacy and popularity those African deities associate with catolicismo is the most beautiful sacred and profane annual celebration in Brazil. Other activities include, lectures, musical performances, film screening, debates and book launch are on the agenda at Expo Brazil.
August 30th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Opening Ceremony

Brazil Week At The Newark City Hall
In 2017, Brazil Week honors women who have made a difference in Brazil's history and society and promote Ethnic Tourism. Under the themes "Women of Power and Axé", two cultural exhibits.
Venue: Newark City Hall
Date: Aug. 30 to Sept. 30 
Time: 9am to 5pm daily 
Brazil Week's Official Opening Ceremony
Opening Music presentation by Alexandre Cavalcante
Welcome the Brazilian Committee Arriving at City Hall
Official opening of the Brazil Week Exhibition at City Hall
Mr. Mayor Ras Baraka, of Newark, NJ, greets Mrs. Luislinda Valois, Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship of Brazil and Lucia Maierá, Deputy Consul General Consul-General of Brazil in New York.
"Salute to Mulheres de Poder e Axé" Presentation pays a tribute to the deities of Afro Brazilian Religious Candomblé and to all Women with power and their way of life. 
Cultural Music and Dance Performance by;
Davi Vieira, Alexandre Cavalcante, Monika Oliveira,Joana Nova York, Ana Fernandes, Janete Silva,Cidinha Oliveira, Daniele Lima and Dancers ensemble, Nao Yamada and Samba New York Group.
MC Gorges Roberts introduces the event 
Official Public Introduction by Mr Mayor Ras Baraka of Newark, NJ to the Brazilian Dignitaries and guests.
Mantena Care Global Kids
American and Brazilian National Anthem
MC Gorges Roberts invites the drummers  and every one to go outside.
Drummers and dancers lead the public outside
Brazilian Flag will be raised outside of The City Hall building.
MC George Roberts announcements
Opening remarks by Mr. Ras Baraka, Mayor of Newark, NJ
Speech by Closing remarks byMinister of Human Rights Luislinda Valois from Brazil,Lucia Maierá Deputy Consul General Consulate General of Brazil.
Mrs.Silvana Magda, CEO and Producer S.M. Viva Brazil Inc., Brazil Week and Lavagem da Rua 46, Brazilian Cultural Parade and Carnival, Mr. Jose Moreira, CEO and Producer of the Brazusa Cultural Center and Brazilian Day Festival.
Fashion Show by Simone Rodrigues
Makeup and hair by Cleiva Allakani
7:20pm to 8pm
Cocktails / Gran Finale
In addition, all will be treated to a Brazilian Dance Presentation. 

August 31 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Round table discussion on Woman's Empowerment
Venue: Newark City Hall Address: 920 Broad St,
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Meeting led by Her Excellency, Luislinda Valois, Minister of State for Human Rights, who will launch her book "Black thinkers of Brazil". Round table discussion with Brazilian Women seeking opportunities in foreign lands.

The attendees of this Round Table panel will be The Ambassador Ana Petersen, Consul-General of Brazil in New York, Mrs. Anita Mignone from Mignone Lazaro Law Firm, LLC Lay form, Mrs. Solange Paizante, Mantena Global Care, Mrs.Esther Sanches Community Lead and Mrs.Ligia de Freitas. Senior Mayor's  Aide.
Music Presentation By Nina.

September 02, 2:00 p.m.
''Co-Naming Ceremony"
At Ferry St, Chambers St
Newark, New Jersey.

Chambers Street received the name of our country, which has always been a dream of our Brazilian community, it will now be officially inaugurated at Chambers St. with the name "Brazil Square", the Corner of Happiness.
This day will be celebrated with a civic ceremony with various Brazilian and international authorities and lots of music and dance.
1pm - DJ Junior Opens the stage inviting everyone to attend the   opening of Brazilian Day
2pm - DJ calls on stage hosts George Roberts and Brazilian TV celebrity Ticiane Pinheiro
2:15pm - The hosts call to the stage the authorities
                 Mr. Mayor Ras Baraka and Organizers
                 Silvana Magda and José Moreira.
                 They are then introduced to the public.
2:35pm - Ticiane Pinheiro invites the  singer
               Arthur Jardim to sing the American National Anthem
2:45pm - George Roberts invites singer Joanna Nova York
                to sing the Brazilian National Anthem
2:50pm - George Roberts Invites Mr. Mayor Ras Baraka,
                Ministra Luislinda Valois, Minister of Human Rights
                and Citizenship of Brazil, Minister  Roberto Ardenguy, Cônsul-Geral Adjunto, (Other authorities present), Silvana Magda and José Moreira speak on the event.
The cloth is removed from the plate and it is officially
co-named "Brazil Square"
2:55pm -   MC George Roberts thanks everyone and invites them
                to the Brazilian Day Stage location "All the Rhythms"
                Samba New York and Daniela Lima and dancers
                lead the way
3pm - 4pm -  DJ Junior Commands Party
4pm - 4:30pm -  Samba NY and singer Ana Fernandes
4:40pm - 5pm - DJ Junior
5:pm - 6pm - Joana Nova York performs
6:pm - 7pm - MC George calls to the stage the international
                     attraction directly from Brazil - Nina.
7pm - 8pm - Direct from Brazil, Edu Casanova
8pm - 9pm - Direct from Brazil, Magary Lord
9pm -10pm - Evellin special guest Direct from Brazil/
                     Casa Nova Band
10pm -11pm - Direct from Brazil, Trem Bala
11pm -12pm - Direct from Brazil, Luxuria Band

September 03
Lavagem da Rua 46 in Newark
Brazilian Cultural Parade and Carnival
From Penn Station, parade along Ferry Street 
End at Chambers Street (Brazil Square)

The Lavagem da Rua 46 is a cultural parade that has been going on for eight years in the United States. 
In 2017, it will make its debut on The Brazilian Day of Newark. The parade begins at Penn Station and Ferry Street,
and goes along Ferry and ends at Niagara
and Chambers Street. (Brazil Square)
The participants in the parade will be accompanied by
 passers-by, drums from samba schools, Samba dancers, Capoeiristas,Baianas, frevo dancers and many more, all dressed up in colorful costumes. Each wing of the parade brings some of the traditions from all regions of Brazil.


 8am - Preparation of the Carnival participants
          at the Firehouse, 56 Prospect Street. Newark
10am - Concentration at Newark Penn Station
11am - Positioning of authorities and floats
11:30am - Departure of the parade
1pm - Arrival at Chambers St.(Brazil Square).

Sept. 2 & 3
Brazilian Day Newark Festival 
1:00 p.m. to 11:00pm 
Ferry Street with Niagara Street 

Brazilian Day Stage
1pm - DJ Erv Master
2pm - Official Opening, George Roberts and Ticiane Pinheiro
2pm - Special thanks to the Mayor of Newark New Jersey
Mr. Ras Baraka, Silvana Magda and Jose Moreira
Opening with the American National Anthem by Arthur Jardim
followed by the Brazilian National Anthem by Joanna Nova York
3pm - Samba NY stage performance
3:15pm- Judges and stage preparation for Queen of Samba competition
4pm - 5pm The Queen of Samba contest
5pm - Host MC Kadu Cristo takes the stage
5pm - 6pm - DJ Erv Master
6pm - 7pm - Direct from Brazil, singer Luis Marcell
7pm - 8pm - Direct from Brazil, Evellin Oliveira
8pm - 10pm - Calcinha Preta
10pm -11pm- Santa Fe / Casa Nova
11pm -12am- MC George Roberts and MC Kadu Christ calls the invites the Organizers and artists present to close the evening.

For more information, please contact Silvana Magda.       Email:   Tel: (917) 528-8151

Facebook   Twitter   LinkedIn   
Silvana Magda / Brazil Week, PO BOX 129, NY, NY 10185



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of Small Business Owners!



Remaining 2017 Shows
Phoenix 8.31.17
Los Angeles 9.14.17
San Diego 9.21.17 
Austin 10.3.17
Houston 10.19.17
Tampa 10.26.17 
Atlanta 11.9.17 
2018 Schedule
Dallas 1.24.18
Miami 2.14.178
Philadelphia 4.12.18
Washington DC 4.20.18
New York City 5.03.18 
Boston 5.17.18
Chicago 5.24.18
Denver 6.07.18
San Francisco 8.16.18
Los Angeles 10.18.18 
San Diego 10.25.18
Phoenix 10.31.18
Atlanta 11.15.18
Austin 12.06.18
Houston 12.13.18 
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