Thursday, September 28, 2017


Learn on-the-go with Google 

Google is presenting on the Main Stage at five of the
upcoming Small Business Expos, and you can watch live
from wherever you are.
Check out the topics and dates below, and click the link(s) below to RSVP.

September 21st at 10:30 PT // 1:30 ET: Make Your Website Work for You

October 3rd at 8:30 PT // 11:30 ET: Sharing Your Story Through Video

October 19th at 8:30 PT // 11:30 ET: Grow Your Business Online with Google

October 26th at 7:30 PT // 10:30 ET: Simple Steps to Online Safety

November 9th at 7:30 PT // 10:30 ET: Get Found on Google Search and Maps 


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555 8th Avenue, Suite 909, New York, NY, 10018

Organizing for Action

The numbers are in on Graham-Cassidy -- the Senate's dangerous, last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare. They're not pretty.

If you're one of the 130 million Americans with a pre-existing condition, you may pay a lot more for your health care.

Call your senator's office and tell them to oppose Obamacare opponent's latest version of repeal.

This isn't a health care bill. It's a devastating threat to millions of Americans.

We've stopped repeal before, and we can do it again. But we have to keep speaking out. Call, call, and keep calling key senators.

Make the call



booth G48

September 29 - October 1, 2017

KIMDAEJUNG Convention Center

An Jung Hwan, Monique Bertina, Maria Chekina,
Nicolas Curmer, Benjamin Duke,
Fusako Ekuni, Kim Joo Ho, Libbet Loughnan,
Gilles Teboul & Ra Da Un
제8회 광주국제아트페어 '아트:광주17'이 9월 28일부터 10월1일까지 김대중컨벤션센터에서 열린다.
올해 아트:광주17은 본전시와 기획전, 특별전, 부대행사, 미술장터로 채워지며 본 전시는 광주지역 갤러리 10곳과 서울 외 기타지역 41곳이 참여하게 된다. 해외갤러리는 중국, 일본, 프랑스, 영국, 미국, 대만 등 6개국에서 18곳이 참여하며 특히 중국 789예술구 중심에 위치한 '양 갤러리'와 프랑스 '프랑수아즈 리비넥' 갤러리가 참여하기로 해 관심을 모으고 있다. 본 전시에서는 개인작가들의 부스도 함께 운영되는데, 올해 행사는 지난해(115명) 20% 가량 늘어난 136명의 작가들이 참여할 예정이다. 
기획전에서는 문인화의 거장 '남농 허건'과 '아산 조방원'의 작품을 감상할 수 있는 자리를 마련했다. 기획전 중 하나로 준비된 '예향공예명품'전에서는 무등산 분청사기, 강진 청자, 옻칠공예와 함께 현대공예작가들이 참여해 전통과 현대를 아우르는 다채로운 남도공예의 품격을 보여줄 계획이다.
지난해 아트광주에서 호응을 얻었던 '민화전'은 올해에도 감상할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. '민화전'을 재기획한 '모란이 피기까지'전은 가회박물관 소장품과 호남민화사랑회 작가들의 작품으로 구성, 민화 고유의 작품세계를 선보일 예정이다.
청년작가들을 위해 매년 기획해 온 '청년작가'전은 지역 및 전국 청년작가 60인을 초대해 진행한다. 11개 도시 초대작가전은 부산시ㆍ대구시ㆍ인천시ㆍ울산시ㆍ대전시ㆍ강원ㆍ경남ㆍ충북ㆍ전북ㆍ전남ㆍ제주 등에서 활동중인 작가들의 작품을 감상할 수 있는 자리다.
이 밖에도 중국 우한시 특별전과 부대행사로 '판화체험''공예체험' 등 다양한 체험행사들이 준비돼 있다.


Private Preview & Vernissage
Thursday, September 28 | 3 pm - 8 pm (by invitation only)

General Admission
Friday, September 29 | 10 am - 8 pm
Saturday, September 30 | 10 am - 8 pm
Sunday, October 1 | 10 am - 6 pm

KIMDAEJUNG Convention Center
Gwangju, South Korea


galerie bruno massa
102, rue des Poissonniers
75018 Paris, France

from October 1st 2017
66, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris, France

tel. +33 (0) 6 61 00 10 33 only via FaceTime, Viber & WhatsApp
by appointment from Monday to Friday
11 am - 8 pm

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter


Economic Observer
Rhetoric Ratchets Up

Overview: Over the past week, the main influences on mortgage rates were an escalation in tensions with North Korea and additional details about a proposed tax reform plan. These had offsetting effects, and mortgage rates ended with little change. 

The rhetoric between the U.S. and North Korea shifted to a higher gear over the past week. On Friday, North Korea threatened to detonate a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific. Then on Monday, North Korean officials said that they interpreted President Trump's weekend comments as a declaration of war. Investors responded to both events by shifting from riskier assets such as stocks to relatively safer assets, including U.S. mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The added demand for MBS caused mortgage rates to decline.

However, the improvement was reversed on Wednesday when President Trump released additional details about a proposed tax plan. If this plan or a similar one is passed, it is expected to boost economic growth and raise the outlook for future inflation. Since higher inflation is negative for mortgage rates, rates moved higher. In addition, the budget deficit is expected to increase under the tax plan. This potential increase in the supply of bonds was also bad for mortgage rates.

In August, sales of newly constructed homes unexpectedly dropped from July to the lowest level since December 2016. According to the Commerce Department, though, the data in Texas and Florida may have been affected by the recent hurricanes. On a more positive note, the inventory of new homes for sale rose to a 6.1-month supply, which was the highest level since July 2014.

Week Ahead

Looking ahead, the core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, the inflation indicator favored by the Fed, will be released on Friday. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Index will come out on October 2, followed by the ISM Services Index on October 4. The next Employment Report will be released on October 6. Note that any changes in the relationship with North Korea could influence mortgage rates. 

$70 billion! That’s how much mobile digital ad spend is estimated to reach in 2018. In such a fast growing, increasingly competitive market, even the savviest of marketers struggle to optimize for mobile and stay ahead of shifting consumer behaviors.

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Organizing for Action

Gunshots are loud.

A single shot makes more noise, per decibel, than an airliner taking off. Or a firework exploding. Or a jackhammer chipping away at a sidewalk.

It's that distinctive noise that alerts our police to an active shooter. It helps victims and other innocent bystanders figure out where gunfire is coming from, so they can move to safety. And it gives those who are thinking about firing a gun pause, knowing that it'll draw attention.

It's pretty simple: The noise that guns make helps prevent gun violence ... yet somehow, that's exactly what the gun lobby and their friends in Congress are fighting against with their bill that would allow anyone to buy a gun silencer without so much as a background check.

Join me and Valerie Jarrett, former Senior Advisor to President Obama, on a call this Friday at 11 a.m. EST to talk about this threat to public safety -- and how we can work together to stop it.

The gun lobby claims this bill is meant to protect hunter's hearing, but that's just an excuse. It's nothing more than an effort to drive more sales for corporations who manufacture and sell firearm silencers -- cutting regulations that have been in place for 80 years so that anyone, even criminals and domestic abusers, can get a hold of a silencer, no questions asked.

It defies major law enforcement enforcement organizations, who have come out strongly against it. It defies the majority of Americans who want smart, sensible solutions.

It defies common-sense.

Gabby and I are fighting hard against it, but we need your help. We're thrilled Valerie is joining Friday's call -- and we hope you will, too. Say you're in:

I'm in

Captain Mark Kelly

Co-Founder, Americans for Responsible Solutions

Organizing for Action

Just wanted to make sure you got the details for tomorrow morning's call with Valerie Jarrett, former Senior Advisor to President Obama, and Captain Mark Kelly, co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions.

We'll be talking about the SHARE Act, a bill supported by the gun lobby that could make gun silencers available to anyone -- including criminals and domestic abusers -- without a background check. On the call, we'll be going over ways we can stop this disastrous bill from becoming law.

Here are the details:

What: SHARE Act briefing call with special guests Valerie Jarrett and Mark Kelly

When: Friday, September 22, 11 a.m. ET

If it becomes law, the SHARE Act may put our safety at risk. It's up to all of us to get involved in pushing back against it, and that starts with getting on tomorrow's call.

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